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Simon didn't know what to do. He was at a loss for words. Never before had the boy been confronted in such a way and he had no idea what to say. He just gawked at his childhood friend.

Finally, he stammered "W-What?"

"You heard me. I'm in love with you, and I think you should leave Isabel for me."

He stared at her incredulously. "Leave her for you?" asked Simon.

"Yes. Leave her."

"And why should I do that?"

Loren said "Simple. She used to bully you and only started being nice to you after you were nice to her first. She isn't a very good person, Simon. She doesn't deserve you."

Simon looked at her as though she had grown a third arm out of her forehead. Then he said "Aren't you two really close friends or something? Yet here you are, badmouthing her behind her back."

For a moment, Loren looked ashamed of herself. Then she replied "I'm willing to do anything to have you, Simon." She gazed into his eyes boldly, stepping up to him. He backed away.

"I appreciate you telling me this. I really do. I thought you stopped talking to me because you blamed me for what happened that day. But we can not be together."

Loren launched herself at him and pressed her lips against his. He was caught off guard, allowing her to pin him to the wall. He struggled, but she was far stronger. She pressed her muscular thigh between his legs, rubbing it up against his crotch, feeling him stiffen involuntarily.

He gasped. It was a mistake. She took it as an opportunity and shoved her tongue in his mouth, nearly dislocating his jaw in the process.

Finally, she stopped.

She smirked at him, placing a hand on his chest. "You are mine," the girl growled "and I'm taking you away from Isabel. I'm gonna make you break up with her for me."

Loren left his room, swaying her huge, heart shaped ass. He looked away from her, loathing himself for how weak he was, completely defenceless.

He didn't know what to do. On the one hand, it would be good if Isabel never finds out about this. However, he felt that she had the right to know that her friend kissed her boyfriend against his will. This wasn't the sort of thing he could keep secret. Not in good conscience.

The teenage boy sighed.

When he had dinner with his parents, they noticed he looked bothered by something. His mom asked "Are you okay, honey?" He started.

"Oh, um, I'm fine," he mumbled.



She didn't look convinced, and neither did his dad. Both of them looked at him with concern. He was never like this, not even when he was being bullied. It worried them a lot.

His dad frowned, before asking "Why are you all quiet then? Not to mention that expression. Are you really telling us nothing's going on?"

Simon finally said 'It's just stuff at school, okay? I have a lot of work. Papers to write." There was no way in hell he'd tell them his childhood friend sexually assaulted him. Just no. Not a chance.

That night he laid in bed, trying to figure out what to do next. He didn't know how to tell Isabel about what had happened. How was he going to look her in the eyes and tell her that her best friend kissed and groped him against his will? Yet deep down, he already knew he had to tell her.

The next morning, Simon didn't feel much better.

His parents were starting to really worry when he decided to fake a smile for their benefit. It set them somewhat at ease. They began to think that maybe he was feeling better about whatever it was that was bothering him.

He had breakfast with them before going to school. Upon arrival, he ran into Isabel. And her friends.

His girlfriend smiled and gave him a kiss. Vanessa smiled at him and gave him a wave, while Loren just smirked.

"Morning, sweetie," Isabel said. Simon kissed her back and Loren frowned, narrowing her eyes. She clenched her fists and Simon suspected she was thinking of pounding his brunette girlfriend.

Vanessa cleared her throat audibly.

"Are you lovebirds done yet?"

Isabel rolled her eyes at her. "Yes, yes. We are done. Let's go." Vanessa snickered. Neither of them noticed the way Loren was glaring at Isabel.

Simon whispered in Isabel's ear "I have to talk to you later, baby."

The brown haired athlete frowned. "Sure," she replied.

She spent the first couple of periods wondering what her boyfriend wanted to discuss with her. Neither Vanessa nor Loren gave her a satisfactory answer. It frustrated her to no end not knowing what was going on in Simon's head.

During the morning break, they met in the library like usual. He quickly filled her in on what happened.

Her eyes went wide and she asked "Are you serious?"

"Unfortunately, I am."

"Loren is in love with you?"

"Yes," he murmured.

"And she kissed you?"

"Uh huh."

"On your lips? And against your will?"

"Yes and yes," he said. "What are you going to do about it?"

Isabel frowned. She began to pace, wearing the expression of an agitated leopard. A couple of members of the swim team walked by.

"Hey, Captain," they said. Isabel waved at them without looking. They frowned, noticing that she seemed worried about something. Then the girls looked at Simon, who just gave them a shrug and did not explain anything.

She then turned back to face her boyfriend.

"She is one of my best friends, as you know. Could you pretend that it never happened?" Isabel said to him. Simon sighed.

"Okay. I'll pretend she never kissed me."

Isabel smiled. "Good. I'll talk to her and make sure she never does it again." She gave her cute boyfriend a kiss and left the library. Soon, the girl found her friends.

She decided not to confront Loren right away, not wanting Vanessa to find out. She couldn't put Vanessa in that position and force her to pick sides. No. It would be wrong. Really, really wrong.

Author's Note : Here it is, people. Really sorry this took me so long. Lmk what you think of it.

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