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"What's your ETA?" Mingi asked through the phone

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"What's your ETA?" Mingi asked through the phone. "About an hour and thirty minutes? Namhae and Seoul are pretty far. I'm getting carsick. Really bad." San responded. He had to be in this luxurious sportscar for 3 hours and 50 minutes. Even though it's a sportscar, it felt like forever. "Dude, do I really have to wait that long?" Mingi sulked. "I never asked you to wait, just get another dorm." San replied, rolling his eyes. Mini's lips formed into a straight line. "Are you sure?" Mingi asked. "Yeah, just, go." San replied as he hung up.

Mingi sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. He went to the receptionist. "I would like to book a dorm." Mingi said. "Ah, of course, Song Mingi?" She said. "Yes. I'm Song Mingi, FIX ON." Mingi cringed after what he just said. The receptionist made a weird expression. "Okay...your room is 2124." She smiled, handing over Mingi's card. Mingi smiled in embarrassment as he bowed and left for his dorm. 

He swiped the card to see a luxurious dorm that looked like a penthouse. He smiled as he did some random dances and vibed. He spun around and almost fell but someone caught him. Mingi's eyes widened as he realized who it was. "Yunho! Why weren't you picking up my calls?" Mingi smiled, hugging his childhood bestfriend. "Oh, Mingi! We're roommates! LET'S GOOO!" Yunho yelled, hugging Mingi back. "I was busy unpacking my things, you go do yours now." Yunho replied. "Yeah, you're right." Mingi replied. "Also, there's only one room with two master-sized beds!" Yunho informed. "Bruh." Mingi rolled his eyes. "Well, you do you, I'm gonna visit Wooyoung." Yunho smiled. "Oh okay." Mingi said as he unpacked his things.

Yunho went to room 9024, which was very high from theirs. He knocked, waiting for Wooyoung to respond. Wooyoung opened the door. "Hey, bro!" Wooyoung smiled. "Hey, Woo!" Yunho replied. "Come in!" Wooyoung smiled as Yunho entered. "These dorms are really nice." Yunho smiled. "They sure are." Wooyoung agreed. They had some nice conversations and plans.

"So your roommate isn't here yet?" Yunho asked. "Nope." Wooyoung sighed. "That's weird. Well, you have updates on Yeosang and Seonghwa?" Yunho asked. "I contacted everyone! I was so so bored! Yeosang is roommates with someone called Jongho. They both are introverts and it's going pretty awkward between them. Seonghwa and Hongjoong are roommates. You know, Hongjoong, Seonghwa's boyfriend." Wooyoung said. "Woah, you know alot. I'm roommates with Mingi! He's uh my best friend from my childhood. I think I've introduced you guys to him." Yunho said. "Oh yeah, the one who's eyes turn into semi-circles when he smiles or laughs." Wooyoung laughed. "Yeah, him! It's true, nobody can break me and Mingi apart, we're forever!" Laughed Yunho. "Everyone's got their roommates, I wonder who's gonna be mine." Wooyoung sulked. "Well, maybe his hometown is pretty far from Seoul." Yunho shrugged. "Yeah, maybe." 

They talked for 45 minutes or more as Mingi called Yunho. "Hey! Come back! I need severe help with arranging this!" He yelled through the phone. "Okay okay, I'll be there." Yunho said. "Well, I have to go, Woo." Yunho said. "Ah okay, see you." Wooyoung smiled. "Are you okay? You're being nice today...you want something...don't you?" Asked Yunho. "Well, if I acted like the real me, you'd leave, so yeah. Now get the fuck away please." Wooyoung giggled. "Motherfucker." Yunho rolled his eyes as he giggled. They greeted eachother as Yunho left. Wooyoung sighed heavily, being done. He was just so bored now.


"My fucking- YUNHO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mingi asked to see Yunho throwing underwears and boxers on the floor. "I can't find my spiderman boxers!" He yelled. "YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT?! NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR SPIDERMAN BOXERS!" Mingi yelled as Yunho gasped. "What did you say?" Yunho said dramatically. "I'm wearing your spiderman boxers." Mingi smiled. "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" Yunho sulked. "CLEAN THIS UP AND I'LL GIVE IT BACK TO YOU." Mingi smiled. "Uh...ew...no thank you." Yunho giggled. 

Suddenly, Mingi's phone rang. "Who could it be? It's like 4PM..." Mingi muttered. He grabbed his phone, it was San. "Bro, it's been forever, are you here?" Asked Mingi. "Yeah, I stopped at a shop and ate something. Well, my room is 9024." San said through the phone. "Oh, you want me to come help you?" Mingi asked. "Nah, just telling you." San replied. "Okay then. Mine's is 2124." Mingi smiled. "Woah...we're pretty far from eachother." San replied. Mingi agreed. "I'll go settle things down." San said. "Okay, see ya." Mingi hung up. Mingi felt pretty cool hanging up first, since San always hung up first.

San stood in the luxurious glass elevator, admiring the evening beauty of Seoul. He sighed heavily as the doors opened. He swiped his card and got in, only to see a boy with shoulder-length black silky hair, sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. His side-profile looked familiar. Indeed, VERY familiar. San squinted his eyes. The boy turned around. "Hey! I'm-" He stopped mid-sentence. Both the boy's eyes widened.


"NUH-UH...AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY." Wooyoung yelled. "WRONG ROOM, BITCH, GET THE FUCK AWAY!" Wooyoung yelled. "This is the last room, shut the fuck up." San yelled back. "Couldn't your ass hurry the fuck up?" Wooyoung yelled. "Shut the fuck up or I swear I'll kill you." San rolled his eyes, walking away, totally ignoring the boy who was yelling his ass off.

"ARGHHH! I'D RATHER BE FUCKING ALONE!" Wooyoung yelled. San scoffed as he unpacked his stuff, silent the whole time, no matter what Wooyoung said. His eyebrow raised at the upset boy who ignored his gaze with San. San didn't care.

You see, Wooyoung and San are childhood enemies. Their families were in good terms, not so close but they knew eachother. Wooyoung said something rude about San's beloved family and San took that to his heart. He also disliked Wooyoung's spoiled and bratty behavior. He was just so fucking annoying. San would do anything for his family, anything. He was very respectful to everyone in his family. 

Wooyoung and San were both golden boys with outstanding grades, looks and more. Everything about them was basically perfect.

They also went to the same school, Wooyoung and San bullied eachother like crazy, it was mostly San bullying the shit out of Wooyoung in a violent way but Wooyoung annoyed him, never terrified or scared. Wooyoung just provoked San in any way he could. 

Well, whatever happens will happen. Only time would tell, wouldn't it?


FIREWORKS / woosan ff


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