4 - Making New Friends

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Time skip the next day

IceMoon's POV

Artic's and Foeslayer muttered arguing can be heard from IceMoon's enchanted sound proof walls, as IceMoon kept her mind on something.

Clearsight keeps warning me and Darkstalker about our magic. Her look says it all, but we have these powers for a reason don't we? We can at least use it once or twice. We just have to choose the path we take with them.

Artic's snarky comments rang in her head. Starting off with finding a way of killing that dam Icewing.

I grabbed a scroll and started thinking of ideas.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" SoulReader's voice rang in my head.

I quickly shook my head. No! Don't think about that.

"Well that escalated quickly." A voice suddenly said this time that wasn't in my head. I look through the door way to see Darkstalker.

"This is the fifth time this week Darkstalker that you randomly came into my room while I'm doing something!" I argued.

"Well, this is important." Darkstalker said smoothly. "I also want you to wear this before we go." Darkstalker said handing me an golden looped earring.

"What did you enchant on this?" I examined it, and looked up at him and gave him a suspicious glare.

"You'll see when we get there." Darkstalker said as I clip the earring on.

Nothing changed..

I threw the scroll violently. I got up and growled. "Just take me to what's so important."

"Alright then." Darkstalker said walking towards a hallway as I followed him.

You better not be wasting my time. I echoed in my mind.

I think you'll love this. He said.

What did you ask Clearsight to marry her and now your taking me to your own wedding? I questioned him.

Darkstalker let out a laugh.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet. He said.

We went through another long hallway until we're ment with a room. I immediately recognized on which room it was.

Queen Vigilance's throne room.

Me and Darkstalker did a short bow, but then rised.

"Your majesty you said this calling was important." Darkstalker said in an elegant way. The Queen started down at us.

"This calling is important. Thank you for coming. I never expected THAT one to ever come in here." The Queen pointed her tail at me.

I huffed out a little frostbreath.

"I called you in here today so that you can meet someone." The Queen said as she lifted her wing.

A green seawing stepped forward with three other bodyguards stepping close to him.

"This is Prince Fathom. After your little meet up with with a deranged seawing, Queen Pearl sent Fathom over to keep an eye on you, and your Animus powers." The Queen explained.

Two Animus hybrids!? What if they already went insane? How many spells did they cast? Will I get killed by them? Fathom's mind echoed with flashes of blood and screams.

Indigo's mind had the same questions, but a bit more defensive.

Oh boy, jittery seawings to give us a migraine. Darkstalker eyerolled.

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