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"I-I'm so sorry! I-I never meant to!" Wooyoung heard

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"I-I'm so sorry! I-I never meant to!" Wooyoung heard. The hall was crowded in one place. Many people were gathered. Wooyoung spotted Yeosang as he ran to him. He pushed the people aside as he saw a boy, on his knees, begging San not to hit him. Wooyoung's eyes widened. "I-I never meant to bump into you! It was a mistake!" The boy cried. "A mistake? Do you know who you bumped into?" San's eyes widened. "He bumped into some childish guy." Wooyoung stepped forward, helping the boy up. San turned towards Wooyoung, his eyes widened. "Jung fucking Wooyoung...I swear I'll get you kicked out of here." San's eyes widened even more. "What are you gonna tell your parents? Huh? That you almost hit some guy just because he bumped into you? Are you ill?" Wooyoung asked. 

"And what's gonna stop me from doing so?" San arched an eyebrow. Wooyoung frowned. "Fuck off, Wooyoung." San said. "Make me." Wooyoung sticks his tongue out. San's eyes widen with anger. Yeosang barges in, gripping onto Wooyoung's wrist, pulling him back. "Listen, my bestfriend, if you do not wanna die, I suggest you back off..." Yeosang sighed. "Fuck no." Wooyoung frowns. "Yunho! Take the boy with you!" Yeosang yells. Yunho compiles, taking the boy. San arches an eyebrow and his eyes widen with anger. Yeosang smiles at San, trying to calm him down. San arches both eyebrows at Yeosang. Yeosang pulled the raging Wooyoung away. 

"Wooyoung! Don't cause a scene, especially not with San!" Yeosang warns as Wooyoung wipes the blood from the boy's temple. "I'm not scared of that fucker." Wooyoung taunts back. "You're being delusional if you think you can fight him and get away with it. He's sent people to hospitals, Wooyoung!" Yeosang massages his temples. "Remember that you broke your wrist because of him." Yeosang reminded. Wooyoung scoffed, standing up. "So? He's insane." Wooyoung frowned. "His mother owns the school." Yeosang said. Wooyoung sighed heavily. "You know what? Stay out of this." Wooyoung frowned as he swung his backpack on his right and brushed against Yeosang's shoulder and walked out. Yeosang sighed. 

The boy stood up. He made eye contact with Yeosang. "I-...I'm...sorry, Y-yeosang sunbaemin." He bows as he leaves. Yeosang nods, his lips forming into a thin line. Yeosang made his way to his next class, baking. 

He could cook, only if you gave him a recipe book. He put on his apron, trying to tie it. It took forever. He frowned. It just didn't work. He was too introverted to ask anyone for help. He wasn't friends with anyone in this class. Suddenly, he felt a hand wrap around his waist, holding him still and putting the apron properly. Yeosang flinched. "T-thanks..." He smiled, he turned around to see who it was. His eyes widened. "Oh...Jongho..." His eyes widened even more. Jongho didn't say a single word, brushing his shoulder against Yeosang's and walking away, ignoring him.

Yeosang frowned, annoyed. "Who does he think he is?" Yeosang murmurs. "Okay, he helped me. I'm grateful." Yeosang giggled.  He turned around back to grab the recipe book, only to see everyone looking at him, their eyes widened and jaw dropped. Yeosang's eyes widened too. He didn't like to receive too much attention. Everyone's eyes were on him. 

"D-did...Choi Jongho...h-help you? Or even interacted with someone?" A girl spoke up. Yeosang looked concerned.  "Does he...not?" Yeosang asked, a sheepish smile on his face. "He barely interacts with anyone! He's very...introverted!" She giggled. Yeosang nodded slowly, his eyes drifting his locker. 


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He entered in the baking classroom. Yeosang looked over to Jongho. Jongho was already looking at him. Yeosang quickly shifted his gaze somewhere else, flustered. Jongho eyed him from up to down for a second, before looking away. 

"Everyone, I'm announcing the partners! Please keep your ears open!" The teacher, Mrs Hannah, announced. "Jun with Myungho." She announced. The two boys looked at eachother with excitement. She continued announcing more names. "Jongho and Yeosang." She said before continuing. Yeosang's eyes widened. He looked over to Jongho. Jongho rolled his eyes. Yeosang stood next to him, smiling. Jongho didn't smile back. But...his heart...fluttered.

It went good. Very good. Jongho and Yeosang did share conversations. Yeosang noticed how Jongho was good at everything. Jongho felt warm in Yeosang's presence, it was pretty...odd.



Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I might be able to upload less since my exams r on 27th and yk as an asian daughter, I HAVE TO START PREPARING NOW!! tysm! And this chaptr was basically jongsang lol 😱😱 ok byee! ily guys <3


FIREWORKS / woosan ff


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