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"(Y/N), can we talk?" my heart froze for a second when I heard these words coming out of Harry's mouth with his voice being even slower than usual. I knew what would be coming now. Actually I was waiting for this to happen for some time now. Waiting for him to do it. To break up with me. Harry and I have met a year ago and if I said that it was love at first sight then I would be lying to myself, I quite hated him at first because I thought he was an arogant brat that only wants to fuck around but when I got to know him I slowly fell in love with him. Since then my world has been revolving around him.

Every single piece of him made me happy but not happy like when you realised your favourite episode of Friends is on. The feeling he gave me was more then that. My heart would beat faster, a smile would immediately start growing on my face and I just couldn't think a negative thought around him.

But over the past month things got kind of, complicated. At first his fans didn't really care about our relationship, they kind of just ignored it but since they realised that it's something seriously they started hating me. Death threats were sent to me from now on and it got more and more every second. Even though people said horrible, cruel things about me I never really cared simply because I knew that when I put the laptop aside there would be something waiting for me. There would be a person waiting for me that makes all this hate bearable. Knowing that Harry loves me and only me always gave me the strength to stand up to the haters.

But it seems like the less it affects me, the more it started affecting Harry. I could see the sparks in his eyes leave when he read all the hateful tweets on his phone. His gorgeous dimples left ever since. I haven't seen him smiling in some time and it made me sick to know how much it hurts him. Over the past week Harry gave me clues here and there which all lead to this moment. To the breakup I have been expecting to happen for days.

"(Y/N) you know I love you more than anything else in this world. Even in this universe! So please understand that this is the reason why this can't work anymore. I don't want you to be put through this. I want you to be happy and to find someone that can give you the love you deserve in every way possible" I wanted to protest but I knew I wouldn't stand a chance. His mind was set and his bag was waiting at the door for him to leave.

He lent a ted forward and gave me a light kiss on the forehead right before he left.

I knew this would happen. I was expecting it but I never were expecting that it would break my heart like this.

I felt like a giant bear just ripped my heart out and squeezed it in his pranks.

Never again I would feel his soft fingers touching my armslightly.

Never again I would see his curly head next to me when I wake up.

Never again I would watch his smile grow when I told him about my day.

And never again I would feel the way I felt with him.

I was empty.

-3 months later.

It took me time to move on. If you could call this moving on. There is no way I would ever stop loving this curly-haired greek god with the emerald eyes that could stare right into my soul but with the help of my best friend I managed to get up on my feet again. I started going out with friends every now and then and I stopped crying myself to sleep. Since that evening that he left me there was no second that I wasn't thinking about him.

I was just about to grab a bottle of my favourite juice when I saw him just a few meters away. With her. Another girl. I haven't seen him in so long and seeing that he moved on broke me again. I felt all my feelings rush through my body. Sadness, Anger but mostly jealousy. With sudden courage I stormed towards him and before I could even think my fist met his face.

"Fuck you Styles!" I screamed at him tears now streaming down my face "You left me because it was "the best way" and now you run around fucking another girl?! Isn't it the best way for her or what?!" without saying anything more I ran out of the store and made my way home. The pouring, cold rain pattering on my skin. My shirt was already soaking wet but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get home and to finally move on. Why can't I just move on and forget this fucking boy? Why do I have to be such an romantic dumb bitch?

As I arrived home I let myself pop on the couch, the well-known smeel of my home sending chills down my arms. It still wasn't just my smell. Every blanket, every curtain, every fucking inch of this house smelled like him.

A light knock on the door woke me up from my trance. It was him, standing there looking at me and I could see him talking but I still was too much in a shock stare to hear any of the words coming out. All I could do was to stare at those wonderful soft pink lips that I had the privilege of kissing for so long.

"(Y/N)? Are you even listening? Please, we need to talk! I have missed you so much! Leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made. When I left you a piece of me left too. For the past three months I felt like crap because it was like a piece of me was missing but I thought you had moved on so I decided to no call you.." he was talking fast and faster in a way I had never heard him talking before. Tears filling his eyes and suddenly I knew what I wanted. It was him. It has always been him.

I felt my lips crashing into his and our cold,soaked bodies finding each other in the perfect match they always had been.

I managed to whisper a silently "I missed you" before he gently pulled me up to the bedroom that we had shared for nearly a year.

He laid me down on the bed and started planting little soft kisses on my neck, finding my sweet spot immediately and I just couldn't help but to let a little moan come out of my mouth. Oh how I missed his touch. Everything felt like he had never left. I started palming his crotch thorugh his jeans and as I looked up I saw a well known expression. His face went ffrom sad to horny.

Suddenly he ripped of my shirt,pressing his body against mine. Without hesistating I took of his shirt and pants in a swift motion.

He kissed down my stomach until he was at the wirstband of my thong,taking it gently off with his teeth. Shivers went through my whole body as his kisses made their way right to where I needed them the most. Harry started eating me out and moans after moans escaped me mouth. I could feel myself getting closer.

"Please Harry, I need you!" and within a second I could feel him thrusting his huge cock into me. It was hard but gently at the same time, just like I knew it. It didn't take long to send us both over the edge and after we rode out our orgasms together he pulled me into his arms.

"I'll never leave you again."



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