The First Villain Found..

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The Next Morning

*Janet's POV*

I was making toast and eggs in the kitchen while Janet and the two Mobians she found, who went by the names Elias and Antoine, I set two plates down with some eggs and a slice of toast on each, once breakfast was finished of course, then I heard a yawn, I turned around to see Elias walk in, rubbing his eyes tiredly, I was still getting used to the fact that we were living with him and Antoine until they and all their friends found a way back home

Me: Good morning

Elias: My mornings are never good, especially in this world

Me: Oh..uh..want some toast? Can you even eat toast?

Elias: First, sure, second, everyone can eat toast unless they can't eat gluten

Me: Ok, good to know

Then Ruby came out from behind him and jumped on his back, he yelled as he fell onto the floor with the growling bulldog on his back

Me: Oh my..Ruby!!

I then ran over with a spray bottle and sprayed Ruby before she could start treating Elias like one of her chew toys, distracting her long enough for me to grab her leash and hook it up to her collar, I then drug her outside, when I returned I saw Elias getting up, obviously shaken by the whole ordeal, he then started dusting himself off

Me: Are you ok?

Elias: Yeah..a little startled..but fine..and at least now I'm wide awake, more or less

Me: Why aren't you wearing your little crown thing?

Elias: Because I'm obligated to wear it 24/7 when not in my kingdom or even on Mobius

Me: Your quite sassy for an adult aren't you?

Elias: According to my sister and friends, I also get mad quite easily for an adult

Me: Oh

Then my daughter and the other mobian, the coyote one, came in, Antoine still looking half-asleep

Scarlet: What happened? We heard someone yell, also, why is Ruby out but trying to get back in?

Elias: Nothing much, Ruby just gave me a little wake-up call is all

Scarlet: Oh ok

Me: Anyway, breakfast is ready

After Breakfast

*Elias's POV*

We were all sitting in the living talking, then Scarlet spoke up after looking up from her phone

Scarlet: Mom, is it ok if I go to the park to meet up with my friends?

Janet: Of course, but be safe, remember don't talk to strangers and..

Scarlet: And look both ways before crossing the street, I know, you don't have to worry

Antoine: Bye mademoiselle

Scarlet: Bye, also, you two sure you gonna be ok here with my mom and Ruby?

Me: Yeah, you go hang out with your friends

Scarlet: Alright, and I'll make sure to tell you if I find any Mobians

Me: Alright bye

Scarlet: Cya guys later!

She then walked out of the house and left us alone with Janet, and I was about to leave Antoine alone with her

Me: Can I go for a walk in the woods behind the house?

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