The case of Fushiguro Megumi

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4 years ago, a boy named Megumi Fushiguro went missing. The police declared him as dead and closed the case. But detective Itadori Yuji isn't so sure. How could someone possibly keep a body hidden for so long?


„Oi, Yuji!", a orange-haired girl shouted, „anything new?"

„No. Nothing", the pinkette sighed.

„Well guess what I've found out. I've contacted the police, and they handed me this", Kugisaki said as she handed him a folder. „This is a very important file of Fushiguro Megumi's father, it also contains the transcript of the interview", she pointed out.

„Oh? Let me see", Itadori carefully opened the folder and started reading his information.

This is odd... his father left the house at the same time as his son went missing..., Yuji thought.

„Kugisaki, don't you think something's off with this man? I mean he left the house the same time as his son. The CCTV camera caught him driving into the woods."

„Kinda. He acted all chill in the interview, he wasn't worried or something. Or at least that's what the police said."

„Hm... wait... in this file, it says that he was arrested for drug dealing. So that means he would know how to... you know what I mean"

„It's kinda sad that a father would kill his own son, the question is, does he even have a motive to do so?"

„I don't know..."

„Let's just put him on our suspect list", Yuji said as he typed ,Toji fushiguro' into his laptop.

„I think that should be all for today. We should get some rest. Oh, Maki asked if we would want to hang out with her, Toge and Panda", Kugisaki said as he rested her head on the edge of his bed.

„Uh, I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't have time, I still have to-", he got cut off by Nobara placing her hand on his mouth. „No but's and if's. You're coming with me. You've been overworking yourself too much and I've had enough of it. You're to focused on the Fushiguro Megumi case. We're leaving now"


Nobara shushed him again and pulled him outside the house. She then dragged him to the bus station and they hopped into the bus. „Where are we going?", Yuji asked

„You ask to many questions"


As they got out of the bus, Maki waved at them. Nobara pulled Yuji with her and greeted Maki with an embracing hug. „Me, Toge and Panda prepared a picnic for us. Oh, and Yuji, you found out who the murderer or kidnapper is?", Maki asked.

„No", Yuji sighed

„Hey! What about me? I'm also helping!", Nobara whined.

Maki rolled her eyes and they went to sit down under a tree. As they began eating and talking, Yuji's thoughts went to somewhere else. Who could've possibly killed or kidnapped him? I bet that person was jealous of his beauty...

„Itadori! Earth on Itadori!", Maki shouted.

„He's probably to busy with his thoughts on the ,Megumi Fushiguro' case instead of spending time talking to US", Nobara rolled her eyes.

„Salmon", Toge agreed and Panda just nodded.

„Okay okay, what is it?"

„Let's play some games!", Nobara shouted excitedly.

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