Escape from the Underworld

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Back in Mr. McGregor's garden, Mr. McGregor was looking at the mail in his mailbox, when he sees Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail inside it. Mr. McGregor: "What the?!, I can understand seeing rabbits in my garden, but in my mailbox?!" Flopsy: "Something tells me we better leave." Mopsy: "Uh huh!" Cottontail: "That's for sure." so with that, the sisters hopped out of the mailbox and left the garden, and Mr. McGregor yelled at the rabbits to stay out of his garden and his mail. Flopsy: "I wonder where Peter is..." Mopsy: "Um... you don't think he went after that carrot box all the Zanzibar, do ya?" Cottontail: "I sure hope not, mother would not be happy to learn that Peter is that far away." Flopsy: "We better go after him." Mopsy: "Yeah, he might be a liar sometimes, but he's still our brother." said Mopsy, before she and her sisters hopped off to find their brother. Meanwhile, in the underworld, Peter sees that the place was like an underground cave world, full of hot lava and steam. He also noticed a lot of people in chains and were being enslaved by other demon dragons. Peter: "Oh no... is this what's gonna happened to my friends?, I gotta find them before it's too late... and after that, I vow that I'll never tell anymore lies for the rest of my life..." the rabbit said to himself, before he continues his search for his friends. It wasn't long before he finds the cage that contained his friends, and hops to it. Fluff: "Peter?, is that you?" Peter: "Yes, and don't worry, I'm gonna get you guys out of there." Tommy: "How?" Peter: "That I don't know... maybe there's a key around here..." Benny: "Peter!, look out!" shouted Benny, before ScreamClaw appears and grabs Peter by the neck, and throws him into the cage to join his friends. ScreamClaw: "I had a feeling that you would come and try rescuing them, which of course was a failure." ThunderSmacker: "And don't try to tick us again with your lies." SpaceWarp: "Telling little white lies is n-n-never a good idea to begin with." ScreamClaw: "As even a little white lie can get really big, really fast, and a big lie can get you trapped, and you Peter Rabbit... you made a really big lie!" said ScreamClaw, before laughing in a crazy way, and left the scene with the other two demon dragons. Back in the cage, Peter looks down and felt miserable. Peter: "I'm so sorry guys..." Tommy: "They caught you off guard, they're really good at that." Peter: "No I meant... for lying... noun of this would have happened if I just told you all the truth... and my sisters would still be... let's face it... I was a very silly and bad bunny..." said Peter before he begins to cry and hiding his face from his friends. Fluff couldn't help but feel very sorry for Peter, and went over to him before wrapping her arms around his neck, trying to comfort him. Fluff: "Don't cry Peter... we all made mistakes." Gidget: "Yeah... having our souls getting owned by the Demon dragons was our own fault, not yours." Peter: "But I lied that I knew how to get you guys home... and I doubt you could ever forgive me..." Jokey: "Well... I don't know if we should go back." Jokeo: "Yeah... even if we do get back to our home lands, we would still be animals... and I don't think we could go back to our old lives either..." Tommy: "And you know what... after spending time with you guys... I think I feel safer and happier by being with my friends." Gidget: "Me too, especially since I didn't had any friends before I left Japan." Benny: "And I know that you would never try to make lies that would actually hurt someone." Peter: "Yeah... but now we're trapped down here forever... and I'll never see my mother or sisters again..." Fluff: "Don't be like that Peter, I'm sure we'll find a way." Benny: "Hey look, there's a key over there." said Benny, as he points his paw at a key, hanging on the wall not too far away. Jokeo: "Too bad we don't have a way to get that key to open this cage so we can escape." Jokey: "I'll get it." said Jokey, before he used his front paws to band the cage's two bars in front of him, and walks up to the key and grabs it and comes back into the cage. Jokey: "Okay guys, I did get the key." said the hyena, before noticing that everyone was starring at him with their lower jaws opened, blinking once or twice for a minute, much to his confusion. Jokey: "What?" Tommy: "You could bend those bars at any time?" Jokey: "Yeah... I am pretty strong." Jokeo: "And yet you still think that we really need the key to get out, when we have a way out already?" Jokey: "Really?, where is... oh... I didn't think of that." Peter: "Don't worry about it, what matters now is that we can get out of here." Tommy: "Well then, let's go." and so with that, the furry kids were now on their way out of the underworld, but then Peter noticed something near the exit. Fluff: "Is that... a dog?" Tommy: "Cerberus... the giant three headed demon dog that guards the entrance to the Underworld..." said Tommy, as he sees that it was indeed Cerberus, sleeping near the entrance, or exit in their case. Benny: "What now?" Gidget: "We have to pass through very quietly... or we might wake him up..." Jokey: "And I don't think he's the type that likes to wake up from his nap..." said Jokey quietly, before he and the others begins to tip toe their way to the exit. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a growl, before Jokey let out a big burp the shook the whole place, waking up the angry demon dog. Jokeo: "Jokey!" said Jokeo with an angry tone in his voice at his twin. Jokey: "Sorry..." said the hyena, before he and the others were now cornered by Cerberus. Peter: "I guess this is the end for us..." Benny: "Peter!, play another trick or something!" Peter: "Like what?, I made a vow of not to tell another lie again!" Jokeo: "Back off Cerberus!, I got a giant wooden spoon here!, and I'm not afraid to use it!" said Jokeo, as he did indeed had a big wooden spoon, much to the group's surprise. Gidget: "Where did you get that?" Tommy: "And where were you even hiding it?" Jokeo: "Um... I rather not say..." said Jokeo nervously, before noticing that Cerberus seemed to be happy and excited by the sight of the spoon. Jokey: "Hey Jokeo, I think Cerberus likes your spoon." Jokeo: "Yeah... I think you're right." Gidget: "I think he wants to play fetch with that spoon.." Tommy: "Of course, Cerberus might be a demon dog, but he's still a dog." Fluff: "That's so cute." Benny: "Yeah... if you have a thing for giant three headed demon dogs..." said Benny, before Jokeo throws the spoon into the underworld, and Cerberus goes after it, allowing the group to escape. Meanwhile, the Demon trio have returned to the prison room, only to see that the cage was empty, and it's bars were bent. ScreamClaw: "What the?!, how did they escape?!" SpaceWarp: "It looks like they b-b-bend the b-b-bars..." ThunderSmacker: "Don't be ridicules, there's no way those twerps have the strength to do that!" ScreamClaw: "It doesn't matter, we gotta get them back!" shouted the red Demon Dragon, before he and the other two demon dragons flew off to go after the kids.

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