Chapter 2- Introductions

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I silently follow Billy down the hall, Joey falling in line behind me. We walk down the stairs and down another long corridor. Jesus, this place is huge. As we walk past one room, Billy quietly taps 3 times on the door. It opens seconds later to reveal three other boys. They look at me, confused. Billy notices.
BILLY: I'll explain later.
They shrug it off and fall in line behind Joey. We all silently make our way to the dining hall and into the kitchen. Billy and Joey walk over to some metal racks and start pulling them out, away from the wall. Billy motions with his hand for us to follow him as he walks behind the racks. We do, and we see him lift up a hidden door on the floor. Turns out, this school is a lot cooler than it looks. We all make our way down under the school, and Joey closes the hatch. We continue down further until we reach a hole in the wall. It looks like it could collapse at any given moment, and Billy just casually crouches through it, like it's a regular Tuesday. Why am I not surprised? Then, the other boys start to talk and thus emphasise the reason as to why this is going to be a long year.
BOY 1: Nice hole Billy
BOY 2: Speaking of holes, has anyone got a sister? Billy, how about calling yours up?
I actually felt myself gag at that remark, like, my whole body shook with pure discomfort, and I saw Billy's shoulders tense up.
BOY 1: I saw Joey's mom at the mall
BOY 3: You saw his mom?
JOEY: You guys better leave my mom out of this. I love my mom
BOY 1: And you can too, for 12 bucks!
BOY 2: As long as you're not talking about my mother, everyone's cool.
We all soon arrived at an old storage room, filled with crates and shelves covered in dust. It looks like no one has used this room in months, years even. In the middle of the room sat a large table. We all crowed around it.
BOY 1: Alright, so are we just not gonna address the new kid?
BILLY: Oh yeah, right. This is my brother, Carl.
I give them all an awkward wave. I'm trying not to speak if I can help it. If I mess up in the slightest way, I'm out of here. I can feel their eyes on me, closely inspecting every little thing about me. They know something is up.
BOY 1: I don't remember you saying you have a brother.
BILLY: Well, you clearly don't listen to me then as he's standing right there.
BOY 3: He doesn't say much. Does he?
BILLY: He's been homeschooling for the past year, give him a break
The first boy narrows his eyes at me, and I can feel what he's thinking. Nevertheless, they give up pushing and just accept it. Finally, i get some more information. Billy points to the first boy.
BILLY: This is Johnathan, but we all call him snuffy because of his asthma
He then points to the second boy.
BILLY: This is Hank
And finally, the third.
BILLY: And this is Ricardo
I slightly smile at them, and I can feel the sweat beading on my forehead. Why are they looking at me so strange? I knew this God damn wig was stupid. Thankfully, Hank changes the subject.
HANK: So, what's the other surprise?
BILLY: Make yourselves comfortable. The bar is open.
He lifts out of his bag, some paper cups.
BILLY: Mr Trotta, why don't you tend to the bar?
Joey starts to set out the cups, and Billy pulls out a huge bottle of... Mouthwash?
HANK: Mouthwash?
BILLY: Yes, mouthwash. Or maybe not...
SNUFFY: What's the deal, Billy? Are you trying to tell me my breath stinks?
Billy pours everyone a drink and raises his glass. We all follow suit.
BILLY: Gentleman. Here's to Mr Donoghue.
JOEY: May he get laid while on the outside!
BILLY: Amen.
They toasted to their roommate, who I've replaced. We all take a drink and immediately regret it. It comes straight back up.
HANK: This is mouthwash, you asshole!
BILLY: No, it's not
JOEY: Tastes like mouthwash. What is it?
BILLY: Four parts 100 proof vodka, two parts peppermint schnapps for that mouthwash flavour, and one part creme de menthe to make it green.
HANK: You're a sick man. I hope you know that.
BILLY: That's the point. It looks, smells, and tastes like mouthwash so that we can keep liquor in plain sight in our dorms. The best part is that I've already sold 8 bottles of this stuff for 35 bucks each.
JOEY: We're rich...
They high five, and Billy reaches into his bag for "the entertainment." Oh, great.

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