3. 🔞

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"Every roommate must be with eachother at assembly times or school emergencies

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"Every roommate must be with eachother at assembly times or school emergencies. It is your duty to protect your roommate. Be with your roommate at assembly times and school emergencies." An announcement occurred.

"Classes start tomorrow..." Yunho whined. "Exactly." Mingi whined too. They were wrapped up in a duvet, on the couch, watching a movie together with snacks.

Jongho and Yeosang didn't say anything. Yeosang was on his phone and Jongho was reading a book.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were having their usual together moments. They were watching a movie together too, just like Yunho and Mingi, but in a more romantic position. 

Wooyoung and San...don't even ASK. 

"SAN! MOVE YOUR SHIT OUT OF MY SHIT!" Wooyoung yelled. "I want the bigger closet." San rolled his eyes, scrolling through his phone. Wooyoung sulked. "YOU DON'T DESERVE THE BIGGER CLOSET, YOU REATRDED FUCKER!" Wooyoung yelled. San scoffed, standing up. "It's mine. And it will be. They're the same size. My closet only has an extra drawer." San said, towering over Wooyoung. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "FUCK YOU." He yelled, pushing San and taking his bag. "Should've organized your shit earlier." San muttered as he sat back down.

What was so annoying to San was Wooyoung's vanilla and cherry blossom scent spreading in the room. It was intoxicating. Wooyoung made alot of noises while organizing his things. "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?" Yelled San. Wooyoung ignored his comment, making more unnecessary noises that were twice as loud. "This fucking brat." San muttered as he went to Wooyoung's closet room and grabbed his wrist, twisting it harshly, causing Wooyoung to wince. Wooyoung's eyes widened as he started yelling like a small child. "LET ME GO! YOU ANNOYING ASS BITCH! YO-" He was interrupted by San's terrifying gaze. Wooyoung gulped.

"Listen here, you fucking brat. I know how much your parents love their prince. But I can get you out of this University in seconds. My mother owns this place and I can get you out of here easily." San threatened. Wooyoung's eyes widened. There was no fucking way. One wrong move, and he's kicked out. He didn't wanna upset his parents. Going to KQ Uni was such a big opportunity, and his parents did alot for him to go there. Wooyoung glared at San as he attempted a punch, but San easily dodged it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Behave yourself." San said, tugging onto Wooyoung's hair. "Get the fuck away!" Wooyoung yelled. San released Wooyoung aggressively, making him stumble. He walked away, leaving Wooyoung totally annoyed.

Wooyoung couldn't accept it. That dickhead's mother owned the uni? One wrong move, he's out. Again, one wrong move, he's out.

Wooyoung wanted to cry and scream his lungs out. He hated San, so so so much. San was the worst. Not even words could put up to it. San just ruined his whole life.

After he finished his organizing, he called his bestfriend, Yeosang. They were the only two people who were stuck with the two Choi's and things were weird.

"Hey, Woo, how's it going?" Yeosang said through the phone. "Ass. Just ass. You wanna know who my roommate is?" Wooyoung said. "Woah...you were so excited about your roommate, who is it?" Yeosang asked. "Choi San. The fucking Choi San." Wooyoung said. "WHAT..." Yeosang whisper-yelled. "Choi San? The dude who you fought with since childhood?" Asked Yeosang. "Yes. And you know what's worse? His mom owns this university." Wooyoung sulked. The line went silent for a second. "You're...joking...you usually come up with the most life-ending pranks." Yeosang said. "I'm literally NOT. This isn't a prank. This university belongs to the Choi family." Wooyoung fake-cried. "Bruh...well...lucky you..." Yeosang giggled. "FUCK YOU!" Wooyoung yelled, hanging up as he threw his phone on the floor lightly but roughly. 

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