Eclipse goes in heat: CH4

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*Eclipse Pov*

Eclipse: *in the basement sleeping on the floor* Flare: *walks in* *and goes down the stairs* Hey eclipse! Good morning! Eclipse: *wakes up* oh come on.... why do I always have to get bothered by you?! I'm just trying to rot in peace! Flare: Your not staying forever silly.. Your going to stay in here until you fall in love with all of us except for coral! Now.... What should I do with you...? Eclipse: Leaving me alone is a good idea! Now... SECEDE!! Flare: Nope... I'm staying here with you.. *goes up to her again* I'm going to do the same thing again~ Eclipse: I hate you so much... Flare: You won't soon.. but I understand though... But I still need you though... Eclipse: Oh yeah and before you become all perverted all over me... I haven't ate anything in like hours... I'm starving! Feed me something! I'm the hungry! Flare: Ok ok... I'll go see what we have... *Leaves* Eclipse: *sighs* *tries to pull the iron straps off of her chest* *but starts to feel pain by doing so* ow... my breasts... how will I get this thing off... Aurora: *walks in* Hey! Are you trying to take the straps off of you?! You can't do that.. It's made of iron! Eclipse: But it's hurting my breasts!! I can't take it anymore! Can you at least just move the iron strap lower so that my breasts don't hurt anymore?! Aurora: Ugh fine you little whiner... *Goes up to her* Oh shoot! I need a drill! I'll be back! *Leaves for about 15 seconds.. and comes back with the drill* Ok so you need to hold still... Eclipse: ok whatever.. just hurry up...

About 1.5 minutes later... The problem was fixed...

Aurora: Woo wee... That was kinda hard to deal with... Now... Can I have a kiss?~ Eclipse: No... Only bolt can do that... Because she doesn't do what any of y'all do... Aurora: Well I helped you out with this problem... So I at least deserve a kiss... Please?! Eclipse: *already annoyed* Fine... But just make it quick-! *Aurora kisses her on the lips for 5 whole seconds* Aurora: Alright I'll see you later..~ *leaves* Eclipse: Why me... I just had to be picked... Please Jesus Christ.... Let me out of here... *Starts praying*


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: *sleeping in his room alone* *dreaming about that him and eclipse are at a park together* *wakes up on his own* oh man.... she still isn't here? This sucks bro.... *Gets a text message from someone* hm? *Grabs his phone and sees that he got a text message from Umbreon*

Umbreon: Yo! You still awake? I have to tell you something!

Crystal: What?

Umbreon: Me and Leafeon just gotten married!

Crystal: That's really cool! But I'm not really in the mood right now...

Umbreon: Why what happened?

Crystal: Eclipse went somewhere and hasn't returned for like 3 or 4 hours... It's like... 2 am! And I still haven't gotten a response from her yet...

Umbreon: Oh... Well hopefully she responds soon alright? You take care now! I'm going to bed... Good night! *Goes offline*

Crystal: yeah hopefully... I'm just really worried about her...


*Eclipse POV*

Eclipse: I'm so bored! Coral: *gets thrown into the basement while still in the cage* OWW!! Tatsumaki: Now I have some peace and quiet... *Slams the basement door* Coral: *in so much pain* ow... omgosh man.... *Her leg is broken* Eclipse: Are you okay? I'm genuinely worried about you Coral.. please tell me something! Coral: Calm down eclipse I'm fine... My leg is just broken.. Eclipse: Dang.. I'm sorry that happened to you... They are bullies aren't they.. Coral: Yeah... Eclipse: Oh yeah.. Uhm.. what's the temperature? It feels like Uhm... 90°F... Coral: No... It's like really cold in here... It's like.. 60°F in here... Eclipse: *starts to slowly blush dark pink* *starts to feel pain in her stomach because she has sensitive parts of her body* Oooh~..... why would I moan....? Coral: I don't know... *Looks at eclipse* Hmm.... Something isn't right about you.. you look... Heated.... Eclipse: Ay... Uhm... Coral... You look really thicc no cap... And a little hot~ Coral: *blushes* Excuse me?! Aren't you dating crystal?! I'm aroace for goodness sake! Eclipse: FREAK!! I'm sorry coral... I can't help myself because I'm in freaking heat! *Slaps herself in the face a few times* Coral: *sigh* It's fine eclipse... But how will we get you out of this heat of yours? Eclipse: I don't know... I guess we'll just have to wait until someone comes in... Aurora: *opens the door and walks in* Hey you two! Eclipse: Uh oh... *Hides her face and eyes* 'please don't ask about my face...' Aurora: *notices eclipse covering her face* Hm... Hey Eclipse? What you hiding your face? Eclipse: None of your business Aurora! Now leave me alone! Aurora: You know I'm way stronger than you! I can easily pull your arms away from your face! Petal: *walks in* Hey y'all! I'm just coming to visit see what everyone is doing.. *goes down stairs to see what Coral is doing* Hey corie~ Coral: What do you want? Petal: I just want to see how your doing like dang... *Walks over to eclipse* What's weakling doin? Aurora: Covering her face and won't let me see it so I can see what's wrong with her...


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: *sleeping* *starts to dream*

Crystal: *gets up* Huh? Where am I? Amity: Hey... Crystal: Hm? Who are you? Amity: that's not important.. what's important is that eclipse hasn't returned to you right? Crystal: H-how'd you know?! We're you stalking her?! Amity: No.. we have actually met before... But It didn't go so well... But still! She's hasn't returned! Right?! Crystal: Yeah... Apparently... Amity: Well every time you sleep... I'll give you one hint.. but they may not be useful.... And could help you find eclipse.. Ok... So... Here's a hint... A place you went to this morning... Ok so wake up!! Crystal: Huh?! *Disappears*

Crystal: *wakes up* Omgoodnes... Ok... So... I'll have to write these hints every time I get one... Ok... *Gets up from his bed and goes to write down the hint he got*


*Eclipse POV*

Eclipse: YOU WILL NOT SEE MY FACE!! Aurora: Let me see if you are okay!!!! Eclipse: NO!!!!!! *Says it in a mean and snappy way* *Uncovers her face* Aurora: *steps back* *gets really emotional* *starts to tear up* o-ok.... *Walks away* *starts softly crying* Petal: *Kinda afraid of eclipse* I guess I should leave too... Coral: *afraid of eclipse* *says nothing*


*Aurora POV*

Aurora: *Walks out of the basement while crying* That was really mean of her!! Tatsumaki: Are you okay? Why are you upset?! Aurora: Eclipse is mean!! She wouldn't let me see her face! But when she yelled at me.. she uncovered her face and I saw that she was heated and that her eyes had hearts... Tatsumaki: Why wouldn't she let you help her out of the heat? Aurora: I don't know... I'm just really sad right now... I'm just gonna go to my room... *Walks away* *walking in the hallway to try to find her room* *bumps into Flare* Flare: Hey! Watch where you're... going? Are you okay? What's the matter with you? Aurora: Eclipse is really mean.. And she seems to be in heat... But she yelled at me and now I'm upset... Flare: wait... You said she was in heat? Uhh... I'm out! *Runs off to the basement* Aurora: Ugh... It's not fair... Flare is way stronger than me...


*Flare POV*

Flare: *Walks into the basement* Hi eclipse~ Eclipse: *looks up at Flare* *blushes a little harder* why are you here... Flare: I heard that you were In heat! So I came to help you out! Eclipse: No you will not touch me... Flare: Oh you really think so? Do you know how strong I am?! I can literally pin you down and just get on top of you just like that! Eclipse: But you're still not going to- Flare: Bring me the drill Aurora.. *drill pops up in her hand* Hehehe~ *goes up to eclipse and starts drilling the bolts off*

Later.. she frees eclipse.. but not in a good way...

Eclipse: LET ME GO!! Flare: Nope.. *pins her onto the ground* Eclipse: *tries fighting back* *almost gets out of flare's grip but flare just grips onto her arm and pins her down* Flare: Naughty girl~ now I have to teach you a lesson~ *goes on top of her* *giggles in a sinister way* Eclipse: Get off of me!! I-i don't want your help... *Already starting to feel slight pain* *softly moans* ugh~ please just leave me alone.... Flare: No... This is way too fun~ Coral: *disgusted* Why Flare.. just Why?!

About 1 hour later...

Eclipse: *sleeping* Flare: hm... I'll just change the way she will be tied up.... *Goes to a wall and ties her up a different way* Ok that should be good... *Leaves* Tatsumaki: what happened in there?! I heard screaming! Flare: Had to deal with eclipse's heat... Tatsumaki: Oh ok...

2:30 am

Flare: *going to her room*


*Bolt pov*

Bolt: I heard screaming earlier... It was probably eclipse... I should go check on her... *Gets up from her bed* *goes to the basement to see coral and eclipse sleeping* Aw... Sweet dreams you two... *Leaves the basement*

TBC... 1576 words...

(Stolen Relationship by a Pack) Male Glaceon x Female Umbreon and ♀Flareon Where stories live. Discover now