the bell rung, hearkening all the teenage something's, everything's, and nothing's into the hallways causing the usual mass chaos as we filed to our last class of the day. I sighed, picked up my books and filed out of my English class behind everyone. I was the last one out, and consequently got stuck in the shuffle, knocked into lockers by jocks, pricks, and teenage queens while attempting to avoid the doors that opened at a moment's notice, playing the game of 'hit the most vulnerable freshman we can find'.

I maintained my gaze on the ground so as to not attract or detract attention from anyone older than myself. Being a peon in high school meant being the equal of the used condoms that were notorious for ending up in front of the theatre hallway. Rumor was that the new young and consequently attractive male theatre teacher had been banging several senior cheerleaders, but no one could prove it and the sexually active art students were across the hall so no one could say it wasn't them either. I counted the concrete tile on the ground, making a left than a right towards the band hall.

Just then I bumped into someone. It was a shoulder graze, happening because I had noticed an eraser on the ground behind me and I had turned my head to look at it while not hitching my walk.

"sorry" I mumbled in reluctance, feeling as though I had to say something but unwilling to stop and casually carry on a conversation with someone I didn't know.

"excuse you. Look where you're going alright?" said an irritated voice.

I looked up to scowl at him, affronted. It was Styles, the most sought after, notoriously man whorish boy in the school. He was tall and handsome, to be sure, with green eyes that seemed to pierce right into your soul and a mop of brown curly hair that framed his face. I looked down immediately, disgusted with myself. Out of all the people I could have bumped into, it had to be the most attractive kid in the entire school, one that I had a crush on simply because it would be unnatural not to

I scurried on, not even bothering to give an explanation. What was I even expected to say? I'd probably blunder the whole thing anyway.

I wheeled around the corner and pushed open the door to the band hall and made a left into the drum room which was so loud I felt as if my brain was pulsating against my skull. I met eyes with my best friend Peter and nodded out the door. He did a quick buzz tap on the snare drum in front of him and then followed me out, stopping twice to first beat on the bass drum and then to hurl one of his drumsticks at Mason who dramatized the entire encounter and kicked it out the door.

Peter followed me out, picked up the drumstick, and shut the door, temporarily muffling the cacophony within.

"I will never understand how you aren't deaf right now, good fucking lord."


I hit him. "you'll never guess what happened."

"aight bet"

"you won't"

"I know, now tell me"

He spun his drumstick around his fingers nimbly several times, waiting impatiently for me to continue my story.

"I just literally bumped into Harry Styles"

"and this is big news because.....?"

"BECAUSE I LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING TWAT" I said, exasperated. I felt sure a normal girl would have done a little shriek and then asked me all about it, but Peter just raised his eyebrows and shook his head. Having girls for friends wasn't my strong suit and I was paying for it right now.

"you said it not me" he laughed sarcastically, flicking me on the boob with his drumstick. I grabbed it out of his hands and hit him on the arm with it.

Harry Styles Sexual FrustrationsWhere stories live. Discover now