SUPER confusion pt.1 - Bunny (N/A)

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This is gonna have a lot of action scenes that I'm not used to writing. Also, this will be practice for using different POV's while I'm writing. Please, give me some corrective criticisms in the comments, besties <3

A lot of this ISN'T lore accurate. If it was, they would all know their identities all ready

This is a Mysterious x Chaos fic as well, sooooo 

Another thing, this one shot is inspired by @m3verxx 's story, "Unwanted Love" so go check that out.

Since this is a multiple part series, the chapters are going to be shorter!!

Butter's POV

"I'm not obsessive," I said, rolling my eyes away from my second in command, General Disarray (or Dougie). Right now, I'm getting my new cork board ready to hang next to the other one that was already here. The first one wasn't big enough for all my ideas. My ideas on Mysterion's identity. We were in our secret lair and both in our costumes. It was about 4 pm on a Saturday, so I basically had all the time in the world to do this since school wasn't for a couple days.

"Not obsessive?" the red head repeated, looking at me with one eyebrow raised. I have no clue what he's on about. I may like him but to say I'm obsessed is a bit much. Again, he spoke, "This is the third week straight you've been working on this. I mean, shouldn't you be more interested in like... I don't know, an evil plan?"

 I guess he was right... A break would be nice. Plus, relaxing my head from all of the photos on this wall and getting away from all of the red yarn might help me actually find out the hero. I nodded. "Okay then, what were you thinking of?" 

After he told me the details of his plan, I was so excited. "Oh! You're a genius!" I hopped up and grabbed his shoulders, "How could I not think of this before! OF COURSE! Kidnapping Mysterion is absolutely the best way to figure out his identity. But, there is something I want to add. Tell the others to meet in an hour." "Yes sir," Dougie nodded and quickly went to the computer room. He knew a lot more about our systems, considering he's been taking computer classes since 6th grade. 

Kenny's POV

I slowly made my way to the Freedom Pals base. In my opinion, it was a childish name but then again this whole game was childish. No one here had real powers besides me. All they did was get in the way while thinking they were helping, which, arguably, is worse that getting in the way on purpose. They all had such an ego about how they were helping the city, when in reality all they did was butt heads with other kids. It was all idiotic. I'm just glad that I can be there, as the real hero for the town. But, I digress... 

The base used to be at Tolkien's house when we were kids and the whole civil war thing happened. After a while we decided to move HQ due to the fact that some asshole broke in and revealed its whereabouts. It was annoying, but hey, it's severely more difficult to just stumble across now. It's only about a 8 minute walk from my house, as well, which is a plus.

After finally entering the room, I walked to the middle of the space and squatted down, brushing off some dust to reveal a keypad with a protective covering keeping dust from getting on the mechanics. I open the cover and press in the pass code. To enter the digits, I just close the cover and step back. Soon, the trapdoor connected to the pad opened. I smiled and climbed down the ladder that was revealed, the door shutting behind me. 

Once I was turned away from the ladder, I saw my team members (if you can call them that) frantically buzzing around the room. "What is the situation?" I said in a deeper voice than normal. I couldn't let these fools know my identity. "It's a letter from The Coon! Tweek—" Tupperware cut himself off but soon corrected his words, "Wonder Tweek, found this at his parent's shop."

After being given the letter, I nod to the others and begin to read the note. Given, it was Eric's hand writing so it was more like decrypting a note.

You GUYS!!! 

OKay so Cayos (Choas?) is going to TODALY blow up the Hole Fo0ds. I no that probebly doe'nt matter to you guys so I should prolly tell u that a bake sale is happyning there with PRGnent women!!!!!! U GUYZ NEED TO PROTECKD THE PREGENT WOMEN GUYS! The reison we arnt gonna do it is cuz we dont wanna and super CRaig is taking his hampster to the vet.


"GAH! HE EVEN CALLED STRIPE A HAMSTER!" Wonder Tweek yelled out. I wasn't as concerned about the guinea pig. The main issue here is that they're blowing up a bake sale. I mean... come on. I motioned for everyone to sit down before doing so myself. "Look, what we're going to do is..."


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