Peter Rabbit and Frosty the Snowman

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It was a cold winter day when an elderly Demon Dragon, named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), was sitting on a rocking chair next to a fireplace inside his cave, holding a book and then noticed the readers. Boney 10: "Oh hello folks, for those who don't know me, I'm Boney 10, a friendly Demon Dragon who has a soft spot for kids... like the little rabbits that's in the story I'm about to tell you... it's a tale about a rabbit named Peter Rabbit, his friends, and a special snowman that was a happy jolly soul... it all began on a day that a certain forest got some snow for the first time as winter got started." said Boney 10, before he opens the book as the scene changes to show a forest that had snow all over the place. Not too far away, a group of young rabbits were playing in the snow, and having a lot of fun. The first one was Peter Rabbit (voiced by Cam Clarke) who wore a blue jacket, then there's Benny (voiced by Jeff Bennett), Peter's cousin, and then there's Peter's sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail (all voiced by Debbie Derryberry), along with Fluff (also voiced by Debbie Derryberry), a white rabbit who happens to be Peter's girlfriend. It wasn't long before another group of kids showed up, and they were humans once before they got cursed by some demons some time ago. The first one was a fox boy named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), the second was a Mew girl named Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) and finally there's the hyena twins named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), and it looks like they're making what looked like a giant snowball. Peter: "Hey Tommy, what are you and the others doing?" Tommy: "We're building a snowman of course." Benny: "Don't you mean snow bunny?" Gidget: "Well don't forget, we used to be humans before our transformation, so we're used to human things still." Jokey: "We could make a snow bunny?" Jokeo: "Maybe, but the ears might be more tricky to do... so let's start with a snowman." Flopsy: "Mind if we help?" Gidget: "Not at all, let's get to work." Fluff: "Oh I just love building snowman, I used to do it back when I was a little girl." Mopsy: "So this big ball of snow is the body?" Cottontail: "I think so... but where's the head?" Tommy: "We're working on it, and it's the hardest part, ask anyone." said Tommy, before he puts the head on top of the snowman's body. Benny: "I think something's missing..." Jokeo: "Yeah, like he needs eyes, and I have some coal for them." said Jokeo, before he puts to two coals on the head for eyes. Gidget: "He needs a nose... like this button." Jokey: "Why not a carrot?" Jokeo: "Cause some of us might try to eat it." Jokey: "Oh..." Peter: "We would not... would we?" Benny: "Well... we are rabbits and we love carrots..." Flopsy: "I think the button is the best call for the nose." said Flopsy, before Gidget puts the button on the snowman. Then Benny takes out a corncob pipe and puts it on the snowman's face. The girl bunnies then began to use their paws to make arms for the snowman, before putting a broom in one of the hands. Benny: "Where did you get the broom?" Fluff: "We got it from Mr McGregor, who helped us on making it." said Fluff, before Peter and Benny draw a mouth on the snowman. Peter: "Well gang, I think the snowman is complete." Tommy: "Not quite... there's one thing missing... he needs a name." Fluff: "Oh, good point, our snowman needs a name... but what should we name him?" Jokey: "Um... oatmeal?" All: "Oatmeal?!" Jokeo: "No... that doesn't sound right for him... besides it would make us feel hungry." Gidget: "How about... Frosty!" Tommy: "Yeah, Frosty the Snowman, it's catchy." Peter: "Yeah, it kinda does." meanwhile, not too far away from where the kids were, there was a cave that was currently the home of a certain trio of demon dragons. The red one was named ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), and blue one was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the black one is named SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were known as the Demon trio, and right now they were trying to keep themselves warm from the cold outside. SpaceWarp: "Oh m-m-man... I'm so c-c-cold..." ThunderSmacker: "Same here... I hate the winter..." ScreamClaw: "Stop your complaining... it won't get us any warmer... maybe some fire should warm us up..." SpaceWarp: "G-g-good idea..." ScreamClaw: "Now if only I can find my pitch fork..." ThunderSmacker: "Now that you mention it... our pitch forks are missing too..." SpaceWarp: "N-n-no they're not... I p-p-put them in the magic t-t-top hat... the one that has a living s-s-soul living in it..." ScreamClaw: "Oh yeah... that happy jolly yet not very bright soul that was foolish enough to make a deal with us..." ThunderSmacker: "What deal was that?" ScreamClaw: "To give his hat a soul, thinking it would give it magic... boy was that guy silly... [finds the hat] found it." said ScreamClaw, before he picks up the hat, only for a gust of wind to blow it away, much to the trio's dismay. ThunderSmacker: "No!, our pitch forks!" SpaceWarp: "No come b-b-back!" ScreamClaw: "Follow that hat!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons went after the hat. Back with the kids, they were happy that their snowman was complete, before a certain hat lands in front of Gidget, who noticed it and pick up the hat. Gidget: "Hey look, it's a hat." Benny: "Where did that come from?" Peter: "It couldn't be Mr McGregor's... for I doubt this is the kind of hat that he would wear." Tommy: "Hey, let's put the hat on Frosty." Gidget: "Good idea." said Gidget, before she puts the hat on top of Frosty's head. But at the moment the hat was on Frosty, the coal eyes turned into real eyes and the snowman (voiced by Jackie Vernon) came to life. Frosty: "Happy Birthday!" All: "HUH?!" Benny: "Um... do all snowman come to life when they're complete?" Fluff: "No... I don't think so..." Gidget: "There must have been some magic in that hat..." Jokeo: "Huh... strangely that's not the weirdest thing we've encountered since our run in with the Demon trio..." Frosty: "Snowman?, where?, I love snowman." Cottontail: "Um... they mean you." Frosty: "Huh?, what do you mean?... [looking at his body] I'm a snowman?, how did that happened?, I was a normal human last time I checked..." Benny: "You were?" Frosty: "Yeah... I was a magician who was just trying to make children happy... but I wasn't good with the tricks... then I met a trio of gentleman with pitch forks, who promised me that they can make my hat magic by giving it a soul... then the next thing I knew... I'm a snowman." Tommy: "Uh oh... you must have ran into the Demon trio and they put your soul into your hat." Frosty: "They did?, oh... I guess they tricked me, huh?" Benny: "I'm afraid so..." Mopsy: "Man, those demon creeps are real jerks..." Jokey: "Speaking of which... isn't that the trio over there?" asked Jokey, pointing at the Demon trio, who were heading towards the group. ScreamClaw: "There's the hat!, get it!" ThunderSmacker: "And look who's there!, those brats!" Fluff: "Oh no!, it's the Demon trio!" Peter: "Not them again!" Tommy: "Run for it!" Gidget: "Come on Frosty!" so with that, the kids and Frosty were now on the run, trying to get away from the Demon trio, who were trying to best to catch up with the kids and snowman, but the cold was giving them trouble. Luckily for the group of heroes, they managed to hide in the snow to avoid the Demon trio, who ran passed them and left the scene. Peter: "Whoa... that was too close..." Tommy: "No kidding..." Frosty: "Hey... those are the same guys who promised me a magic hat... they're dragons?" Gidget: "Demon dragons, and they're really mean reptiles... that's for sure." Benny: "Looks like they're gone now..." Cottontail: "Thank goodness..." Jokeo: "What now?" Jokey: "Well... we can play in the snow some more." Frosty: "I like that idea, let's do that." Fluff: "I don't know... what the trio comes back?" Jokey: "Then we'll just run or hide again." Frosty: "I can go with that plan." Flopsy: "Me too." Mopsy: "Me three." Cottontail: "Same here." so with that, the kids begin to play in the snow again, only this time, Frosty joins in the fun. They slide down snowy hills, did a snowball fight, and even did some ice skating. Of course after the fun was done, Frosty started to feel warm and melted a little bit. Frosty: "Uh oh..." Fluff: "What's the matter?" Frosty: "I don't know... I feel a little warm... but how could that be?, I'm made of snow now... at least my body is..." said Frosty, before Gidget pulls out a thermometer and checks the temperature. Gidget: "Oh no... according to the thermometer, the temperature is starting to go up... which isn't good for our new snowman friend." Frosty: "Why's that?" Gidget: "Because when the temperature goes up, the snow and ice melts into water again, and since you're made of snow... you'll melt too..." Frosty: "Oh... I guess that makes sense... snow needs to be cold to last after all..." Benny: "But if Frosty melts away... won't he..." Gidget: "Yeah... which means we need to take Frosty somewhere that's always cold." Frosty: "The only place I could think of that's always cold is the North Pole." Jokey: "Then you should go there before the weather gets too warm for ya." Frosty: "I guess... but how do I do that?" Flopsy: "Well you should go north for starters." Mopsy: "But the North Pole is really far away from here..." Cottontail: "Not as far as the South Pole, but still pretty far..." Peter: "Hmm... maybe Frosty can ask someone to take him there..." Benny: "Like who?" Tommy: "I know!, Santa Claus!" Frosty: "Oh yeah, he lives in the North Pole and he's a really guy... plus he travels the world in one night." Tommy: "And it's Christmas Eve, so he'll likely show up tonight." Fluff: "But Tommy, how can Frosty interact with Santa Claus?" Tommy: "We'll wait for him to come tonight." ScreamClaw: "Too bad you won't get the chance." said ScreamClaw, who along with the other demons came back to the scene. Jokey and Jokeo: "THE DEMON TRIO!" Gidget: "Oh no!, they're back!" Peter: "Run for it!" shouted Peter, before he and the others make a run for it again, and this time the trio were closer to them, until the group rolled down a hill and were covered in the snow. The trio tried to find the group, but saw no trace of them, so they left the scene, unaware that the kids and snowman were near. By the time the kids and Frosty got out of the snow, the sun had already gone down, and it was much colder now, which was good for Frosty, but not for the kids as they were getting really cold, shivering and having their teeth chattering, along with sneezing too. Frosty: "Are you kids okay?" Gidget: "We're okay... just a little chilly... achoo!" Tommy: "We better get ourselves warmed up..." Peter: "Yeah... we should probably get home..." Fluff: "But which way is that?" Jokey: "Uh... no idea... you got any ideas?" Jokeo: "Not really..." Tommy: "Hey... isn't that Mr McGregor's garden over there?" asked Tommy, pointing at the garden nearby. Peter: "Yeah, that's his garden... but what's that over there?" asked Peter, pointing at what looked like a green house near the garden. Frosty: "That looks like a green house, a place to keep certain plants warm during the winter... I think..." Tommy: "I think you're right... say... let's go inside and get warmed up, at least warm enough to make the trip home." said Tommy, before he and the others went into the green house, where they find Mr McGregor (voiced by Jeff Bennett) watering his plants. Mr McGregor: "Kids?, what are you doing here in this hour?" Peter: "Trying to warm ourselves up... anyway, you won't believe what happened today..." said Peter, before he and the others told the old farmer the story about Frosty and all that. Mr McGregor: "Somehow that shouldn't surprise me, not after what I witnessed since you kids came to my life... tell you what, you kids stay here and I'll get your mother to pick you up." Flopsy: "Sure thing." so with that, Mr McGregor left the green house, leaving the kids in the green house while he goes off to find Peter and his sisters' mother. As for Frosty, he was curious about the plants inside, so he went in to check them out, while started to feel very warm and started to melt a little. Gidget: "Frosty!, what are you doing here?, you'll melt!" Frosty: "Just a little, I'll get out in a second, I just wanted to see if you're okay now and check out the plants, and besides, I've been meaning to lose some weight anyway." Tommy: "Okay... but stay in here much longer and you'll be a puddle in an instant..." suddenly, the door slammed shut, much to everyone's surprise, and see that it was the Demon trio who trapped them. ScreamClaw: "Ha!, now we got cha!, and pretty soon that hat will be ours again!" All: "No!" Frosty: "Oh dear... I never thought I would meet my end like this..." said Frosty, before he starts to melt away. Fluff: "Frosty!, no please!, don't go!" Frosty: "I'm sorry everyone... but at least I got to meet you all before my time came... thank you for being my friends... bye..." said Frosty, before he turns into a puddle, and the kids started to cry. Meanwhile, Mr McGregor and Josephine (voiced by Veronica Taylor), Peter and his sisters' mom, were on their way to the Green house, when they heard the sound of bells jingling, and saw something coming down from the sky. Turns out that it was Santa Claus himself (voiced by Mickey Rooney), who got off his sleigh, followed by a reindeer with a red nose named Rudolph (voiced by Kathleen Barr), before seeing the old farmer and mother rabbit. Santa: "Hello Mr McGregor, and you too Josephine." Mr McGregor: "How do you know our names?... wait... Santa?" Josephine: "Oh my gosh... you're real..." Santa: "Indeed I am." Rudolph: "Sir... are you sure this is the place?" Santa: "I believe so, this is the garden where the Green house should be." Mr McGregor: "My Green house?" Santa: "Yes, my crystal snowball showed me that some kids need help with getting their living snowman friend to the North Pole, and they're at the green house." Josephine: "Living snowman?" Mr McGregor: "Demon trio victim." Josephine: "Oh... I see..." Santa: "Now then... Rudolph, will you light the way?" Rudolph: "My pleasure sir." said Rudolph, before his nose started to glow and leads the group to the Green house. Mr McGregor: "Huh... I never heard of a reindeer with a glowing nose before..." Santa: "Yes, Rudolph is one of a kind." said Santa, before he and the others got to the green house and opened the door. But when they got inside, they saw a terrible sight, which was the kids crying over a puddle that was once Frosty the snowman. Rudolph: "Oh no... we're too late..." Santa: "Too late?, nonsense, we can still help." said Santa, before the kids turned around and gasped by the sight of the old man. Tommy: "No way... Santa Claus..." Jokeo: "Oh my gosh... it's really him..." Jokey: "Wow..." Gidget: "Santa... what are you doing here?" Santa: "My magic crystal snowball showed me you needed help, and I've come to do that." Rudolph: "It's nice to meet you little ones." Peter: "Who are you?" Rudolph: "My name's Rudolph." Fluff: "I never heard of Santa having a reindeer named Rudolph before..." Santa: "He's a new member, one who has just saved Christmas by lighting the way through a powerful snow storm that's happening in the North Pole right now." Benny: "Lighting the way?" asked Benny, before Rudolph made his nose glow, much to everyone's surprise. Flopsy: "Wow... how is he doing that?" Mopsy: "That's amazing!" Cottontail: "Yeah, it's like a natural flashlight... so cool." Rudolph: "You really think so?" Tommy: "Yeah... though I doubt it can bring Frosty back..." Santa: "Do not worry, Frosty isn't really gone, his soul still lives in that old hat of his, all we have to do is make another snowman body for Frosty and then put the hat back on and he'll be back to his old self again." Fluff: "Really?" Santa: "Of course, watch." said Santa, before he opens the door, and some cold winter wind blew in and turned the puddle into Frosty's body, much to everyone's surprise. Jokey: "Wow!, how did he do that?" Jokeo: "He must know how to use magic..." Santa: "Of course, how do you think I'm able to travel the world in one night?" Rudolph: "Now all that's left is put the hat back on." said Rudolph, giving Santa the hat when the Demon trio showed up again. ScreamClaw: "Wait a minute!, we want that hat back and we want it now!" Santa: "Don't you dare lay a finger on this hat, or else." ScreamClaw: "Or else what?" ThunderSmacker: "Oh boy..." SpaceWarp: "Don't get on Santa's b-b-bad side..." Santa: "That's right SpaceWarp, if any of you touch the hat, I'll never put any coal in your stockings again." ScreamClaw: "N-never?" Santa: "That's right." ScreamClaw: "Oh!, but it's not fair!, all we want is our pitch forks back..." Peter: "Pitch forks?" Benny: "Hey... now that you mentioned it... don't you guys normally carry pitch forks?" ThunderSmacker: "We do, but we stashed them in the hat for safe keeping... before a gust of wind blew it away..." SpaceWarp: "We don't really want the h-h-hat... we just want our p-p-pitch forks back..." Santa: "Tell you what, if you let Frosty and the kids go for the rest of the holidays, and write a letter that says 'we're sorry for what we did to Frosty' a million times, then maybe, just maybe... I'll give you back your pitch forks." ScreamClaw: "Really?, oh yes sir... it's a deal, well bye for now, sorry to lose and run, but we got a letter to write." said ScreamClaw, before he and Santa shook hands, and then the trio started to fly away and out of the scene, while Santa just chuckled. Rudolph: "Gosh sir, you sure can negotiate." Santa: "When you become as old and wise as I am, you would know what to say to make some peace... anyway, come on Frosty, we're all waiting for you." said Santa, before he puts the hat on the snowman, and Frosty was back at last. Frosty: "Happy Birthday!, wait... didn't I say that already?" Gidget: "Frosty!, you're back!" Frosty: "Sure am... um... where did I go?" Fluff: "It's not important, all that matters is that you're okay now." Frosty: "Yeah, I guess I am... oh... are you by chance... Santa Claus?" Santa: "Indeed I am." Frosty: "It's a pleasure to meet you, um... I was wondering if uh... you wouldn't mind if I..." Santa: "You don't have to worry Frosty, I know what you want, and I'll be happy to take you to the North Pole with me." Frosty: "Thanks Santa, you're a really nice guy." Santa: "Yes, and so are you." Rudolph: "We're ready to go." Santa: "Be right there, Rudolph, now come on Frosty, it's time to go." Frosty: "Yeah... well kids... I guess this is where we part ways..." Tommy: "Yeah... we'll miss you Frosty, really." Frosty: "Don't you cry, I'll be back again on next Christmas day." Flopsy: "You promise?" Frosty: "Sure, cross my snowy heart." Mopsy: "Great, we'll be waiting for your return." Cottontail: "Yeah, we'll never forget you." Benny: "You got that right." Fluff: "Uh huh." Peter: "So long Frosty, have a good trip." Frosty: "Yeah, and Merry Christmas." All: "Merry Christmas!" so with that, Frosty got on Santa's sleigh, and then Santa, the reindeer and Frosty took off into the air and left the scene. Mr McGregor: "Dang it!" Josephine: "What's wrong?" Mr McGregor: "I forgot to ask Santa what I want for Christmas..." Gidget: "Don't worry, I'm sure Santa knows... as he is Santa Claus after all." Tommy: "How true." Peter: "Hey... what's that plant hovering above us?" asked Peter, looking at what looked like a mistletoe that was hovering above himself and Fluff. Tommy: "That's a mistletoe... a plant that has a certain Christmas tradition..." Peter: "What kind of tradition?" Fluff: "Oh... this kind." said Fluff, before she kisses Peter on the cheek, which made him blushed a little bit. Jokey: "Hey... how is that plant hovering up there?" asked Jokey, while Gidget just giggled as she was the one doing it with her psychic powers. Then the mistletoe flies over to hover above the hyena twins, and Flopsy and Mopsy had a cheeky grin before they kissed the twins on the cheeks, which made them blushed a little bit like Peter before. Before he knew it, Tommy sees that the mistletoe was above him, and Gidget went to kiss him on the nose, which made him blush a little bit while Gidget just giggled. Josephine: "They make very cute couples..." Mr McGregor: "I guess... though I'm not sure it'll work out when most of them are not even the same species..." Josephine: "Just remember... love has no boundaries." Mr McGregor: "How true..." Tommy: "Well... this has been the most interesting Christmas for us..." Peter: "You got that right... Merry Christmas everyone." All: "Merry Christmas!" said everyone, before they looked up at the sky one last time before going back to their homes for the night. That was when the scene changed to show Boney 10 closing the book. Boney 10: "Well folks, that was the story of how Peter Rabbit met Frosty the Snowman, and before we go... it's time for a little song." said Boney 10, before the song starts. ♪Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,♫ ♪With a corncob pipe and a button nose, And two eyes made out of coal♫, ♪Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say♫, ♪He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day♫, ♪There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found♫, ♪For when they placed it on his head, He began to dance around♫, ♪O, Frosty the snowman, was alive as he could be♫, ♪And the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me♫, ♪Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day♫, ♪So he said, Frosty: "Let's run and we'll have some fun now before I melt away."♫, ♪Thumpety thump thump, Thumpety thump thump♫, ♪Look at Frosty go♫, ♪Thumpety thump thump, Thumpety thump thump♫, ♪Over the hills of snow♫, ♪For Frosty the snowman, Had to hurry on his way♫, ♪but he waved goodbye saying, Frosty: "Don't you cry, I'll be back on Christmas day!"♫. Said Frosty, before the song and the story comes to a close.


Well folks, that's the end of the story here, I hope you have all enjoyed it, and I also hope that you will enjoy my other stories as well, bye!

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