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Deadly sounds were heard all over the place as many places were destroyed with just the strength of 2 people.

Both of them were covered in wounds all over their bodies.

The man with long white hair, still looking young, breathed heavily as he knelt, holding his magic wand.

Bern Kaylith.

He was the strongest mage of that era.

A mage from the homeland of the Whipper kingdom.

"Kahahahaha! Great, really great! You are the strongest magician I have ever met, Bern Kaylith!"

The white-masked man laughed crazily even with a magic arrow stuck in his stomach.

The power of magic was weak when it was up against the ancient power, which was nature itself.

"I've never lost at the hands of a mage before. You really intrigue me, Bern Kaylith!"

The white masked man who was now red with blood attacked the man who looked like could fall anytime with his flaming sword.


White Star sword was stopped by Bern's strange black aura.

It wasn't magic or sword aura.

That's a strange power even for White Star.

Bern still looked calm even when it was difficult to take a breath.

"Ahhh, of all my opponents, you are the most annoying."

White Star muttered as he looked towards the sky.

Bern's magic power could stop his sky ancient power.

"Stop holding back my power, and you will definitely be able to live longer."

White Star was annoyed that Sky Powers didn't even move in front of this bastard.

His magic power is even above the dragons he has fought all this time.

"I would rather die than let you hurt those younger mage and knight."

Magic arrows were created as it continued to attack White Star.  The magic arrows were so hard that even White Star found it difficult to cut them.


The arrow was pierced in the White Star's chest.

"Kahahahaha!  I died because of a mage?  Really... You're really driving me crazy! Bern Kaylith!!!"

White Star laughed like crazy as he fell and his laughter slowly disappeared, along with his sky power.

Bern's eyes had been dark for a long time now.  He only tries to hold back as long as he can, so that others can live longer.

'I've lived 50 years of my best life.'

The younger shoots will develop and continue the future of this world...

Bern, who had been standing firm, fell into the lake and continued to sink.

His strength was drained.

He couldn't move or breathe.

His inner body felt broken due to excessive use of his magic.





Bern suddenly felt like he could open his eyes, and saw an unfamiliar sight.

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