1 - Out Of The Ordinary

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Time skip about 4 years

IceMoon's POV

I was laying on my bed writing in a scroll almost ripping it with my face looking hurt, but then again furious.

"Hey, IceMoon." A voice said as I look up to see Darkstalker walking in.

"What do you want Darkstalker?" I asked annoyed. Darkstalker looked at me.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you got hit by a mountain a million times." Darkstalker asked.

"I'm fine." I growled. "You don't sound fine though." Darkstalker said as I bared my teeth and threw the scroll at him.

"Dose this answer your question!?" I yelled as the scroll fell from his face as I walked out letting out some frostbreath.

I walk past Whiteout's room to see her painting like always. I rarely hang out with her. Considering, Artic never let's me since I'm the monster he claims me to be.

I stop at the balcony and looking into the night sky with my white part of my scales glowing like the moons.

Stupid visions! I roared in anger.

I then heard talon steps. I turned around only to see Darkstalker holding the scroll with a unreadable expression.

"IceMoon. We don't turn evil." Darkstalker said walking towards me and sitting beside me and holding the scroll in between us.

It shows a picture of me and Darkstalker with blood all over us smiling and looking at each other.

It shows another picture with Icewings dying left and right.

"These are just visions of the future, and let me remind you that there are many possibilities." Darkstalker explained while I lashed my tail.

"Well those visions keep coming, so that must mean that there a most likely chance of it happening!" I argued. "Besides, it's probably because of our magic that we have." I added.

Darkstalker put his hand on my shoulder, as I slightly get irritated.

"IceMoon, trust me we don't turn evil because of our magic." Darkstalker said laying his hand on my shoulder. I look to the side then look at him.

"I'm..going to clear my head.." I said flying away.


I flew around for a little bit trying not to get noticed by any other dragons which is difficult if half of your body is glowing.

We were given three powerful gifts..and one of them takes away your soul, but you have to use it sometimes right? I asked myself.

No, we don't use it at all. We'll be safe that way. I confronted myself.

Then what's the point in having these powers if we never use them? I argued with myself.

I then rammed into someone as I started to fly off course. I blinked a little getting out of my thoughts only seeing me falling to the ground.

"Hold on!" A distant voice cried.

I gasp as I try to move my wings so that I can fly again, but it only ended with me running into a tree with everything going blank.


I barley opened my eyes to find a black Nightwing with slightly any blue scales looking at me worried.

"Are you alright?" The dragon asked me. I look around to see sunlight around me, and me laying on soft grass.

I get a good look at the dragon. His scales were black with some blue on him. He had a moon shaped earring in his left ear.

He had three scars on his neck that looked like claw marks.

He seemed to have two different tones of blues eyes. The right eye being navy blue and the other eye being cyan..almost like Darkstalker's eyes.

How long was I out? I thought curiously.

"For the whole night apparently." The dragon replied as I look at him to see teardrop scales by his eyes.

"Oh great," I muttered annoyed already by this dragon. I got up slightly falling, but the Nightwing supported me until I regained balance.

"Let me guess you heard everything I was thinking before I collapsed out of the sky." I asked as he had a nervous expression.

"Well, I only heard a few mutters like..powers and..soul wasting magic? Which apparently you and someone else have. Which while you were out of commission. I saw glimpses of a black dragon with teardrop scales by his eyes, and some other dragons. Could that black one be the one?" He asked.

I only looked at him with an odd look. "I thought mind readers can't read an unconscious dragons mind." I questioned him stepping closer to him.

"Well I have powerful mind reading. So technically, I can read your soul." The Nightwing chirped a laugh.

"Anyways, introductions. Hi, I'm SoulReader, and you are?"


"That's a nice name." He complimented.

"Thanks?" I answered back slightly confused. It's just a name. It's not like I get worldwide famous if I share my name.

"You were born under three moons weren't you? Well, you and that black dragon." He asked. I stepped back. "How did you figure out so quickly?" I asked confused.

"I mentioned about my powerful mind reading already did I not?" He asked laughing a little.

"Also your mother Foeslayer argues with your father Artic a lot. Wait a minute, aren't Icewings and Nightwings in war? Why is an Icewing in our territory?" SoulReader questioned.

"Because idiot!" I growled. "That dum snow sniffing that you call an Icewing is my father! Besides Foeslayer loves him! Or didn't you already know that? Now can you stop looking inside of me for one dam second!" I roared which made SoulReader step back.

I slightly calmed down then turned around. "Bye now." I lifted my wings, but SoulReader grabbed the end of my tail.

We can meet again right? SoulReader asked telepathically.

"Whatever!" I yelled flying away smacking SoulReader with my tail.


The sun was started to rise as I landed on the balcony as I walk in sighing only to see Artic standing in front of me glaring at me with his cold eyes. His thoughts feeling like they got stabbed by a spear of hate.

"What did you do this time you freak." Artic growled. Not even calling me by my real name. Normally, that's what he always calls me.

"None of your business." I growled.

"I think it is my business if you snuck off."

"Can you just leave me alone for once!" I yelled walking past him, and walking in my room only to see a scroll on the floor.

I picked it up.

I swear to the holy moons I will kill that dam Icewing one day. I growled at that thought ripping up a scroll.

Just need to figure out how.

I then see a flash of SoulReader and me wrapping wings around each other laughing.

Maybe that dragon is somewhat important to me. I got on my bed and started to trail off.

School starts tomorrow. Might as well find him there. That was my last thought before I went into a deep dreamless slumber.

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