Chapter -20

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I came back to my home and decided to take rest

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I came back to my home and decided to take rest.I locked myself inside my room.I didn't want to be with anyone right now.I looked at my desk that had a photo of me and Nandini together.My mom took that photo during her award ceremony.

A smile passed when I remembered how unexpected her outfit was that day.

The next day,the results were displayed on the college main board.I was sitting in the music room and teaching some juniors.

Akshat came running.He yelled,"Shiv!Woh-"

We all looked at him.I said,"What happened?"

"Shiv you topped",he yelled.

I had no expression on my face.Akshat sat on my feet and said "Prabhu apne sharan mein lelo mujhe bhi,bina pardhe kaise top kare,uska gyaan dedo humko",

[God!make me your disciple and teach me how to top without studying]

"Shut up and get up",I yelled looking at students who were laughing.He made a face and stood up.

"I came in top 10 after studying for damn half year and you topped after studying 3 days continuously.Bhai grt",he appreciated me.

I took a sigh,"What about Nandini and Vikram?"

"They both are busy preparing for the competition as far as I know.",Akshat replied.

I looked at the students and announced,
" I will take my leave for now."

I walked out with Akshat and saw Vansh playing a game with a junior.He jumped when he won.

"Hello Mr.Shivay",he waved at me.

I smiled and said "How's your result?",I asked.

"Good",he replied.

I then looked at Nandini who was coming with a bag.I asked,"What are you doing?"

"Preparing for your funeral",she replied and went.I made a face.Her mood changes faster than a chameleon changing it's colour.

"Amu!",Vansh yelled when he saw Vikram and Amisha coming together.She came running and hugged Vansh

"I missed you Vanshi.You just disappeared",she complained.

He smiled and replied,"Well due to exam I isolated myself"

I stared at Vikram who was standing there and listening to us.Akshat asked,"What are you doing with him?",he pointed at Vikram.

Amisha looked behind her and than at him,"None of your business."

"I have some work.I will go",she said and went along with Vikram.

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