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"What am I going to do?" I questioned, my voice raspy, caused by the straight shot of vodka I had just recently consumed. "Find a tutor?" And Harry laughed his deep and humbling laugh, and it echoed through the room, and it ran down my spine giving me shivers I could barley contain before having to shake them off slightly, which caused him to smirk with full knowledge of what he did to me. And I suppose he always knew what he did to me, and he was surprised tonight when I exhibited shock after he became drunk enough to tell me what I did to him, that was around the time of our 3rd drink. Harry was always more of a lightweight than others.

"I think I could refer you to one" He chuckled out, once he gained enough air back to continue talking. I rolled my eyes.

Somehow through all our bottles of some ridiculously expensive brand of bear Harry insisted on trying, and many cheep ass shots (which I agreed to pay for), we found our selves on the topic of sex, a topic Harry was always quick to bring up when he got me drunk, as it was one I would always shy away from when sober, always to self conscious to talk about my sex life, let alone my self in any seriousness, though Harry himself felt comfortable enough to talk about himself freely, his self-assurance only growing stronger since the surge of fame and popularity, and so, easily he stated.

"You know what, (Y/N)?"

"What, Haz?" I sighed

"You look like you'd be good at sucking a guy off" He stated bluntly, causing me to choke slightly on the drink I just took a sip of.

"uhhh, um, thanks?" I mumbled, unsure of what to say, to be honest I wasn't necessarily sure it was a compliment.

"I mean it though!" He yells trying to defend himself slightly. "Like after has a guy ever complimented you on it?"

And that was when I told him I had never gone down on a guy before. He was defiantly shocked, and questioned me about my virginity though; he knew I wasn't a virgin (that we had discussed many drunken times before).

Eventually Harry's laughter silenced and left us in stillness as we sipped away at our drinks in hand.

"Why haven't you?" Harry eventually questioned, breaking the quietness, and I was thankful after beginning to feel a slight awkwardness in the air for the first time since Harry and I met.

"Why haven't I what?"

"You know" Harry coughed, clearly showing his uncomfortable feeling to asking the question. "Why haven't you ever gone down on a guy?" he clarified, as he sat up, trying to show any kind of confidence toward me in the situation.

"Um, I don't know" And I was being honest, I had no idea, I suppose I never really got the chance to. I was 19 and had never gone down on a guy, and that sure as hell made me sound boring, and no, it wasn't like I had never had sex before, we already established that fact, I just, had never gone down on a guy.

"I just haven't" I finished.

Harry nodded as if to accept my answer, before taking another swig of his drink.

As Harry sipped away, I watched his face intently as I sat opposite him on his couch, and I couldn't help but notice a smirk creep up onto his face as he quite obviously took hold of a great idea, well, at least a great idea to him.

"What?" I questioned, slightly worried as to what he would have to answer me with.

"I could be your tutor" He chuckled out, quite amused with himself. I chocked.

"What?!" I shouted, unsure if he was just being a dickhead, or full heartedly putting a proposition toward me.

"I mean it, I could teach you, you know, how to go down on a guy"

Harry Styles Sexual FrustrationsWhere stories live. Discover now