Chapter 6- Secrets revealed

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PRINCIPAL: You can threaten me as much as you like. The fact remains that officers from the United States Marshal's Service took young Donoghue out of school yesterday, and they did not say we're they were taking him.
The leader of the terrorists, Luis Cali, is a stubborn man who cares very deeply for his father and will not, under any circumstances, tolerate lying.
LUIS: I have been under a lot of strain lately, and my patience is wearing thin. If you're lying and he's here, I'll find him and kill you.
PRINCIPAL: He's not here!
Suddenly, the American man walks over to the desk and places a stack of folders down in front of Luis. He whispers something to him.
LUIS: It seems you are telling the truth. If you continue to do that, you have nothing to fear from me.
The principal is then escorted back to the cafeteria with the other teachers and the students. Luis turns to the American man.
LUIS: How could this happen? We pay a fortune for this kind of information!
MAN 1: We were in transit, and they couldn't get to us. However, I don't think we have a problem. Take a look at these.
He picks up one of the folders and shows Luis the contents. These folders are student records, with every detail of every student attending this school, even me...

Luis Cali entered the cafeteria with the American man and two other men following behind. They were all carrying stacks of folders which they placed on a table. He told us to all stand up in a group at the front of the cafeteria, which we all did in silence. I stood between Billy and Snuffy, I tried to stand next to Joey, but he kept moving away from me. Now is not the time to be a dick. Luis then walked over to the folders and opened the first one.
LUIS: Bradberry, Jonathan.
Everyone turns to look at Snuffy as he awkwardly shuffles forward to stand in front of Luis.
LUIS: Your father is Stephen Bradberry? Chairman of the First Empire Bank of New York?
He waves him away, and Snuffy practically runs back to us. What is he even doing? What is the point in this? He then proceeds to read out Hank's and Ricardo's folder. He opens Joeys next.
LUIS: Trotta, Joseph.
Joey steps forward, and I feel like I'm about to pass out. There is too much going on right now.
LUIS: Your father is Albert Trotta of New York City?
JOEY: Yes.
LUIS: The Albert Trotta?
Joey doesn't answer. He just glares at him.
LUIS: What's the matter? Not proud of your father?
He is dismissed by a wave and joins us all again. Luis then picks up two folders at once, and I can feel my heart stop, and a lump grows in my throat. He knows.
LUIS: Now, these two were the most interesting of them all.
He paces in front of us, glaring. He comes to a stop.
LUIS: Tepper, William.
Billy steps forward. He stands face to face with him, showing no fear.
LUIS: What does your father do, William?
BILLY: He's a contractor.
LUIS: It says here that he owns the third largest construction company in the world.
BILLY: Yeah, he's a contractor.
Luis stares at Billy, a stare that could slice your soul.
LUIS: You're not afraid?
BILLY: Yes, I'm afraid.
LUIS: Good. Now, let's see what your sister has to say...

All eyes dart around the room, looking for a girl. I can feel the sweat beginning to drip down my back, and I feel completely numb.
LUIS: Tepper, Y/n.
I want to move, I want to act like this guy doesn't scare me, but the truth is I'm petrified. I try to move, but my legs feel so weak that I'd probably fall over. I just stand there.
LUIS: Tepper, Y/n!
Oh God. I finally get my feet working, and by that, I mean I shuffle across the floor until I'm standing in front of all the students, teachers, and terrorists. Luis looks down at me and grabs my wig, yanking it off of my head, grabbing some of my hair with it. The gasp falls across the room, God, you would think I'd just killed someone with that reaction. Luis gets right up in my face.
LUIS: You are the worst kind of people. A liar.
That's rich coming from a terrorist. What's this guy's problem with lying anyway? I barely get time to react when suddenly the end of a gun is shoved into my stomach. I let out a cry and double over onto the floor. That's when I hear him. Joey.

I watched as that asshole shoved the gun into her. All my reasoning and thought of trying to distance myself from her just flew out of the window once again. I don't know what it is about her. She's like a drug, the more I pull away, the more addicted I become. I ran to her side and held her as she tried not to throw up.
BILLY: You Asshole!
Billy started to shove him, and a fight almost broke out, but Luis pulled out his gun, and that ended things pretty quick. I look down at her in pain, and there are so many thoughts racing through my mind. I want to take the pain away from her. I should be the one to suffer, not her. The most predominant one, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch.

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