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OMG. IT'S BEEN A MONTHHH. ok so im so sorry, i was like soooo busy dude. like i couldnt update anything and I didnt use my devices for like 2 weeks. I'M SAOOOOO SORRY AAA




Wooyoung kept a straight expression as everyone clapped for him

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Wooyoung kept a straight expression as everyone clapped for him. He saw everyone with mixed emotions, some being shocked, some jealous, some happy, some unreadable. "I'm really proud of you, Wooyoung!" Mrs. Kang exclaimed. Wooyoung nodded with a VERY small smile, it didn't even look like a smile. 

Soon, class dismissed, and all the friends met up in the hallway. Yeosang had a smile, Wooyoung had an annoyed expression, Seonghwa had a calm expression and Yunho smiled shortly after he saw his friends. Seonghwa notices the smile on Yeosang's face. "What's with that smile, Yeo?" Seonghwa teasingly raises his eyebrow. "Well...Jongho...isn't...that bad." Yeosang chuckles. Wooyoung's expression turns even more annoyed. "OF COURSE. NOW YOU ALL ARE GONNA GET IN GOOD TERMS AND THAT FUCKER SAN WILL HAUNT ME." He yells. Everyone chuckles. "What about you, Yunho?" Wooyoung asks. Yunho smiles brightly, "If I be honest, my roommate, Mingi, is pretty cool. We have many similar things and...he looks pretty familiar. You know my bestfriend in middle school? He looks like him." Yunho says. Wooyoung arches an eyebrow. "Wow, what a story." He scoffs. 

No matter what, the thing Wooyoung saw in San's drawer will NEVER leave his mind. Why the fuck would he have vibrators? Maybe he uses it for...you know...sex with other people, but why's he keeping it in the room? It's concerning. But he tries to tell himself that whatever he saw wasn't real.

Reality slaps to Wooyoung's face as a basketball flies to his head and hits him, he stumbles to the ground and hears laughing. He turns around with anger, only to see San, laughing with those irritating dimples of his. "My hand slipped." San continues laughing. Wooyoung takes the basketball and throws it at San, it hits San's shoulder, making a loud sound. "MY HAND SLIPPED!" Wooyoung yells. San's laugh immediately fades, replaced with a cold, serious glare. Wooyoung's high-pitched witch-laugh kicks again, irritating San.  

San goes towards Wooyoung and grips his wrist tightly. "You fucker." He growls. Wooyoung swings his fist but misses as San dodges. "How did-" Wooyoung was cut off with rough slap on his right cheek. He stumbled, falling to the ground. Everyone around them gasped. Wooyoung turned his head, his eyes widened. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yells, he stands up, only to be pulled back by Yeosang and Seonghwa. San also gets pulled back by Mingi and Hongjoong. "San, control yourself!" Hongjoong scolds. "LET ME GET MY HANDS ON THAT WHORE, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!" San yells, trying to lunge forward. Wooyoung also tries to lunge forward. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY PRECIOUS FACE!" Wooyoung yells loudly. Seonghwa drags Wooyoung away while Yeosang apologizes to the people around them.

Mingi holds San back and Hongjoong rushes over to Wooyoung and Seonghwa. 

"San, are you crazy? You threw a basketball on him and then you slapped him right across the face?!" Mingi asks. "THAT BITCH DESERVES IT." San growls. He frees from Mingi's grip and glares at the people who were staring. "Wanna be next?" He threatens, his expression cold. Everybody shook their heads. San turned on his heel and left. 

Wooyoung washes his face with cold water, San's palm on his right cheek made it feel like a metal hit his face. It was bruised and crimson. Hongjoong looks with concern. "Look, I know it's his fault, he threw the ball at you purposely and then he...hit you." Hongjoong says. Seonghwa sighs. "That guy has no self-control." He mutters under his breath. Hongjoong nods. "I know, babe." He sighs. Seonghwa looks over to him. "I'll take care of Woo, you can go." He softly smiles. Hongjoong smiles back. "Alright, love you." He smiles. "More." Seonghwa smiles back.

As Hongjoong leaves, Seonghwa turns to Wooyoung. "Does it feel better?" He asks with concern. Wooyoung simply scoffs. "I don't give a fuck about how much it pains, he ruined my face!" Wooyoung snarls. Seonghwa rolls his eyes with a soft, gentle smile. "Okay, okay. It'll get better." He smiles. Wooyoung sighs, his expression softening slightly. "Yeah, okay." He sighs, rubbing on his bruised cheek. Seonghwa chuckled, finding the sight adorable. He pat Wooyoung's cheek. "It'll be okay." He smiles reassuringly. Wooyoung nods.

Seonghwa was like a mom to everyone. He cared for them and always put them first. So was Hongjoong, he was like a dad. Perfect couple.

Wooyoung cracked his knuckles and looked over to Seonghwa. "I'm going to my dorm. I'll study there." He says. Seonghwa smiles. "You never take a break from studying, but sure." He smiles. Wooyoung nods and turns on his heel, making his way to the dorm. "Bye." He says. "Goodbye." Seonghwa smiles.



Wooyoung makes his way to his dorm, ignoring anyone who looked at him. He clicks on the elevator. As it opens, he enters, coming across Yeonjun. 

Yeonjun flashes a charming smile before it quickly fades, looking at the younger boy's bruised cheek. "What happen?!" He quickly asks. Wooyoung sighs. "Nothing." He simply says. "Come on, tell me!" Yeonjun's eyes widen. Wooyoung looks over to him. "I don't wan- Just, leave it." Wooyoung says. Yeonjun sighs but nods in understanding. "Alright." He says. "If you wanna talk about it, let me know."  "Okay." 

Wooyoung steps out of the elevator, Yeonjun waves and he waves back. He goes to room 9024, he slides his room-card and enters, smelling the fragrance of his dorm. He shuts the door and sighs heavily. Walking over to the room, his gaze shifts towards the drawer.

But no, he didn't wanna think about anything right now. Choi San, he hates him. So much. So, so, much. He stalks over to the wardrobe and changes into an oversized black sweater with a pair of baggy jeans. He hangs his uniform and takes his laptop, his stationary and some books. He takes them to the living room and sets his things on the table. He opens the blindfolds of the large rectangular glass windows, letting sunlight in. He sits down on the black couch and puts his laptop on his lap. He starts working, and without noticing, it's already been 3 hours.

He hears the card-scan noise and the door opens. It was San. Of course. Wooyoung doesn't even bother looking up. He focuses on his work. 

San gives a dangerous glare to Wooyoung. But the thing was, did he feel guilty? Absolutely not. Was he proud? Very very very proud. Did it satisfy him? Sort of, but it would be better if he killed the boy instead. He smirked as he saw the red bruise mark on Wooyoung's right cheek.


FIREWORKS / woosan ff


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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