Chapter 2- Hazel's P.O.V.

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Leo sits one of the grocery bags of food down on the counter and I follow him, looking around the kitchen. I don't know why Piper would apologize for this place, it's really nice.

Frank comes and stands beside me putting the other bags where Leo sat his, so I glance up at him. "Do you want a snack too?"

I have no idea how dinner is going to work or when we'll have it, so it's probably better for them to have something if they're hungry. Leo is usually hungry, though. He's like a black hole.

I should probably put the groceries away, I think the others forgot about them.

"Uhh, we don't need to..."

"Hey, Leo's having one anyway, we bought way too much food." I assure him. And we really did, we all went crazy at the store before coming out here. I pat his back gently. "It's up to you."

"Are you going to?"

"As long as Leo can scrounge something up for us?" I ask him as he digs through the bags.

"I will make some FANTASTIC snacks, don't you worry." Leo assures us.

"Good. Do you want to help me put groceries away then?" I ask Frank as I take my hand off his back, starting by grabbing one of the plastic bags Leo isn't in.

I glance in it and see it must be the bag Piper bought, considering there's a bunch of vegetables and some tofu in it.

"Of course! We'll have to figure out where we want things to go."

"Exactly. It'll take a while. I think the others forgot about it." I say as I open the fridge. I pull open the vegetable drawer and start putting her things in there.

"Oh, maybe. I don't doubt it."

"Definitely." I nod slowly as I put the stuff away. "Bring me another bag?"

"Okay, I can do that."

"The more he says that, the less I think he can do that." Leo says.

I glance back at Frank. "Can you?"

He seems really on edge since we got here. I think getting a snack and relaxing on the couch is our best bet for after this.

"Of course I can." He says with confidence, getting a more stern look on his face.

"There we go! You've go this." I tell him, holding a hand out for a bag.

He hands one over. "Sorry, I guess I'm a bit distracted today."

"It's okay. Just distracted by being here, or is it something else?" I ask as I open it. There's some meat in this one, a couple of packs of hotdogs, some fruit... I start dividing it up so the like things are in like spaces.

"I'm not sure. The drive here might have just been overwhelming."

"Sorry about that, I was trying to keep spirits up." Leo says.

"It's alright, it was fun but pretty... agressive." I agree with both of them, not really having an issue with it myself other then having to sit still for that long. "Do you think taking a walk would be nice, or would it be better to cuddle and relax in the living room?" I ask the boys.

"Walk." Leo says

At the same time, Frank says, "Relax."

"Uh oh." I chuckle.

This isn't ideal.

"...HAAHHA." Leo starts laughing and Frank glares at him before smiling at me sheepishly.

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