Crystal finds out: CH7

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*Crystal POV*

Crystal: I keep on getting hints telling me that eclipse is in flare's house... But I don't believe it... Because I checked there like a lot of times... Flare has to be hiding something... I just know it... But I don't feel like getting up again... I'll find out soon...


*Eclipse POV*

Eclipse: I want to get out of here... But I can't anymore... I will get caught... At least I'm not handcuffed... I'll just walk around for a little... *Starts walking around* *steps on soft fabric* This must be the blanket that flare was talking about that day... But I don't want to touch that... It's way too dusty... *Walks forward for about 2 minutes and reaches a dead end* hm... seems like it's a dead end... I'll just go back.... *Goes back*

After some time..

Coral: How are you walking around? Eclipse: I'm able to... Because I got unhand cuffed... They didn't put my handcuffs on... Coral: Oh that's cool.... But I don't want to be in this cage anymore... Eclipse: Hold up... Let me see if I can open it... *Goes up to it and pulls a lever to open the cage* Your out of the cage now... Coral: finally... I can walk around now... I haven't used my legs in a while... *Gets out of the cage and starts to stand up* *starts walking around* *excited* *giggles excitedly* Thanks! Eclipse: Your welcome... So... What do you want to do? Coral: I still have my phone... I can try to contact crystal to come save us.... But I sadly don't have his number... So maybe you can memorize it! Eclipse: I actually don't remember... His number is only on my phone... Which I don't have... Aurora took it and put it away... Coral: Oh well... I guess that's just too bad... We'll have to just stay here... Eclipse: Yup.... Aurora: *walks in* Hey! What are y'all doing! Eclipse: Minding our own business... Coral: Yup... Aurora: Well whatever... Anyway... Eclipse I need you... Eclipse: No.... Aurora: W- Eclipse: And I don't care if you're stronger... I got coral with me... I let her out of the cage... *Has an idea* *signals cora to go hide* Coral: *goes to hide* Eclipse: And I don't know where she went... Aurora: Alright... You wanna play it that way? Then fine... *Comes down there* So your disregarding what I say? Ok then... You'll regret it... *Charges at eclipse* Eclipse: *dodges* Aurora: Huh?! *Runs into the wall* *gets angry* How dare you!!! *Runs into eclipse and pins her down onto the floor* Coral: *comes from behind and starts beating up Aurora* Eclipse: *joins in*

They all start fighting... But sadly... Aurora won... A few hours later.... After Aurora delt with eclipse... And petal delt with coral... Aurora decided to let eclipse out of the basement and put her in her room...

Aurora: Alrighty eclipse... Your going to be in my room from now on... Because I don't want you in that basement anymore... Flare: Aurora are you sure this is a good idea? Aurora: Oh it'll be fine... We won't get caught... I'll just put her in the basement.. when there's trouble.. like crystal coming over... Or the police... Eclipse: At least I have a bed to lay on... Aurora: Yeah... But go lay down... It's already midnight... Eclipse: whatever... *Goes to the bed* *and lays down and covers herself* Aurora: Sweet dreams! *Leaves the room*


*Coral POV*

Coral: Why do I have to be in petal's room? I hate petal! I don't like it here... Amity: *invisible* escape..... escape..... escape..... escape..... escape..... *Disappears* Coral: *kinda terrified* e-escape...? Petal: You can't escape. Coral: *gets possessed by Amity* Coral *Amity*: *starts walking out of the room* Petal: Hey! Where are you going?! Coral *Amity*: *starts walking through the living room to the front door* Tatsumaki: Where do you think you're going?! Coral *Amity*: *opens the front door and walks out* *walks for about 10 minutes and sits at a bench* Amity: *unposses Coral* Coral: *wakes up* H-Huh?! What happened?! Wait... Am I... Outside?! WOW!! I HAVEN'T SEEN THE OUTSIDE IN AWHILE!! it's dark though... I need to go find crystal's place and let him know that Eclipse is in the basement...


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: 'so many hints... and they aren't really helping me... I think it's time that I go find out if eclipse is really in flare's house..' *runs out of the house and goes to his car and drives to flare's place* Coral: *crystal speeds right next to her* Dang it! Ughh... I'll just go back... *Walks back*


*Tatsumaki POV*

Tatsumaki: Why would coral just walk out like that?! But something felt different about her... She was glowing light purple... And she didn't hear me talking to her... Flare: Now we are on the verge of getting caught by the police!! Why didn't you stop her?! Tatsumaki: I couldn't! She was too far away! And I don't even run that fast! So don't blame me! Flare: I'm sorry I'm sorry... I'm just really frustrated because we might get caught... Aurora: We aren't going to get caught! Just chill out! We still have eclipse... Flare: *calms down* ok... I guess your right... we might not get caught... and we still have eclipse... Tatsumaki: Agreed...


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: *still driving* this is going to take a long time... I just want to check one thing and that's it... 'hopefully eclipse is there... I don't want to have to do this for no reason...'


*Eclipse POV*

Eclipse: *sleeping* *wakes up in a dream* Amity: He's coming... Wake up!! Eclipse: *wakes up* Who's coming? Is it a stranger? Is it someone I know? Wait... What if it's crystal..! He could be coming to help me...! maybe not... it's probably just a friend of flare's... *Hears a phone ringing* Wait... What's that sound? It sounds like... My ringtone?!?! *Starts to follow the sound to lead to her phone in a drawer* It's my phone!! And Crystal is calling!! I just need to let him know... That I'm trapped here.... *Starts to cry softly* it will be a dream come true... *Answers the phone*

Crystal: Hello?


Crystal: Where are you?!

Eclipse: Flare kidnapped me and now I'm in Aurora's room.. I've been here... For... Months....

Crystal: Ok I'm coming over now!! I'll see you when I get there... *Hangs up*

Eclipse: *giggles excitedly* He's finally coming!! I'm so excited!!

A few hours later... Crystal knocks at the door...


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: Hello?! Open the door! Flare: *opens the door* Oh no... Uh... Can you wait out here- Crystal: *runs into the house all the way to Aurora's room* *sees eclipse* *runs up to her and hugs her in tears* Eclipse: *crying in happiness* finally.... *Kisses crystal* Crystal: *kisses back* I've missed you so much... I thought I'd never see you ever again... Flare: *walks up behind crystal and knocks him out in one punch on the head* Nighty night~ Eclipse: What is wrong with you?! Flare: *knocks her out* Put them both in the attic... I knew this would've happened... *Leaves*

TBC... 1205 words...

(Stolen Relationship by a Pack) Male Glaceon x Female Umbreon and ♀Flareon Where stories live. Discover now