There's a bitter, salty taste in my mouth, endless thoughts of past ghosts threaten to break my exterior. Albeit not their intent, more-so my inability to comprehend emotions and how to move past them. My first response has always been out of sight/ out of mind. An immediate defense of feigned toughness in order to protect the weak person inside.
Perhaps I am too perceptive, too sensitive to others. Their words/actions sting like knives. Yet seldomly do I say anything. To comfort myself or another is something I do not have the ability to do. When someone shows emotions I run or push another towards them who I believe will be of better service. I've always done that. Although I am usually the first to recognize their pain and empathize with them. Knowing exactly what they need because of the pain I've felt.I don't like pity parties for myself. I feel undeserving of comfort or care from others. Though I suppose I wonder why. When did I start saying "I can do it by myself." It's a chant I've repeated from childhood. But I wonder if somewhere in my lost memories there was a time when I did ask for help, felt alone and then learned that was the best way. I recall certain times for sure. Embarrassing times.
My regret lies after speaking my mind. I curse myself for not being stronger. Not holding my tongue. Instead I am a weak person whom acts childish calling for help or divulging how an action upset them.
I am happy to live in my world of concealment. Hiding emotions, insecurities and resentment. My excuse is that it's safe. Yet people insist I tell them what's bothering me. Usually force it out of me. I suppose they fail to understand forcing/demanding bypasses the trust needed for someone to tell you their secrets in the first place. (But I won't tell them that.)
The people pleaser I am reluctantly shares and I feel weak again at the disposal of the Other person for them to do what they want with my heart again.
Unspoken Goodbyes
DiversosWhat is left unspoken haunts more than what is. Collection of thoughts relating to losing love ones either through death or breakups. And what's next.