3 - Discussion

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IceMoon's POV

I started to write in a scroll with visions of me and Darkstalker killing everyone rushed in my mind.

Then someone walked in the room.

"IceMoon?" A voice asked. I lifted my head up to find Darkstalker with an unreasonable expression.

"Do I have to remind you that we don't turn evil." Darkstalker reminded.

"Then what are these visions that I'm seeing huh! Why aren't you foreseeing them?!" I questioned him.

He had a clam expression. "Because it's a waste of time."

"It could be from our dum magic that we have." I pointed out.

"We have it for a reason! What's the point in having it if we don't use it?"

He did have a point though. We were gifted these powers for a reason. We just have to choose how we use it.

"Told you." He said. I growled. I hate it when he's right.

I look out the window to see the sun going down. I sighed.

"Aren't you supposed to meet SoulReader at the beach?" Darkstalker asked.

"Yes." I hissed. "I don't see why you have to know."

"Because, me and Clearsight are heading to the beach to." He said.

I lash my tail knocking over a pile of scrolls.

"Wait, how do you not see bad visions?" I asked him as he pointed to a wristband.

Now that I think about it he has an earring on him, a tail band, and the wristband. He's definitely enchanted some items.

"I enchanted a wristband to make me not see any bad visions cause it's a waste of time." He explained.

"What about the rest of the jewelry?" I asked him.

He only turned around. "I..you don't have to know."

I only stepped closer to him. "I think I do have to know! You could be manipulating my feelings right now! Or maybe enchanted me to use my Animus magic more."

He only turned around with his expression looking hurt. "Why would I ever do that to my fellow twin sister?"

"It sounds like something you would do." I muttered. 

"Don't forget your little date at the beach." Darkstalker chuckled. I eyerolled.

"You know I hate it when people say I'm dating someone when I'm not!" I yelled as Darkstalker laughed, and walked towards my window.

"Let's just go." He said flying out the window with me following.


The sun started to go down as my white scales glowed dimly.

"Are you sure that your not part seawing as well?" Darkstalker asked.

Seawing rang in my head as I remember the green seawing and the purple seawing in my visions.

"Moons to IceMoon." Darkstalker said waving a talon in my face.

I growled and smacked his talon away. "What did you ask me?"

"I asked that are you sure your not part seawing because of your white scales." He said back.

I look at my white talon with it slightly glowing. I put my talon back down with the sun starting to fully go down.

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