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Note : This takes place 28 years after the ending of Seducing Her Brother's Friend

Isabel woke up, yawning loudly. The tall brunette ran her hand through her soft hair. Her hair was brown like her dad's but otherwise she looked very similar to her mom. She was beautiful like her mom and also in incredible shape from competitive swimming, just like her mom, who was a former NCAA swimming champion.

She got out of bed and went to her large bathroom. The brunette athlete looked at her reflection in the mirror with some satisfaction. Even without makeup she was hot.

As Isabel brushed her teeth, she thought of her plans for the day. She had physics first class of the day, which she hated. But she was okay with Chemistry and also looked forward to the swim practice that afternoon. The girl wanted to collect as many medals as her mother Beatrice did, if not more.

Once she was done brushing her teeth, she took a quick shower. The girl dried off with her fluffy towel right after. She put on a tight T-shirt and short skirt, showing off her muscular thighs, clinging to her round ass.

Her mom was sitting at the table already, waiting for her, reading the paper. Her dad, meanwhile, was cooking breakfast. Their chef was sick so it was up to Tyler to prepare the meals, and he was doing it quite well.

"Hi, honey," Beatrice said, setting the newspaper down on the table, giving her teenage daughter a smile. Despite Tyler's reservation, she has thoroughly spoiled Isabel. After all, Isabel was her only daughter and Beatrice had plenty of money to spare. "You hanging out with Vanessa and Loren after school today?"

"Yup," her daughter replied. Isabel then said "So Uncle Mason is getting married in three months, huh? Have you guys started planning yet?"

"Of course. Your dad already got his tuxedo - he's going to be the best man, after all."

"Naturally." Isabel then said "Thanks, dad," when her father brought over hot plates. He had made a very nice breakfast for them - omelette with sausages and broccoli. "Looks delicious." She started eating.

"Enjoy!" Tyler sat down with his wife and daughter. He dug into the food he cooked himself, while watching them do the same thing. The man had some coffee and his daughter drank orange juice. He smiled fondly at her.

After she was finished, Isabel said "I'm off now! See you tonight!"

She hurriedly put on her very expensive sneakers, getting into the limousine. Randolph gave her a bright smile. He then adjusted the rear view mirror safety, as was his habit.

Even though he was an old man now, the chauffeur remained good at his job and drove well. Isabel listened to some music on her earphones and glanced out the window, observing some of the birds that lived in the area. She was particularly fond of crows, knowing how smart they were - she had been blessed with both her mother's good looks and also her father's keen intellect, having grown up reading his collection of Poirot novels.

Soon, they arrived at her school.

"Pick me up at 6:00 PM," the athletic teen said, hopping out of the luxurious vehicle. Randolph promised to pick her up at that time.

"Want me to get you some salad you can eat on the way home?"

"That would be great! Thanks."

As Randolph drove away, Isabel walked up to the entrance. She smirked, enjoying the way people looked at her. It made her feel so powerful, having boys stare at her big ass, knowing how sexy she was. She could see several of them adjusting their pants before they approached her.

"Hey, Isabel," the ringleader of the group said. "We were wondering if you'd come hang out with us after school today."

"Eww, no. I'm not interested in you drug dealing dumbasses."

She stalked off, flipping her hair over her shoulder without looking back. Her closest friends Loren and Vanessa were waiting, both of them holding a coffee cup in hand. They waved at her. She waved back happily.

"Hey!" Isabel said. "What's up?"

Vanessa looked at Loren before turning back to face Isabel.

"That little twerp Christina signed up for the try-outs."

Isabel frowned. As captain of their school's swim team, she did not want to hang around that insufferable, goody two shoes Christina. No, there was no way she could let the shorty onto the team.

Loren, who was blonde and nearly as attractive as Isabel, said "Don't worry. We could just scare her off and make sure she doesn't try to join the team."

Her suggestion made Isabel nod. "Yes. That sounds good," the tall brunette murmured. "Where is she now?"

"Katherine said she's outside the library right now."

"Good. Let's go find her."

She marched towards the library with her companions in tow. The girl was the leader of the group, not just because she was the tallest and strongest but because she had always radiated pure confidence.

Ever since she was little she had always been the most outspoken one.

They soon found Christina where they expected her.

"We want to talk to you," Isabel told her. Christina gulped nervously. Isabel had never physically assaulted anyone but she was an imposing young woman who easily towered her at six feet two.

"Sure," she muttered nervously. Loren and Vanessa flanked her while Isabel faced her straight on.

"I heard you plan on joining the swim team?"

"Y-Yes." Vanessa snickered at the way that Christina stammered. It made her sound quite pathetic. Loren also took note of this but Isabel seemed to not have noticed it.

"Don't even think about it," said Isabel. "I am the captain of the swim team. You do know that, don't you?" Christina nodded. "I do not want you on the team, you wimpy little dork. You would be more of a burden on the rest of us than anything."

Suddenly, a male voice piped up - one that Isabel and her friends have heard before.

"You wouldn't know that if you don't let her try out."

Second Author's Note : Soooo, what's your first impression of Isabel?

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