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3rd Person POV:

Yuji, Megumi and Nobara were currently on a mission. Since they all have become 1st grade sorcerers, they were sent on a more dangerous mission. „Ughhh I wanted to go shoppinggg", the ginger whined. „Hey! Why don't we all go eating in a restaurant afterwards? Wouldn't that be awesome?", the pinkette suggested with sparkling eyes. „Definetely not. I want to rest.", the raven said with a tired expression. „Aw come on Fushiguro please?", they pleaded with puppy eyes. „Please? You can go home afterwards", the pinkette begged. „Okay okay fine", Fushiguro replied as he looked around.

Suddenly, the three jumped aside as an attack launched at the place where they stood before. „You okay?", Itadori shouted as Kugisaki and Fushiguro replied with a nod. There were two cursed spirits. „You two go with that one, I'll finish off this one!", Kugisaki shouted as she pulled out her hammer and sprinted to the smaller one. „Got it!", Itadori said as he got into fighting stance. „Divine dogs!", Megumi summoned his black demon dog. Itadori wanted to pet the dog so bad, but he had to concentrate. His mind drove to the raven. The way he furrows his eyebrows everytime he's conentrated... so cute... He mentally slapped himself and concentrated, but... the cursed spirit dissappeared? „Itadori!" he heard someone scream. Fushiguro? He turned around and saw the raven running torwards him, pushing him aside.

But it was too late.

Yuji's POV:
My ears were ringing and I hear a faint voice. My eyes shot open and I look around. I see Fushiguro in front of me with a worried look on his face and our surrounding was... empty... It's as if I was in a black sea sinking deeper and deeper but I can still breathe. „Itadori!", Fushiguro shouts. „Eh?", I say in a confused tone, „where are we?" Suddenly, he hits me on my head. „Ow! What was that for?", I ask. „You idiot I thought you died!", he says with a frown. „I'm sorry I was lost in thoughts during that fight and I couldn't concentrate I'm truly sorry", I apologise while still putting my hand on the place where Fushiguro hit me. „You know, you look kinda cute when you're pouting-", I accidentally said my thoughts out loud. ASJFKSJHFSLDHDF WHY DID I DO THAT?? NOW HE THINKS I'M A TOTAL CREEP ASLJKFLSGKSKLG. He just stands, or should I say floats since there is no ground, there and looks at me with a blank face.

Then he starts blushing and hides his face in his uniform.

Then he starts blushing and hides his face in his uniform

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Then I suddenly realised what I just said and also flush. „Ah! Sorry I didn't mean it I just- I", I tried to defend myself but I knew it was no use. Then we just stood (we're still in this domain-ish thing) here in awkward silence.

„Uhm, Itadori-kun, I think our highest priority right now is finding a way out"

„Ah, yes, uh do you know how?"

„Well, I assume the cursed spirit is a special grade, since I think that this is a domain. (BEFORE ANYONE ATTACKS ME NO I DO NOT UNDERSTAND A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT DOMAINS I JUST THINK THEY'RE COOL SO PLS) I could use my domain expansion to create a small opening and then we both just have to jump into it. If we miss it the cursed spirit will know that we're trying to break free and it will do anything to not let that happen", Fushiguro says, as if he was a professional Woah he's so cute and smart at the same time! I brush off my thoughts and nod. „Sooo, how do you do that?", I ask with a curious face.

„Well, before I can show you, there is a problem", Fushiguro says.

„Eh? What do you mean with problem?"

„Well it's-", suddenly Fushiguro shows his arm and his hand has... dissappeared? What is happening right now?

„ARE U OK? WHAT HAPPENED TO UR ARM?", I ask with a worried tone.

„Well you see, I think that this domain is also a part of the cursed spirit and...", Fushiguro keeps explaining but I'm to worried about his arm. Why is his fricking hand missing? „... so I think this curse is slowly devouring us. And you see, if I use my domain expansion I make a specific hand sign."

„Do you mean like Gojo-sensei?"

„Yeah, just like Gojo-sensei. And for my domain expansion, my hands need to be in this position."

He suddenly takes my hand and makes a weird sign with mine and his, it's like we're holding hands.

Like dis 

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Like dis 

„Listen, don't let you guard down just like before. When I say ,go' then we both jump into that small opening. Got it?"

„Mhm! Got it!"

„Domain expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden!"

As soon as he said that I jumped into that hole, pulling him with me. Just as we got out, the opening closed and we were outside. Phew. I look back at Fushiguro's hand and pull him into a hug.

„Ahh I'm so happy without you we would've died and I'm very sorry about this!", I apologise.

„It's okay. I think I just have to visit Shoko and my hand will be healed.", he said while... smiling? Holy shit he looks so pretty while smiling. It's so soft and- „Am I interrupting something?", a very specific white-haired said.

„Goji-sensei? What are you doing here? Weren't you on a vacation?"

„Well you see, that was a lie. I actually wanted you to bond more but seems like Megumi-chan lost on of his hands. Don't you two worry, I'm going to exorcise this curse. Bring Megumi to Shoko-san, okay?"

„Okay! Understood!", I grabbed Fushiguro and carried him in a bridal style. And of course, Kugisaki called me a ,homo'. Again. Well the good thing is, Fushiguro fell asleep and he didn't hear any of those weird stuff Kugisaki was saying. That was when I knew it. I really really really like Fushiguro. Or even better, I think I'm deeply in love!

-The End-

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