Standing Up

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Simon was a thin individual. He was also shorter than Isabel. The girl was bigger than him and clearly more muscular. Yet he still wasn't afraid to stand up to her, despite the fact that she could easily kick his ass and then get her lackeys on the swim team to join in.

"What did you just say?" Isabel asked in a deadly calm voice, making him shiver.

He still stood his ground though. "I just said you won't know if she'd be any good unless you let her try out for the team."

Isabel narrowed her pretty eyes.

"How is it any of your business?"

"You were bullying her. I saw and didn't like that, so I intervened."

"I was not bullying her."

"But you were," replied Simon. "You and your friends outnumber her three to one. You surrounded her and then told her she can not try out for the team when it should be open for everybody, using your intimidating body language and facial expression to try to scare her. It's pathetic, really. Trying to terrify a person that way. Really makes me want to throw up."

Vanessa said "I'll teach you a lesson." She stepped forward, preparing to punch him in the face when Loren caught her by the arm. Her eyes met Simon's and he felt his breath caught in his throat.

Then he regained his composure and glared at her. She averted her gaze, much to the confusion of her friends.

Isabel didn't dwell on it though.

She looked into Simon's eyes, telling him "You are just like Christina. Just a pathetic loser, but maybe different in one way. I bet you jerk off to me every night, just like every other guy here. But you will never get to try the real-"

"You're not boner material."

All of the girls stared at him in shock, Christina included.

"Excuse me?" Isabel looked at the boy incredulously.

"Seeing you repulses me. If I had a boner before seeing you it would be gone by now."

Isabel glared at him angrily. "I'm going to make your life hell," she said to him.

"I'm not scared of your threats."

"It's not a threat - it's a promise." She then walked off with her friends in tow, leaving behind Simon and the girl he just helped out. He quickly turned to her to make sure she's alright.

"Are you okay?"

"I am now, thanks," she muttered. She was not as fit as Isabel but the girl was still pretty. She had a cute face, framed by glasses and covered in adorable little freckles. The glasses along with her ginger hair made her look like a nerdy version of Ginny Weasley.

"Good," he said. "I'm really impressed."

"What do you mean?"

"Before I jumped in, you seemed to be holding yourself together well. No begging them to leave you alone or trying to run away. You just faced them head on."

"Oh, um, thanks." A few seconds of silence and then she asked "Can you walk me to class? I feel kind of lonely right now."

"Oh, sure! Of course," he said. He walked her to her class and found out more about the girl on the way there. She told him she had been training in swimming for a while now and just wanted to see if she had what it takes to compete or not.

"That's good," he said. "It's great to have a goal like that. All I do is study and study and then study some more." He flashed her a coy smile. "I bet you're really good."

Christina blushed. "Oh, you flatter me. I really am not that good."

Once they reached her classroom, Simon wandered off. He gave her one more smile and wave as he left, and she waved back shyly.

She enjoyed her first class of the day and the second one. It was all good until morning break, when someone accosted her in the hallway, placing a hand on her shoulder, making her stop walking.

She looked and saw Loren, along with Isabel and Vanessa.

"So, you are a useless piece of filth who needs that geek to protect you, huh?" Loren asked, an uncharacteristic amount of malice in her voice. "How are you now, without him hanging around to keep you safe from us?" she spat.

Vanessa and Isabel frowned. She was usually the nicest, most easy-going one out of the three of them. Even when bullying someone she rarely growled this way

"Don't insult Simon," Christina snapped.

Loren narrowed her eyes and said "I'll say what I want. What does it have to do with you? Do you like him or something? Is that it? You want to be that little dork's girlfriend, don't you?"

Isabel then jumped in with "You and him would make a good match. He is a loser and so are you. Like I said earlier, don't even think about trying out for the team."

Christina snapped "You're the captain but it's not your decision to make. The coach said the try out is open for every girl who is interested so I'm going."

She didn't cower this time when Isabel glared at her. Isabel could see courage in her eyes and decided to back off - for now.

"Very well. If you want to make an ass of yourself, you can come to the try outs. But don't cry if you look like an idiot. I've warned you already."

Isabel and her friends then left her alone as she stood there wondering if she made the right decision in standing up for herself like that. She didn't know if it was going to come back and bite her in the ass or not.

She decided to go and get something from the vending machine, thinking that it might put her in a better mood. Or maybe she can try to find Simon. Just talking to him might make her feel better. She flushed as she thought about the boy.

He was so cute when standing up for her earlier and it made her heart beat so fucking fast thinking about him.

Author's Note : He's a feisty boy, isn't he?

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