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A big chapter so bear with it ✌️✨

I stepped inside the room and was shocked to see Nandini

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I stepped inside the room and was shocked to see Nandini.She was lying on the floor crouching herself.I ran towards her.

"Nandini! What happened?",I asked being panicked.

She cried out in pain.

"M My stomach is aching ",she said being in pain.I could see that she's trying hard to control her tears.

I picked her up in my arms and made her sleep comfortably in the bed.She was sweating.I switched on the airconditioner and said

"You should eat something."

She refused saying,"I am not hungry"

I called the reception and order them to bring oat meal along with dark chocolate.I looked at Nandini who was in pain.

"Turn around",I commanded

She looked at me.

"Do as I say",I said .

She turned around.When I was in tenth, Aavya got her cramp.At that time I learned some massages to relieve her pain but I wasn't able to help her after something happened between us.I took a deep breath.

I came out of my thoughts and started massaging her waist slowly.I gradually moved towards the spin area and started massaging her gently.I even massaged her near her ankle then heard the door bell ring.I opened the door and saw the waiter standing with a tray .I took the tray from him and went inside.I kept the it on the table.

"Nandini,Wake up and have some food",I said.

"I don't want to have",she cried out.

I pulled her and made her sit.She made a face looking.

"I don't want to eat",she cried out again throwing the pillow at me.I stared her and catch the pillow.I walked towards the table and picked up the bowl of oatmeal and bar of dark chocolate.She stared at the chocolate.

"I hate dark chocolate",she said.

I glared at her and said,"Eat it whenever you want.Atleast have the oatmeal "

She made a face while staring the bowl.It looked like it was his biggest enemy.I took a spoonful of it and did it infront of her face.She looked at me and then at the food.

"Well you surely need a servant to feed you.Here I am at your service miss.This service is free so don't miss this chance ",I said smiling

Her big eyes widened and she snatched the bowl from me.She started eating her food while making different faces.After finishing it.I placed a pillow behind her and helped her lean over it comfortably.

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