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Bern was busy reading books about magic as usual, not caring about what Cale might do.


Bern looked at the table where Hans was placing pieces of cake that looked delicious.

Hans did that every day since he told Cale that he liked cake.

"I don't have the mood to eat cake today."

Bern returned to focusing on his book without realizing Hans' super shocked gaze.

"Young master Basen, do you dislike today's cake flavor?"

Hans asked in a worried tone.  That's because Bern always doesn't even ask and just eats the cake that Hans puts next to him thanks to Cale's direction.

"You don't need to treat me like your young master. I'm not him."


Hans was shocked when Hans heard that.

Why did Basen suddenly say that to him?

"What do you mean...?"

Hans shivered as he looked elsewhere.

"Even if you don't have the ability to use magic, you can feel magic all around you."

Bern turned the page of his book.

He was not sure at first, but now he is sure that Hans is a descendant of one of the archmages of his time.

It was impossible for Hans not to feel the mana that suddenly gathered inside Basen who had never trained in magic skills.

Who would have thought that the descendants of the archmages of his era would be ordinary weak butlers?

Well, in 100 years anything can happen.

Just like what happened to Zyon.

"Then, who are you?"

Hans asked hesitantly afraid he would be killed for knowing too much.

"Bern Kaylith."

Bern answered without thinking twice.


The tray that Hans was holding fell from his hand.

"T, The magic tower master, that archmage Bern Kaylith...?"


Bern finally looked at Hans because Hans seemed to know him.

Hans immediately knelt in front of Bern.

"As descendants of archmage Zack Snyder, we still believe you are not dead. I hold my family's faith to serve you, Bern Kaylith, the magic tower master."


Bern racked his brain to remember who Zack Snyder was.  He only knew the faces of the archmages of his era, not really caring about their names.

The only names Bern remembered in his head were Zyon and Watch Hanton.

'Ah, that punk who thinks I'm the descendant of a god?'

Bern sighed tiredly remembering that.

"As you can see, I'm dead, Hans. I'm looking for a way to return this body to Basen."

Hans nodded without denying it.

"That's good if that's the case. So I don't have to be responsible for you, right? Young master."

Hans quickly relaxed as usual.

"That Zack thinks I'm a god or something like that, so he's like that. So just ignore the will he left for his descendants."

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