Soft Rumbles

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"Thanks again for doing this, Mounty." I smiled softly as he put the last two holes in my shirt. 

"Hmm, I'm just glad you're comfortable."

We sat in my bed as we both woke up pretty early, but that didn't surprise us seeing we went to bed early because of the events from yesterday. I looked in my closet and looked at the very few options of clothing I could wear.

"I need to go shopping." I grumbled.

"You can't really leave the ministry." Mountain replied and it caused my stomach to sink in realization.

"Oh, right." I knew I couldn't but this realization made me feel like a child again. Stuck in this ministry. I felt a hand on my right shoulder and an arm around my back.

"It's gonna be okay." He began rubbing circles on my shoulder with his thumb.

"Mount, I don't wanna be here" my voice cracked. I hated that I didn't want to be here. I hated that I wanted to leave. I hated knowing I'll never be able to leave. I hated that the ghouls couldn't leave. I hated myself. I hated myself for thinking my life could ever be normal. "Mounty, why couldn't I be normal?" My lip quivered but I refused to let myself cry. Crying would just be a reminder that I'm not normal... I don't want to be reminded about that.

"What do you mean? What is causing you to feel this way?" His hand was still placed tenderly on my shoulder.

"Look at me! Do you see the wings on my back!-" He interrupted me.

"Don't you see my tail? The horns out of my head?"

"You were born that way! And you're so... so beautiful..."

"And your wings are so... so beautiful." He shot back playfully. Trying to ease the tension tears fell at this point. The gold clouding my vision, a painful reminder of what I am.

  "But they're white."

  "And so is your father." Mountain joked and I couldn't help but laugh

  "That- that is true." I smiled then laid my head on his lap. His fingers brushed through my hair. "I'm happy I'm with you again."

  "As am I, darling."

  We stayed like this for a while, neither of us speaking, just soaking up all the lost time. Our eyes grew heavy after some time.

  "I want to take you somewhere tomorrow. I think you'll like it." Mountain spoke up. It was clear it took him a lot of energy to do so because we were both so tired.

  "I'm sure I'll love it if it's somewhere you like." I smiled softly and closed my eyes. I was in between his legs as his back rested on the headboard. My arms wrapped around his torso. I gently rubbed my thumb on his back which caused a deep rumbling sound to come from his chest. It sounded like a rockslide from a distance.

  Even the sounds he makes are perfect...

Word count 495
Shorter chapters for now while I get back into writing! Hopefully they get longer soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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