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After getting home that day, Simon found his parents waiting for him. Their cat Luna meowed at him and he smiled. He refilled her water bowl and also grabbed a wet food pouch, giving her dinner.

"How was school?" his mom asked while he was giving their cat head scritches.

"Same old, same old."

His parents looked at each other then right back at him. His dad said "So your birthday is coming up next week." Simon looked over at the older man slowly.

"Yes. And ?"

"And we thought you might like to go out and celebrate!" his mom replied. "How about that new restaurant down the-"

"Thanks, but I'd rather stay at home," Simon murmured.


"Yes." He then added "Or maybe I'll go to the bookstore. But yeah. No big celebrations. Not my thing."

"Simon, it's been ten years already," his father said. "You have to stop blaming yourself for-"

"I don't want to talk about it, dad! Okay? So please stop bringing it up." Simon dashed to his room, closing the door and sitting on his bed. He buried his face in his hands and thought about that horrible incident a decade ago. One that changed his life forever.


Eight year old Simon was on the couch. The birthday boy was surrounded by his relatives and some friends. But SHE wasn't there yet.

Suddenly his mother got a call.

The woman rapidly paled and dropped her phone in shock.

"There's been a car accident," she said. "Her p-parents. They d-d-d..."

End of flashback

No, he must not think of it. It wouldn't do him any good.

Yet he still couldn't control his thoughts. Not fully, anyway. It still plagued his mind and roused him from his sleep on certain nights, as he laid twisting and turning in his bed. All he could do was push it to the back of his mind as much as he could and think of other things - things that didn't have him hating himself.

He sighed.

The boy went to his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. Turning the tap, he washed his face, refreshing himself.

He then left the bathroom, grabbed a second hand book and started reading. It helped him relax and the boy slowly immersed himself in his imagination as he pictured himself part away, hanging out on another planet with the aliens....

Suddenly someone called him.

He looked at his phone with a smile.

It was Christina, who he gave his number to right before coming home. He quickly pressed the green button.

"Hey," he said in what he hoped was his most charming voice.

"Hi, Simon. I was wondering if I could go over to your place and hang out?" the girl asked.

"Oh, sure! Just wait. I'll give you my address and you can come over."

"Thank," she said and then jotted down his address. "I'll be over in about half an hour. You want me to bring ice cream or anything?"

"That would be great!"

"Okay, see you!"

She hung up.

Simon found himself a lot happier than he was mere moments ago.


Isabel was in her room. Sitting next to her were Vanessa and Loren. She was fuming and they were both trying to calm her down. Loren put on a sweater over her T-shirt - it was very cold.

"I just can't believe it! That little twerp had the nerve to say that I'm not boner material?!" Isabel fumed.

Vanessa couldn't help finding it amusing in spite of herself. "Well, after all the boys you got to worship the ground you walk on, this was bound to happen one day," she remarked.

Isabel brought down her fist on the table, slamming down hard.

Her mother poked her head into the room and asked "Is everything okay, girls?"

"Oh, we're fine, Aunt Beatrice," Loren said - she and Vanessa have been friends with Isabel since they were kids and both call Beatrice 'Aunt.'

"Just some boy stood up to your daughter at school today and didn't put up with her BS," Vanessa said.

Beatrice raised her eyebrows. She joined her daughter and the two other girls at the table, feeling curious.

"Oh, really?"

Isabel sighed. "I just can't! Grrrrh! That insufferably cute nerd-"

"Did you just call him cute?" Beatrice and Vanessa said at the same time. Isabel slammed a hand over her mouth in horror, realizing what she just said.

"Well, I mean, he was just a-"

"You can't call him cute!" Loren said. Everyone looked at her. "I mean, he's just a bug. Like an insect, you know? How is he cute, Isabel?"

"You're right. I don't know what I was thinking, calling him that," grumbled Isabel. Her mom looked at her with a smirk.

"Sounds like someone has a crush!" she teased the brunette teen.

"Mom!" Isabel flushed. She looked absolutely scandalised at the suggestion. "I absolutely do not have a crush on him. I really don't!"

"Okay, relax. We believe you," Vanessa said, rolling her eyes.

Isabel glared at her then looked at Loren, who was still frowning. "Is something wrong?" she asked the busty blonde beauty. The large breasted swimmer shook her head.

"Nah, I just realised I have to go home now. Grandma needs my help with dinner," she said. She then told Beatrice "Aunt B, I have to leave now but I'll be back tomorrow. That's okay, right?"

"Sure! You are like family, honey."

"Thanks, Aunt B." Loren then left.

Isabel told her mom "I'll help dad prepare dinner." She turned to Vanessa. "You just stay right here. The last time I let you use our kitchen, you nearly set it on fire." Vanessa pouted.

"Come on! That was ages ago!"

"Two months isn't ages ago," Isabel retorted. She went to the kitchen where Tyler was picking some ingredients. The girl smiled. She quickly offered to help her dad out and he said yes.

Cooking was something she enjoyed - it helped her unwind after a long day at school. The tall girl also loved helping her dad out, even though he didn't need it. He was good enough at cooking to prepare dinner by himself.

With her help, everything was soon ready. They brought the plates over to the table and Beatrice and Vanessa joined them, with Vanessa staying over later than usual, due to not having any homework that she needed to do. 

Once dinner was over, the maid washed the dishes and Isabel said "Wanna stay over tonight, Vanessa?" Vanessa thought about it for a moment before nodding and calling her parents to tell them that she won't be going home.


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