Chapter 10- Caught (SMUT)

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Time just flies by when you're being hustled in and out of a terrorist infested school. Before I know it, we are all thrown back into our room for another cramped night. We get changed, and all sit down on one of the beds to talk. Billy and Yoghurt were having their own private conversation whilst the rest of us looked over Joey's drawings.
BILLY: This is the chip that sends radio signals to the plane?
BILLY: The same kind that the leader's got wrapped around his wrist?
BILLY: Then if we could somehow switch these chips...
I tune out all of the conversations and just look at Joey as he talks to the guys. I don't even know what he's saying at this point, I'm more preoccupied on his face, his eyes. His lips. I haven't stopped thinking about what happened in the bathroom. It all came so naturally. Nothing about it felt forced, considering we've never done it before. It just felt like it was all meant to be. He's wearing a white button-up shirt, but he's left most of the buttons open. I swear he just did that to torture me. The lines of his chest are so prominent, enticing. I actually felt myself leaning over to touch him, but thank God for Snuffy, once again sneezing and bringing me back to reality.

I suddenly zone back in, and Snuffy is making fun of Billy's idea, which I have no clue of.
SNUFFY: Now all we have to do is get Cali out of the headmaster's office, which he hardly ever leaves. sneak past the guard... Switch the chips without setting off the bombs... Then get out without being seen.
BILLY: That's right
SNUFFY: I was attempting to be sarcastic
BILLY: You shouldn't have been. You should have been writing it down!
God, these boys are idiots.

As the night goes on, one by one, everyone goes to sleep. At some point after midnight, I'm shaken awake by Joey.
Y/N: Joey?
JOEY: Can I talk to you in the bathroom?
Y/N: I thought we weren't allowed to leave our rooms.
JOEY: No, the bathroom in here
Y/N: There's a bathroom in here?!?
JOEY: What did you think that door was?
Y/N: We didn't get a bathroom...
JOEY: I like you Y/n but sometimes you're such an idiot...
I smack his arm and immediately regret it as I hear Ricardo shifting. Please God don't wake up...
JOEY: Come on
I slowly get out of bed and follow Joey to the bathroom. He locks the door behind us.
Y/N: What do you want to talk about?
JOEY: I'm scared Y/n.
Y/N: I'm scared too-
JOEY: No, I mean I'm scared of losing you. I was just laying there trying to sleep and I realised, I've just got you, I can't lose you this soon...
Y/N: Joey, you won't
JOEY: But if I did, there's so much I haven't done with you... I don't want to risk that.
Y/N: You mean?-
He presses his lips to mine gently, and I think my heart actually exploded. Holy shit. The boy that I've been dreaming about since I was like 13 wants me? This has to be a dream. There is no way this is happening this fast. Has God finally given me a break? He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
JOEY: Do you want to?
Oh my God. This is real. This is happening. What do I say? I mean, obviously, I want to, I actually want nothing more right now, but what about Billy? Knowing that me and Joey kissed would have been enough to kill him but this?... Fuck it.

Before I knew it my mouth was on his once again and I am pressed against the wall. The cool tile on my back making me shiver. I moved my hands to his chest and slowly, one by one, unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way. I moved my hands up his chest and tugged his shirt off of his shoulders. It fell to the floor and I pulled away to look at him. I know I've seen him shirtless before, but in the midnight glare of the bathroom, reflecting off of his body, perfectly highlighting every line and muscle... He looks so hot. I move my hands across his abs with fascination. I slowly begin to gently kiss down his chest, earning a sharp gasp from him. I smile at him.
Y/N: These are really good abs. Like, I honestly didn't know these were a real thing on real people
Oh my God just shut up. Why do I always have to ruin the moment by saying something so awkward?

He smiled back at me before pressing his lips to mine again. Ok, thankfully I didn't screw this up. I pull away and begin to run more kisses from his stomach up his chest to his neck, my fingers tracing their own path. Finally, I connected our lips once again.

I clenched my fists at my sides, wanting to grab her but not wanting to stop her, her light, soft touches are like torture. By the time her hands are in my hair, I've lost all sence of time and place. My only thoughts are of her. Her lips on mine. Her sweet taste. Her soft body pressed against mine... These clothes have to go. I'm tired of the barrier between us, I don't want this to just be another heated make-out session. I need her. Now.

He ran his hands beneath the hem of my shirt, skimming the top of my pajama shorts. He ran a hand up my back, tracing the dip of my spine. I shivered as he brought his hands along my ribs, letting his thumbs drag along the underside of my breasts. I broke the kiss to remove my shirt. Joey pulled himself closer to me, pressing his chest to mine. His skin was scalding hot compared to mine. His fingers dug into me harder, pulling me impossibility closer. His hands moved around to my back and found the clasp for my bra. He undid it with ease and tossed it aside. He runs his hands down my body until he reaches my shorts. He slowly removes them. Just one more barrier and he's all mine. That's enough of me just standing there. I grab the waistband of his pants and rip them off of him. He picks me up, holding me against the wall. I need him. I take him...

Holy shit. I can't breathe, I can't see, I can't think about anything other than him. I scream from the overload of both pain and pleasure and his hand quickly comes up to my mouth, covering it. He looks me in the eyes and I nod at him. Well, I nod to the best of my ability. Instead of removing his hand, he drags it down my jaw and around my neck. He holds my neck, tightening his grip as he looks into my eyes.
Y/N: Joey...
Suddenly, the knot that's been building up in my stomach just exploded and my vision went completely white. I sink my teeth into his shoulder and drag my nails up his back. My thighs wrap around him tighter, pulling him in closer to me. He leaves gentle kisses up my neck and jaw, finally placing one on my lips. He leans his forehead on mine.
JOEY: I love you
Oh my God. Did he actually say that? He loves me? It's about damn time!
Y/N: I love you too
He smiles at me before gently pressing his lips to mine again.

Just when I think life is perfect and it can't be ruined by anything, we hear a knock on the bathroom door, followed by a whisper.
RICARDO: What are you guys doing in there?
Shit. I've literally never gotten dressed so fast in my life. Joey and I throw our clothes back on before opening the door to a very confused and concerned Ricardo. I scan the room, everyone else is asleep. Good. Now, all we've got to do is deal with him. Why can't I just have at least one easy day?

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