Charecter Sketch 3

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 Baljits friends grandson

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. Baljits friends grandson.

. Husband of Disha.

. Father of Sunny, Aryan and Mahi.

. Uncle and adoptive Father of Abhay.

. Father in law of Mohini

. An Automobile industrialist.

. Owner of PK automotives.

. Loves his wife, son nephew and daughter very much.

. Hates the MS family for ruining Pragya di's life.

. Wants to punish them severely.

. Misses Abhigya.

. Wants to avenge Sunny and Kiara's death.


 Wife of Purab

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. Wife of Purab.

. Mother of Sunny, Aryan and Mahi.

. Aunt and adoptive mother of Abhay.

. Mother in law of Mohini.

. A well known doctor.

. Owner of PD Hospital.

. Hate's the MS family for what they did with her Pragya di.

. Misses Abhigya

. Wants to avenge Sunny and Kiara's death.


 Nephew and adopted son of Purab and Disha

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. Nephew and adopted son of Purab and Disha.

. Cousin brother of Aryan, Sunny and Mahi.

. Husband of Mohini.

. A Businessman.

. All kind of Business tycoon.

. Love's his family and his wife and siblings.

. Hate's the MS for what they did with his Pragya maasi.

. Misses his Maasi and Chachu.

. Misses his munchkins.

. Wants to avenge Sunny and Kiara's death.


 Daughter of Abhigya

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. Daughter of Abhigya

. Wife of Abhay Khanna.

. Daughter in law of Purab and Disha.

. Famous super model for Saree's and Lahenga's fasion in Udaipur and a renowned lawyer.

. Love's her family very much.

. Hate's the MS for ruining her mumma's life.

. Misses her Mumma, Papa and her munchkins.

. Fierce, Ruthless, Cold hearted and Angry woman.

. Wants to punish the MS family for what they did with her mumma.

. Wants to Avenge Kiara and Sunny's death.

. She is kind and loving only to her family and good guy's

. She also gives whiplash beating to the bad guy's for doing a crime


 Son of Disha and Purab

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. Son of Disha and Purab.

. Loves his family very much.

. Also doesn't like girl's drool over him.

. Wants to marry a girl of his own choice.

. Wants to be a businessman just like his bhai and dad.

. Studying in MMIS college.

. Hates the MS for their attitude.


 Daughter of Disha and Purab

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. Daughter of Disha and Purab.

. Sister of Sunny and Aryan

. Loves her family very much.

. Fathers princess.

. Studying in MMIS college.

. Hates the MS.

Other members of the Khanna family will be introduced in the story.

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