2 - New Place, New Dragons, New Experiences

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IceMoon's Pov

I felt a nudge on my shoulder as I slightly open my eyes to see Darkstalker smiling.

"Morning." He only said cheerfully. I lifted my head up and looked at him curiously.

"What in the three moons got you so excited?" I started to get up seeing the ripped scroll peices still on the floor from last night.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Anyways, I heard what you did last night. Well by heard I mean hearing an argument between you know who." Darkstalker said looking to the side then back at me.

I slightly blushed. "You..they..Artic talked about who I ment?" I said my mind rushing about SoulReader.

"Well, no since he didn't even know on where you snuck off to, but now I know thanks to my intelligence." Darkstalker laughed. I instantly stopped blushing and growled lowly.

"Anyways, Whiteout is ready to head off. She's waiting on us. Come on already." He said as I walked out the door with Whiteout sitting patiently  on the balcony.

We both stop near Whiteout as she looked at Darkstalker with a happy expression and then looked at me with the same expression.

"Definitely Azure on the inside IceMoon." Whiteout exclaimed to me.

Azure? Oh right. It's how Whiteout thinks..been awhile since I've ever been around her.

Darkstalker nudged me with his wing as I look at him shaking me out of my thoughts.

"You know IceMoon." Darkstalker said as I turned my attention to him. "You've been more..well furious lately. I saw torn up scroll peices on your floor, you've yelled at me which sure it's normal, but not really like that. Are you sure your ok?" Darkstalker continued.

I look at him for a moment. "I..uh.." My words were tangled in my throat.

"We can always talk about it later." Darkstalker confronted as I nodded.

Whiteout chuckled a little. "IceMoon seems to have treads in her throat."

I wish Whiteout would make since for once. I complained a little worried in my mind.

I think she's fine just the way she is. Darkstalker thought back towards me.


We eventually fly over to the school as Darkstalker seemed so excited that he look like his face would explode. Darkstalker immediately swooped down with me and Whiteout alarmeringly following.

Darkstalker landed with me and Whiteout behind him. "Maybe a little warning before you decide to fly down." I grumbled. Darkstalker cleared his throat and spread one of his wings out.

"IceMoon, Whiteout, I would like to introduce you to..." Darkstalker folded his wing revealing a beautiful dark purple dragon sitting and smiling.

"Clearsight." He continued smiling at her.

"Pleased to meet you." Clearsight said looking at Whiteout then looking at me with a stricken look, but then quickly changed it to a smile.

"Darkstalker has told me a lot about you." She continued.

"Have you been secretly visiting her?" I asked Darkstalker.

"Well, I've seen him in my visions." Clearsight said.

"Oh I forgot to mention that she has excellent very in dept visions. She can basically look at every timeline at her will." Darkstalker complimented her.

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