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Miyeon's eyes widened

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Miyeon's eyes widened. Wooyoung did not just snitch on her like that. She gulped visibly. "B-babe, I swear to fucking- He's lying! Would you believe him over me?!" She yelled, shocked. "It's true! You always stared at San like he's...just...stop..." The boy sobbed. "Yeah, stop." Wooyoung smirked. Miyeon looked at Wooyoung, her eyes widening even more. "You fucking bitch..." She murmured. "Oh yeah, stay mad. Nothing's gonna restart anymore." Wooyoung smiled. Miyeon quickly ran away from the room, making her way to San's dorm. She hesitated, San had only used her. She shook her head as she ran to her friend's dorm. As soon as her friend opened the door, Miyeon cried in her arms.

"Don't worry, she's gone. You can't really change your dorm but just ignore her. It'll be fine."  Wooyoung smiled as he pat the boy's back. "T-thanks, Wooyoung..." He forced a smile. "Don't worry, Yeonjun." Wooyoung replied as he smiled back. "I'll make my way back, text me if you need anything." Wooyoung smiled. "Will do." Yeonjun nodded as Wooyoung smiled as made his way back to the dorm.

Wooyoung barged in, throwing his bag on San's face. "YOU SICK PLUS INSANE BITCH?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Wooyoung yelled. San turned to look at him in shock and rage. "You wanna die?" He got up, his eyes widened as a smirk displayed on his lips. San towered over Wooyoung. "JUST WAIT TILL I FUCKING SNITCH ON YOU!" Wooyoung yelled, annoyed. (lvebom gave me this idea, Wooyoung blackmailing San HEHEHEHEH) "Go ahead, snitch on me. I'll break your bone one by one before you even say a word." San's gaze became dark. Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he pushed him away. "I'm too tired for your shit, just you wait, fucking fag." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. San looked back at Wooyoung, who walked away to the washroom. "This fucking brat." He muttered. He was too tired for this too or they wouldn't hesitate to murder eachother.

Eitherway, San wouldn't do it. He wants to do nothing but make his parents proud. He'd rather kill himself than disappoint his parents. He very well knew that his parents had high-expectations of him. Neither anyone would dare to tell his parents about what he really is. Except Wooyoung, he had told on him billions of times, it only made San hate him more and more. But they did have a huge violent fight that caused Wooyoung to do this.

Wooyoung came out of his warm shower, wearing a black hoodie with a pair of sweatpants. He sighed heavily as he went to his bed. He glanced at San's drawer, still shocked by what he witnessed. San was fast asleep, already snoring. Wooyoung wanted to just kick his ass, but he thought better not to. He pulled the duvet over himself, not wasting a second of his beauty sleep. It also announced that classes would start from tomorrow. Wooyoung was excited to learn. 

San kept his grades up just for his parents, he was just born smart. He skipped most classes and barely studied. He could solve something he'd never studied before. Wooyoung kept his grades up with hard work and focus.


It was morning already, felt like a blink of an eye. It was winter so it was so damn cold. San, the early bird, woke up by the light of the sun that hit his eyes through the curtains. He woke up, stretching lazily as he made his bed. The lights were off, that's pretty much how San liked it in the early morning. He opened the curtains, letting more sunlight in. Wooyoung groaned as the sunlight hit his eyes. It was winter but the sun shone so bright. He rubbed his eyes. "This motherfucker..." He murmured. San quickly went to his washroom as he showered with cold water and did his usual routine. He went to his wardrobe and dressed in the uniform. 

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