Move on

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Over the next several days, Isabel did her best to keep cheering Simon up. She told him everything was going to be okay and that he should stop moping after someone who didn't deserve him. He felt a lot better now, yet it was still difficult to just switch his feelings for Christina completely off like that. He told Isabel so and she was perfectly understanding - understanding of the fact that she needed to up her game.

"Yes, I know you loved her before what she did," said Isabel, "but she no longer deserves your affection. Not after cheating on you like that. No, Simon. So remember that fact, okay?"

"Thanks, Isabel. It's just that...Never mind."

"No, what is it? Tell me." She looked into his pretty eyes and he felt himself blushing.

"She was the first - the only girl to ever express interest in me," Simon murmured softly. Isabel saw the perfect opening and decided to go for it.

"Maybe, but she isn't the only one who's interested. There's someone else - someone who hasn't told you yet."

"And who is that?"

He looked at her challengingly. She said "You're looking right at her."

His eyes went wide.


"You heard me. I really like you, Simon."

"But why?" asked the boy, stunned. "Why me? Why do you like..."

"Because you are kind and sweet and cute. Even though I was such a massive bitch to you, you were still kind to me when I needed it. You might not be perfect in other people's eyes but you are the perfect one for me, and nothing will ever change my mind."

Simon was blushing madly now.

"Oh, wow. I just, wow, I really...."

Isabel watched him stumble over his words. It was a rare sight, for as much of a geeky introvert as he was, he was mostly in control of himself and eloquent.

"Shhh. No need to say anything, baby. It's okay. I'm here," Isabel said, leaning in. She captured his lips in a gentle kiss, snatching his warm breath. He melted in her strong arms as she embraced him, holding his body tight.

Finally, she pulled away. He looked at her in supplication.

"Okay," he muttered. "I'll go out with you."

Isabel smiled, knowing her kiss had overwhelmed his senses and made him insensible. He couldn't think of anything else except how soft her full lips felt on his.

"I knew you would," said Isabel cockily. Her smug grin made him roll his eyes adorably and she said "Now let's go get some ice cream together. You can break up with Christina over text on our way there."

"I don't think I have to. Me seeing her have sex with another guy and her saying he's better should be more than enough communication that our relationship is over."

"Fair point."

The teens then headed out of his house together and went to have some ice cream.

Simon has had ice cream several times before but this time was different. He was sitting across from a dashing young woman, and all he could think of was how he never knew that arrogance could turn him on.

Meanwhile, Isabel looked at him lovingly. She felt happier than she has ever been. Having him there with her was what she desperately desired and he was right there.


The Next Day


Simon woke up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. It was devastating seeing Christina cheat on him but having Isabel there to cheer him up over the past few days and confessing to liking him made things so much better.

The way she smiled at him roguishly made him want to drop his pants for her straight away, but he told himself to remain calm. It would do no good to rush into sex.

No, it wouldn't do any good at all.

His parents noticed how happy he was and it pleased them. At first they were worried that he would take a long time to get over his pain, but he has clearly gotten over it now.

He ate breakfast and left his house. It did not take long before he reached the school. There, he saw many people looking and laughing at him.

It was clear that they found out about how he was cheated on.

Christina was hanging out with a couple of friends when he walked by. She looked at him with some guilt and tried to approach him but then Isabel arrived.

Isabel tapped Simon on the shoulder. He turned around and she smiled before giving him a peck on the lips.

The hallway went so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

It only lasted for a moment, before people started muttering. Some were merely confused but most were staring in shock. No one could believe it, least of all Christina.

Her ex-boyfriend just accepted a kiss from her bully!

The girl knew she relinquished her right to be jealous and possessive from the moment she took another cock inside her but it still stung. Not just because he moved on so fast but because of who he moved on with. It was a personal insult.

"Why her?" she asked Simon.

Simon frowned.

He replied "I can't see how it's any of your business, Christina." Then he turned and gave Isabel a warm smile - the exact sort of smile he used to give Christina.

His dismissiveness wounded Christina even though she knew she had no right to feel hurt by this. She stormed off.

Her friends gave him a dirty look before rushing after her to make sure that she was alright.

Simon, to Isabel's great delight, was unperturbed.

It was clear he did not care about how Christina felt and that was a good sign.

Soon, Loren and Vanessa joined the two of them.

"Congratulations," Vanessa whispered in Isabel's ear. Isabel nodded. Vanessa then said to Simon "So you two are together now, eh?"


"Wonderful. Wanna hang out together after school today?"

"Sure!" the boy chirped. He then gave Isabel a kiss and told her "I'll see you after school," before heading to his first class of the day.

Author's Note : They're together now! But don't worry. There's still more to come. In the meantime, what do you think of this chapter?

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