Chapter -3

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Entering the college, the several eyes followed me , as always

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Entering the college, the several eyes followed me , as always.I hated girls glaring at me like they will eat me.

But who gonna tell them that I am really loyal to my music.

But who gonna tell them that I am really loyal to my music

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(Shivay's Outfit)

I know I am so good.I run my hands through my hair just to realise many girls sighing.

"Hey shiv, Finally you are here",I heard someone from my back.

I looked behind and saw Kiara coming towards me ,tapping her heels.

She was a good friend of my friends but for me we are classmates.That's it.It would be fine if you call her 'Makeup ki dukaan '.She put in a ton of makeup but I don't have an issue with that but still you are just going to college not to a party.

I pretended to think about something.

"Kiara!I need to go.Something urgent came up in my mind",I gave an excuse.

I held my backpack and ran from there.

After confirming she wasn't behind me I took a sigh .I looked at my watch and there was still 20 minutes for the classes to start.

I took out my phone from my pocket and called Akshat.

"Akshu!Where are you?I am bored.",I complained.

"It's not my problem that you arrived so early.I am coming in 10 minutes ",He said.

Before I could reply that bish cut the call.I looked at my phone for few seconds and kept it back in my pocket.I pouted and started wandering around.

But I stopped when I saw Nandini reading in the library.Maybe I should annoy her indirectly.

I walked inside the library and felt everyone looking at me.

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