The base was loud, making heart pound against my chest, the smell of sweat and alcohol lingered in the air, making my head spin, but in a good way.

My boyfriend harry and I were at a club...well technically harry ditched me as soon as he saw the rest of the boys. He said he would be back in a couple of minutes.

It's been half an hour and he's still with them.

I mean I get they're very close, but I haven't seen him in months because of the tour. I mean is one night with harry without the boys too much to ask?

Harry had promised me that he wouldn't leave me alone tonight, and what does he go and do?

He goes and leaves me sitting at the bar while he's off with the boys having the time of their lives, whereas I'm sitting down doing nothing.

"Hey darling, hats a girl like you doing here alone? "Asked the bartender.

"Waiting for my boyfriend to hurry up. "I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Well if I was your boyfriend I wouldn't let you wait around. "He said, smiling.

"Well thank you. "I blushed.

What he's attractive. Harry should be proud.

"Well I'm on break now, so why don't you come and dance with me until your boyfriend decides to show up? "He offered, removing his apron from around his waist.

"I don't know. "I replied.

"One dance is all I'm asking. "He said.

"Okay sure. "I said, nodding my head.

"My names Alex by the way. "He said, once he exited the bar.

"(Y/N)"I replied.

"Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl. "He said, making me blush.

"You're quite the charmer."

"And you're hot. "He replied, placing his arm across my shoulder, before he led me into the pack of sweaty bodies.

"You're not so bad yourself. "I called out to him through the loud music.

"Who has quite the moves. "He joked, before we found a spot where we were so constricted of dancing.

"Omg I love this song. "I whispered into his ear once titanium by David Guetta boomed through the speakers.

"Me too, it's always been the ladies favorite. "He said, placing his hands on my waist.

"So is this the song where you work your magic charms? "I asked, placing my arms around his neck.

"Maybe, is it working? "He asked.

"I have a boyfriend remember. "I said, moving my body along with the beat.

"I know. "He said, nodding his head.

As the song got more into depth the more I got into the song. I turned my body around so that my back was resting against Alex's front, before I moved my body against his. Alex moved my hair all to one side, before he placed his arms on my hips, before he moved my body back towards his chest, so that our bodies were literally stuck together.

I didn't mind though, I was having fun, but I wished harry was enjoying this with me.

Speaking of which I just noticed harry staring at me and Alex with pure jealousy plastered across his beautiful features.

I smiled, before giving Harry a wink. I knew I shouldn't've but he needed to know that I wasn't going to wait around for him.

Harry made his way towards me and Alex in a huff, his muscles tensed, outlining his broad shoulders, his fits were tight, showing of his veins which always seemed to turn me on, and this time was no exception.

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