At School

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The next day, Isabel went to school with Vanessa. They sat next to each other and chatted the entire ride there, discussing what they were going to do during morning break and lunch. As soon as they arrived, they quickly found Loren waiting for them. Loren smiled and handed over a couple of paper bags.

"My grandma baked these last night," she said. "Told me to give them to you."

"Tell her I said thanks." Isabel looked inside with a smile. Loren's grandma baked the best brownies. Vanessa also grinned. They accepted the paper bags and the three girls headed inside the school building. Isabel felt happy when she noticed all the boys staring at her with lust. She worked hard for her toned body and round ass, and was delighted when she looked back over her shoulder to see guys checking out her big butt.

And then they ran across Simon.

Simon seemed as upset to see them as Isabel was to see him. He looked away from her - something only he did. All the other guys preferred ogling her and all the girls looked at her in envy, except for Vanessa and Loren, the only girls in school who were nearly as hot as Isabel was.

"Hey, wimp. Too much of a coward to face me?"

"Why would I be scared of facing you?" fired back Simon.

Isabel tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe because you are afraid of me beating you up after how you disrespected me yesterday? Come to think of it, I do owe you a punch to the nose for how you spoke to me."

Simon cowered a little under her gaze but stood his ground. He was afraid of her - of how much bigger and stronger than him she was. But he wasn't going to let her know this. No, he wasn't going to give her any more ammunition to use against him.

She smiled malevolent at him, before pouring her iced coffee all over his head, soaking his hair and ruining his T-shirt. Everybody gasped.

"That's what you get, you shorty," she hissed. "You act tough but really, deep down, you're just a pussy who isn't going to do anything about this. You're going to let me get away with it because you are scared of me. You are all bark and not bite."

In all his 18 years, Simon had never felt a violent impulse. Yet that day, he was seriously tempted to hit her. He knew he would never win - that she would easily mop the floor with him and send him to the infirmary covered in his own blood, but boy was he tempted.

"Come on," Loren said. "We should get going. No point wasting time with this loser." She then grabbed Isabel's arm and led her away, with Vanessa following closely behind.

Simon wanted to go after them but Loren shot him a glance, silently telling him to stay where he was. He sighed.

Christina found him still standing there not long after. She gave him a warm smile that made him feel butterflies in his stomach. The boy blushed.

"Morning," he murmured shyly.

"Good morning, Simon."

She then frowned, taking in the short boy's appearance. "Why on earth are you covered in coffee?" Her eyes grew wide with realization. "Isabel and her minions did this, didn't they?" His silence was answer enough.

She clenched her fists, growling.

The girl turned and was about to storm off when he grabbed her wrist. "Wait. They are not worth it." She turned back around to face him.

"I have to teach them a lesson. We can't let them get away with treating you like this!"

"You will get expelled and I don't want that! If you get kicked out I will be really...sad," he told her. Christina eyed him curiously.

"Could it be," she said, "that you're developing a crush on me?" The girl looked at him with a teasing grin and he laughed nervously, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Oh, about that! Well, I um-"

She giggled. "It's okay. We can take it slow."


"Of course! I'm not gonna rush you into anything you're not ready for. Come on. I have to get to my class, and you have to get to yours."

The two then headed off in two different directions, with Simon feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He told it to stop hammering so much but of course his organ didn't listen to him. How frustratingly inconvenient.

By the time he was done trying to get it under control, he was outside his classroom.

He went inside, taking his seat. The teacher wasn't there yet - he was five minutes early. He sat and waited like everyone else, thinking about his earlier encounter with Isabel. The boy and the popular girl shared one class, English Literature. Other than that, they had no classes together.

It occurred to him that maybe the next time he saw her he should feign complete disinterest instead and pretend that she didn't exist. That might piss her off more or it might take the fun out of it for her and make her stop. Yes, that might just work.
Finally the teacher entered the room.

Simon took notes but wasn't as focused as usual. He tapped the table, drumming his fingers on it slowly before stopping, not wanting to disturb others. Once the class was over he went to his next one.

He spent the morning break with Christina, hanging out with her in the library.

"You know, those earrings look really good on you," he said shyly.

Christina blushed but then teased him "And what about my face? Does that look good as well?" Now it was Simon's turn to blush.

"Yeah, you are pretty."

His answer made her beam. She then told him that she wanted to buy him coffee and he said yes, on the condition that she allow him to treat her the next time.


As the two teens headed to the cafe together, a pair of eyes followed them.

The person stared at the pair, remaining silent, contemplating.


Author's Note : How do you feel about Isabel so far?

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