Chapter 3- Jennifer

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He pulls out an old phone with a bunch of loose wires sticking out the back. He plugs it into a machine and connects it to an electrical rod. I've got to admit, although Billy isn't the best behaved kid ever, he's smarter than most people think. Whilst he's setting up this contraption, the other boys are going on about beating off or something or the other. I'm really trying to drown it out.
BILLY: I'll do the talking.
He dialled a number on the phone, and the device he plugged it into let's us all hear it. A woman picked up.
JENNIFER: Hi, this is Jennifer. What's your name?
BILLY: Uh... Steve
JENNIFER: Oh, Steve... I like that name...
She's starts moaning. Great, Billy called some sort of sex line. Of course he did. She starts moaning louder and asking them if she can touch herself. I think I'm actually going to throw up. Why the hell would Billy bring me to this? I look over at them all and see them leaning in closer to the machine, mesmerised. I walk over to the "mouthwash" and pour myself another cup. Yes, it tastes awful, but I need anything to drown that out. Suddenly, there is a light coming from the doorway. We all panic and start to pack away the alcohol. Billy hangs up the phone.
BILLY: Hide.
While Billy struggles to pack the phone away, the rest of us hide. Hank and Ricardo hide behind some boxes, and Joey takes my hand and leads me behind a coat rail with Snuffy. Just before Billy can get the phone put away, the dean of the school walks in.
THE DEAN: Mr Tepper. Why am I not surprised?
He picks up the phone Billy made.
THE DEAN: This is ingenious...
BILLY: Thanks
He then picks up an empty mouthwash bottle.
THE DEAN: What's this?
BILLY: Mouthwash
THE DEAN: Oh, come on, Mr Tepper. you expect me to believe that you crawled to the basement just to drink a bottle of mouthwash?
BILLY: I'm trying to fight plaque. Gingivitis... Tartar build-up. I got a little...
THE DEAN: Are you alone down here?
BILLY: Yes, sir.
THE DEAN: Where are your roommates?
BILLY: Up in their room, I guess
Just when i think we're about to get away with it, Snuffy sneezes. Now I understand the nickname. It's not just asthma. Obviously, the dean hears.
BILLY: Shit.
THE DEAN: Watch your mouth. Come on out, Mr Bradberry. You too, Mr Trotta, you may as well come out.
They both get up and leave me behind the coats. And once again, just when I think I've gotten away, I accidentally knock something off of one of the many shelves behind me.
THE DEAN: Alright, Mr Tepper, you too.
It takes a second to realise he's talking about me, but when i do, I shuffle out from behind the coats and stand next to Snuffy, who lets out another sneeze.
JOEY: Gesundheit
SNUFFY: Thank you
We all stand and watch as the dean calls out both Hank and Ricardo. How the hell did he know everyone exactly? Who am I kidding? It will have always been them getting into trouble. The dean looks at us all.
THE DEAN: Right, I want to see you all in my office at 9 am sharp tomorrow. Go to your rooms, now. Move!
We all set off walking for the door.
THE DEAN: Not you, Billy.
I look back at him, and he gives me a nod before I leave the basement.

I follow Joey back to our room. God, what a strange first night. Joey sits on his bed, and I go to mine. I can finally take off my wig. Thank God.
JOEY: So, what do you think of the guys?
Y/N: They seem fun, I guess you all get in trouble a lot?
JOEY: Like you wouldn't believe
Y/N: Well, it looks like I'll fit right in.
I smile at him, and he smiles back. God, I can actually feel my heart skip a beat. I always thought that was just some cheesy movie thing, but I just felt it happen. He has the most adorable smile I've ever seen. Shit. I'm staring again.
Y/N: Where's the bathroom?
JOEY: Down the hall.
Yeah, it's not happening. The only pyjamas I've brought aren't something a guy would wear in this school. If I get caught in the hallway, I'll be done for.
Y/N: I can't risk getting seen.
JOEY: Uh... I could turn around if you want?
Y/N: Thanks.
He turns around, and I start to get changed. All that I'm thinking is how much I wish he wasn't looking the other way. I want him to look at me. I know he's not looking, but I still feel like I'm going to float away with the amount of butterflies in my stomach. God, if only he knew the effect he had on me without even trying.

She started getting changed whilst my back was turned. All I wanted to do was turn around. It took everything in my body to keep myself facing the wall, knowing that she was wearing nothing behind me. God, I can't do that to Billy. Dating your best friend's sister is a whole other level. He doesn't know that I've thought about her since I joined this school. He doesn't know the thoughts in my mind. The thoughts of what I want to do to her. I can hear her behind me, and I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it, I start to picture what she looks like. Nothing I haven't done before, but when she's in the room, right behind me. My imagination runs wild, and i wonder what she looks like in nothing but my shirt. What she looks like under me... God, this is going to be a long year.

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