𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑨 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 - 𝑲𝒂𝒈𝒆

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Kage paced outside the door, waiting for the results. The previous day his cousin had wanted to join the rebels and applied, today was the final decision day.

"Goodness Kage! Stop pacing you're acting as if this is your result!" Quincy said, bouncing her knee.

"Alright, alright. Hey, stop biting your finger, that's not good for you."

"What is good for me then?" She rolled her eyes. "Once I join the rebels, I'm a stranger to you. Don't talk to me."

"What if you didn't make it?" Kage asked, raising a playful brow at Quincy.

"Don't say that," She hissed, but she still fumbled with her black hair, similar to his own.

"Hey," He walked closer to her and kneeled, grabbing her hands. "You did fine in the evaluation yesterday and you passed the literacy test with flying colors. You made it, Q."

"I barely passed the literacy test," Quincy bit her lip, almost tasting the blood as she dug her teeth in.

"You still passed." Kage patted her hands before standing up again to face the new face that had entered into the long hallway. "Mornin' Cap." He gave a nod.

A man with grey and white hair gave him the slightest nod before checking off the clipboard in his hand. He still looked young in a way but Kage knew that the captain had grown older as years passed trying to defy the Capitol.

"Quincy Reed?" He glanced at the nervous teenager.

"Here," She silently raised her hand.

"You passed," He flipped through the papers, before slamming them shut. "Congrats Q." He grinned from ear to ear.

Quincy leaped into his arms. "Thank you! This is so great!" She faced Kage, "I'll be the best!"

"Don't go easy on her Cap, it doesn't help that you're her brother either."

"Notch down cousin, I'm just supporting my little sis," Brimstone said, shaking his head. "Though I guess we don't look like siblings right? I'm a grumpy old man while-" He grabbed Quincy into a light headlock before messing her long hair. "-this little goofball is full of energy. She'll be great on the field, Kage, and yes I know I'll be hard on her."

Brimstone loosened his hug and placed Quincy onto the floor, an eye roll following, expecting the usual lecture from his cousin.

Kage crossed his arms before letting out a hmph. "Practice starts tomorrow with Dorian. Be there or else I'll find another job for you."

"With Dorian?" Quincy exclaimed, "But he's-" She lowered her voice, afraid anyone would hear. "-but he's the worst. The worst of the worst. That's what I heard from other trainees."

Kage closed the space between them in three steps and pressed a hand onto her head. "You don't ever say that about anyone you hear me? Even if you're better, you never tell that to another person."

Quincy nodded. "I gotcha. Should I go beat up those kids? I'm a warrior now aren't I?"

"Rebel," Kage said, rolling his eyes.

Brimstone's eyes sparkled with pride as he muttered under his breath, loud enough for only Kage to hear. "Mom and Dad would've been so proud."

Kage gave an acknowledging nod before drilling his cousin on the schedule. "Tomorrow's day starts at five thirty, sharp, don't be late or else you'll be on mop duty."

Quincy scrunched her nose. "Ew."

"Not 'ew' unless you experience." 

"I'm not surprised you did," She said with a shrug.

"I didn't," Kage pointed a thumb back at Brimstone. "He did."

"Wow, way to throw me under." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I need to get back to the other trainee's training, see you tomorrow. Five thirty sharp," He said, looking at Quincy. She stuck out her tongue in response.

Kage and Quincy watched as Brimstone walked down the hallway, going left into the next hallway. The two sat in silence before Quincy muttered, "I can't believe I made it."

"Congrats, Q, they'd be proud."

"Yeah," She stared down at her ripped, white shoes. "They would be, wouldn't they?"

Kage had no time to react before an explosion blew him back, blurring his vision as his head hit the gravel.

"Put your hands up!" A voice seemed to shout.

He tried to focus but failed to do so as the darkness consumed him.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑼𝒔Where stories live. Discover now