5 - A Thoughtful Thing To Do

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Time skip a couple weeks where Clearsight, SoulReader, Darkstalker, IceMoon, Fathom become a whole friend group.

IceMoon's POV

I saw Darkstalker walking into my room with his face lit up with an idea.

"I can tell by that face that you have an idea." I said looking at him. "Want to share it?"

Darkstalker grabbed a scroll. "Let's head over to my room." He said luring me to his room.

"THAT LITTLE BRAT SNUCK OFF! SHE HAS TO BE PUNISHED!!" Artic's voice roared. I put my head down.


There talking about me.. I growled.

"Hey," Darkstalker said putting his hand on my shoulder. I lift my head up with Darkstalker letting out a confronting smile. "Don't listen to them."

"Easy for you to say. There not yelling rude things about you." I wiped his hand off and quickly walked to Darkstalker's room.

Darkstalker followed and placed the scroll on the desk.

"Alright what's your idea?" I asked.

"Just listen, because you'll be doing this in a minute." He said as I nodded. He placed his claw on the scroll.

"I enchant this scroll to suck my Animus magic in here, and to use my enchantments on here. If it rips my magic directly comes back to me." He said as he took his claw off.

"So.. your Animus magic is in this scroll?" I asked.

Darkstalker nodded. "But I have to be careful, if this falls into the wrong claws then anyone can use it. Same goes for you."

I look at him. "Are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Of course! Those bad visions will go away if you do it." He said as he grabbed another scroll.

I took a deep breath and layed my claw on it.

"I enchant this scroll to suck all the Animus magic and into this scroll, so when ever I write an enchantment down it will do it, also if it's burned, ripped, or anything else the magic directly goes back into me and I'll turn into another normal scroll." I said a bit more specific.

"Why did we do this?" I asked him as he only smiled.

"For Clearsight and SoulReader of course." He replied back.

"So we can show them that we won't turn into a murdering machine in the future?" I asked as he nodded.

"What about Fathom? Should we tell him about this?"

Darkstalker made an iffy face. "I..let's just wait to tell him."

I nodded. I started to walk out when Darkstalker stopped me.

"Let's at least tell SoulReader and Clearsight." He suggested. I only eyerolled. "Whatever."


SoulReader and Clearsight walked in Darkstalker's room. Darkstalker's face looked like he was about to explode with joy. I only smiled at SoulReader.

"Great kingdoms, Darkstalker." Clearsight said almost laughing. "What got you so excited?"

"Don't look ahead. I want it to be a surprise." He said.

I looked at SoulReader who looked at me back. "Don't look in our heads. It's a special surprise."

I blushed a little as he only smiled more. "Oh, alright." He said.

We head in Darkstalker's room as a candle light shined on the desk.

Darkstalker layed our scrolls down.

"Scrolls?" SoulReader asked. "IceMoon, you know I'm not a scroll worm like Clearsight."

"These aren't just any scrolls. There special scrolls."

Darkstalker dipped his claw in ink and started writing in his scroll.

Enchant this inkpot to fly up to the ceiling and back down without spilling a drop.

The inkpot flew up and stuck onto the ceiling and landed back down on the desk without any ink spilling on it.

Clearsight looked surprised as SoulReader looked speechless.

I dipped my claw in ink and started to write on mine.

Enchant SoulReader's moon shaped earring to fly in my talons.

SoulReader's earring clipped off and landed in my talons.

"I--How!?" SoulReader exclaimed.

Clearsight took a deep breath, and grabbed his shoulder gently. "SoulReader, I haven't told you this, but.." Clearsight hesitated. "Darkstalker and IceMoon's are Animuses."

SoulReader stepped back startled.

"But we put our magic into these scrolls. So we won't lose our soul." I quickly added which made SoulReader calm down a little.

"Wait then if you showed us this then..why didn't you show Fathom? His jittery mind is giving me a mind grain. Besides, that massacre I keep seeing in Indigo and Fathom is killing me." SoulReader said.

"I don't think it's time to show Fathom yet. Let's give him some more time." I replied back.

"Clearsight, why didn't you tell me this earlier? Why couldn't I see it!? You know I'm paranoid about Animus dragons."

"I.. I'm sorry SoulReader. I.. I should of told you earlier." I sputtered out with guilt weighing me down.

I pull my hand out and made it flat revealing SoulReader's moon shaped earring. SoulReader pushed my hand away and let out a smile.

"You keep it. My gift to you." He said blushing as I did to. I clip it on my ear with it dangling.

"I told you guys would make a good couple." Darkstalker said. "You know what. I'm only accepting this one time with you saying that." I said  turning my head to him.

"Um, sorry for interrupting, but what happens if it gets ripped or set on fire dose your magic just disappear?" Clearsight asked.

"If it gets destroyed then our magic will return to us." I answered.

"But if it gets fallen into the wrong claws. That dragon can use it. We should probably fix that." Darkstalker said, grabbing the scroll, but Clearsight put his hand on her shoulder. "No, If you do it over and over then that'll take away your soul more."

"Well ok then." Darkstalker said then let out a smile, and grabbed a blanket, and started to write in the scroll.

Enchant this blanket to be warm like the sun.

Darkstalker then put it on Clearsight as she smiled.

I smirked at SoulReader and started to write in my scroll as well. I quickly grabbed a scroll about The Scorching.

Enchant this scroll so when someone says "Bore me to sleep." It starts reading the scroll, but when someone says "Spare me." It stops.

I layed the scroll onto the floor and said. "Bore me to sleep."

About 2000 years ago Phyrria was full of scavengers.... The scroll continued in a monotone voice.

"No! It's sounds like professor Truth finder!" Clearsight said playfully.

"What is going on in here!" A voice snapped.

My eyes widened as I look at the doorway non other to see Artic and his cold eyes laying down on me and Darkstalker.

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