Sunflower ♡

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3rd Person POV:

With a yawn, Megumi stood up and stretched. He was very tired (just like me lol). Oh no, today's Monday. I hate Mondays. I thought it was Saturday yesterday... With those thoughts, he stood up slowly and started making his bed. Megumi wasn't a chaotic person. He hated chaos and couldn't bare if he saw one thing out of place. He's a perfectionist. He may look a bit scary with his moody expression on his face, but he actually likes cute things... like flowers. That's why he works at a flower shop. It's one of the most famous flower shops in his city. And of course, the flower shop was decorated neatly and it was really organized.

He changed into his regular clothes and went down for breakfeast. „Good Morning Megumi-channnn!", a white haired male said as he laid the plates on the table. „Good Morning", Megumi replied casually as he sat down, looking very tired. He looked at the plate. First he just sat there looking at it, as if he zoned out. „Uhm, hello? Aren't you going to eat what I, the most perfect creature on the planet, cooked for you? That's really disrespectful", the blue-eyed male said as he let out a fake sob.

„I'm sorry", the raven replied as he began eating. „You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep? I said you should only focus on one job, not working on thousands of other part-time jobs! Stop overworking yourself!", the albino said whith a worried tone, „Besides, you got me! As long as I'm here I'm sure you can get enough food on you plate. I'm your legal guardian! You could call me dad tho..." „Ugh I'm fine. And I don't really want to owe you anything. I'm just here because I'm still a minor.", Megumi said with a serious face. „Aww don't be so cold-hearted! You don't owe me anything by the way. After all I was the one who decided to take you in! And you don't look alright. Look at your eyebags! You look like Okkutsu-san! And bla bla bla bla..." Megumi completely ignored Gojo's words and only focused on eating. He was really hungry. After he finished he got up and started walking away. „Hey! I wasn't even done talking! What has gotten into this child...", Gojo said as he remembered the old times.

When Megumi was still little. He used to laugh more, although he tried to act all grown up. He had more energy in him. They played hide and seek with Geto, but then he tripped and fell into a puddle and his expensive shirt (I almost wrote shit) got all dirty. Megumi laughed until he almost lost the ability to breath. But then Megumi changed after his 12th birthday, he began distancing himself. Geto-kun also dissappeared. I hope one day someone walks into Megumi's life and change him. The white-haired sighed at those thoughts and brushed them off.

Megumi then grabbed his phone and unlocked the door. „Be careful out there, Megumi-channnn!", Gojo shouted as Megumi closed the door. The raven sighed and started walking to the bus station. He knew that Gojo was worried for him, but he didn't want to be a burden to him. He wanted to earn enough money so he can live a normal life as soon as he turned 18. From all the partime-jobs, he liked the flower shop the most. Especially because the flowers where cute and pretty, the surroundings where calm and peacful and, the customers where nice (mostly).

He finally arrived at the flower shop and went inside. „Good morning Fushiguro-kun!", he was greeted by a cheery, yet soft voice. It was Okkutsu-senpai. „Good morning Okkutsu-senpai", the raven replied, as he changed into his florist outfit. Of all people, he respected and liked Okkutsu-senpai the most. Because he was calm and quiet, just like him. He enjoyed the silence. The other's were pretty loud. They started cleaning the shop, organizing it until suddenly the silence got interrupted. „Oi! Fushiguro-kun! What is this supposed to be? Didn't I tell you to put the roses next to the lilies?", a green-haired girl shouted across the room. „Zen'in-san, didn't I tell you to keep your voice lower? It's still early in the mornign", Okkutsu replied. „Whatever", Maki replied as she walked off. Jeez, the raven thought as he put the vase with the roses next to the lilies. „Kelp", a white-haired male greeted as he entered the building. It was Inumaki.

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