6 - Discovered

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IceMoon's POV

"So, you two really are an Animus." Artic scolded.

"Yes, it's true." Me and Darkstalker said at the same time.

Artic then turned his gaze at Clearsight and SoulReader. "I never thought that I would use my magic to impress girl and boy dragons." He growled.

I stepped in front of SoulReader. "They came to visit. Besides, didn't you use you enchant something for mother?"

"That was me saving her life! At least I used my magic for something important."

Clearsight then let out a yelp of pain and crouched down as SoulReader, me, and Darkstalker quickly turned around.

Twisted crowns..

Icewings dying..

IceMoon and Darkstalker sitting on a throne. 
Clearsight's mind started to trail off as I heard SoulReader's mind say something.

IceMoon is.. going to.. to murder the IceWing Queen..Deep down she's looking for vengeance.

I masked my thoughts. (Killing the Icewing Queen? Why would I do that?

In Clearsight's head she saw IceWings dying, a twisted crown and, me and Darkstalker sitting on a throne, but.. that's just a vision right!?

It can't be real. Darkstalker said that there were many possibilities.)

I heard Clearsight gasp as I snap out of my thoughts. Darkstalker was crouched in front of her worried.

"Is she ok?" Artic asked surprisingly not sounding angry, but more worried.

Then I heard Clearsight mutter something.

"When darkness falls they will rise..

the rulers of night and ice..

A twisted crown...

for them to bow down...

Powers runs through there veins...

Blood will fall in their reign.." Clearsight then finished.

I hate it when prophecy's do that. She remarked in her mind.

"She's one of the prophecy dragons." Artic then sighed, and started to walk to the Animus touched scrolls. "I gotta write that down."

SoulReader spread one of his wings blocking the Animus touched scrolls. "This is..mine and Clearsight's homework." SoulReader lied.

Artic gave out a skeptical look. Then walked out of the room.

"You alright Clearsight?" Darkstalker asked helping Clearsight up.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." Clearsight stuttered. "But doesn't that prophecy kind of resemble towards you and IceMoon? About..you know turning insane?"

Darkstalker sighed sounding annoyed. "Clearsight, I'm sure me and IceMoon don't turn insane. Even SoulReader knows." Darkstalker then looked towards SoulReader as he had a nervous expression on his face.

"Well..I wouldn't say that..your one hundred percent safe.." SoulReader tried to explain, but then I stood up for him.

"Since SoulReader can technically read our souls. He saw in me that deep down..I was going to kill Queen Diamond." I explained as Clearsight's eyes widened a little.

"IceMoon, there are many possibilities in the future. Besides, it's deep down in you. You can always change. Besides I bet he's lying just to make you scared of your own powers that you can control."

"Why would I ever lie to her!?" SoulReader remarked.

Darkstalker glared at him. "Because you don't want your girlfriend who is basically my sister to become a serial killer. She's my sister, so I know her way better then you do."

"Darkstalker!" I yelled at him.

Darkstalker turned his head towards me.

"He's just trying to be protective, and your right. That's just one vs infinite futures." I said to him.

I then turned to SoulReader who looked at me back. "SoulReader, that's just deep into my soul. I wasn't planning on killing the Icewing Queen anyways."

"But-" SoulReader tried to convince.

"I don't want to hear your defense! Also, we put our magic inside some scrolls, so we're safe, and we won't lose our soul by an enchantment." I hissed. SoulReader looked down. Clearsight staggered next to him.

I looked at Darkstalker, but realized that I couldn't telepath him any of my thoughts, because SoulReader would hear.

"You guys should probably head back." Darkstalker requested. Clearsight and SoulReader nodded while walking out of the room.

"There so stubborn." I confessed towards Darkstalker.

Darkstalker looked down with a face of irritation then back at me.

"Well I'm not having that. It's bad enough for Fathom's jittery mind running around about our Animus magic. Now SoulReader and Clearsight run their minds all over."

Darkstalker then grabbed two opal crystal white earrings. "Grab a piece of jewelery. I have a plan." Darkstalker said towards me.

I looked around in his room and found a neckless with a light blue crescent moon attached to it.

I grabbed it as Darkstalker started to walk to his scroll, and I started to walk towards mine as well.

His idea suddenly clicked in my mind as I slowly let out a sly smirk.

"Write down what I write down."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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