Eclipse almost escapes... but gets caught by Flare: CH6

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*Eclipse POV*

February 5th..

Eclipse: I... Want to leave.... There's nothing better to do... But these handcuffs are keeping my arms together... *Tries to rip them both off of her arm but it doesn't work and it makes her hands in pain* *rages* AGH! I'M TIRED OF BEING IN THIS FREAKING BASEMENT!! *Starts sobbing* I hate my life... I just want to be with Crystal... But I can't... And I never will.... Because I'm going to be stuck in this basement... Flare: *opens the door* Hey. What are you whining about? Eclipse: None of your business.... Flare: Okay then shut up... your disturbing my nap time... Eclipse: Well that's not my fault... Your the one keeping me in this basement... Which is making me go crazy... Flare: Well that's also not my problem because you shouldn't have kissed him... And maybe I wouldn't have been keeping you in here.. Eclipse: But I love him! And he's probably really worried about me... Flare: Well I'm out... It's getting kinda late... So you should probably get some sleep now... *Goes up to eclipse and kisses her on the lips and leaves* Eclipse: HEY!! YOU BETTER NOT DO THAT AGAIN!! *Sighs* I guess I should get some sleep... I am pretty tired... Aurora: *walks in* Hey! One round before you and I go to bed... Alr- Eclipse: Nope... Aurora: Interrupting me?! I will not tolerate that kind of disrespect! And I can do whatever I want to you! Your handcuffed! And I'm not! Your weaker! I'm stronger! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!? Eclipse: Ok ok... Jeez... Just get it over with... Aurora: That's what I wanted to hear..

After all that they both went to bed... The next day...

Eclipse: I'm starving... HEY!! Bolt: *comes in* Yeah? Eclipse: I'm starving... I haven't eaten in awhile... Bolt: Dang... I'll get you something... Brb... *Leaves the basement* Flare: *walks in* Hey eclipse~ Wanna play 7 minutes in heaven with me?~ Eclipse: No! Hecks No!! That crap is weird! Flare: Eclipse... Eclipse: *forgot that she's stronger* Fine.... But before... Can you like untie me? And let me out of the basement at least? I can barely breathe in here... Aurora: No... Anyway... *Goes up to her and starts*


*Bolt POV*

Bolt: 'i still can't believe that eclipse is actually here... But I don't want her in the basement... It's like really cold in there... I kinda want her to go back to eclipse.. but before I let her go... I'm going to give her some kisses... I'll do her escape tonight to where nobody will know...' Aurora: Hello.. how are you doing? Bolt: *jumps in fear* AH!! Oh it's just you.. don't scare me like that... Aurora: Oh sorry... But I just wanted to see how your doing.. I'll leave you alone if you want me to... *Leaves* Bolt: *sigh* She's really annoying...


*Flare POV*

7 minutes later...

Flare: *gets off of Eclipse* Now that was fun~ Eclipse: Yeah for you... But not me.... Flare: Oh come on.. you were moaning like crazy! You had to like it! But anyway I'll see you later~ *leaves* Eclipse: *really tired* Flare: *sigh* It's really fun when I'm doing it to eclipse.. She's the weak one... Tatsumaki: *appears* So... How did it go? Flare: Oh it went well... Eclipse was moaning like crazy.. Tatsumaki: Wow... Well ok then.. I'm about to go take a nap.. cya.. *goes to her room* Flare: Hm.. well... What now...? I guess I'll go do something...


*Crystal POV*

Crystal: *wakes up* Amity: Back again? And you still haven't found her? Crystal: I know... I just don't really want to be getting up all the time... Amity: Yeah... I feel you... But that's your girlfriend is what we are talking about.. We can't be talking about anything else other than your girlfriend... So I got another hint for you... Flare's Place... She's somewhere in flare's place... Now... Wake up! Crystal: *wakes up from his nap* *sigh* how many times am I going to keep on going over there... I might not go over there again...

Later at the midnight...

Crystal: *laying in his bed* if only eclipse was here... Then I could have some company... But I think she will be here.... There's hope that she can come back... *Falls asleep after some time*


*Eclipse POV*

1:00 am

Eclipse: *about to fall asleep* Aurora: Eclipse! You know the drill! Eclipse: Yeah whatever... Just hurry up I'm about to fall asleep... Aurora: Alright..

After all of that... Eclipse fell asleep and so did everyone else.. except for coral...

Coral: When will I be able to leave... I'm tired of being in this cage... But I'll be out soon... I just have to be patient... *Looks at eclipse* we will be out of here soon... *Falls asleep after some time*
Bolt: *runs into the basement* It's time to let her out.... *Goes up to her* I stole the key from Aurora's room... *Grabs her arms and unlocks the handcuffs* *shakes eclipse softly* Eclipse: *wakes up* h-huh....? what are you doing here....? Bolt: I'm setting you free! We need to hurry up though.... Eclipse: *doesn't feel the handcuffs on her wrist* Wait! How did you do that?! *Sees the key in bolt's hand* let me get out of here! Bolt: But before that happens... Can I have a kiss please? Because I saved you... Eclipse: Fine... *Kisses her* Bolt: *giggles excitedly* Ok come on... Let's go now... *Grabs her hand and leaves the basement with her to only see...* Flare: What do you think you two are going? Bolt: Uhh. I uhh.... Flare: This is unacceptable... I will be notifying Petal about this bolt... And eclipse... You will be taught a valuable lesson~ Eclipse: *Flare grabs her arm* LET GO!! THIS WAS MY ONLY CHANCE!! I HATE YOU! I HATE PETAL! I HATE TATSUMAKI! *rages and goes berserk* AHHHH!! Tatsumaki: *wakes up and picks up eclipse with her psychic* *throws her into the basement* Eclipse: *collides with the wall really hard and goes unconscious* Flare: That's what you get... Now... Time to call petal... PETAL!! Petal: What do you want..? Flare: Bolt tried to set eclipse free... Petal: I heard enough... I'll be taking her... *Grabs bolts arm drags her* Bolt: LET GO NOW!!

A few hours later...

Eclipse: *sobbing* I was so close.... I almost made it.... But I've been caught.... Now I will never get to leave... I hate my life.... I just want to commit suicide... And just end it all... But I can't do that... Not without upsetting crystal... He loves me a lot... And I love him too.... So that wouldn't be the best idea...

TBC.... 1115 words....

(Stolen Relationship by a Pack) Male Glaceon x Female Umbreon and ♀Flareon Where stories live. Discover now