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 Owner of Abhigya Enterprise

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. Owner of Abhigya Enterprise.

. Owner of VA industries with Vikram as a Partner.

. Sushma and Raghavendra's surrogate son.

. Pragya's husband.

. Mohini, Kiara, Prachi and Rhea's father.

. Manik, Vihaan and Dev's adoptive father.

. Sahana's uncle figure and adoptive father.

. Loves his wife Pragya.

. Loved Rhea the most.

. Treats his children equally.

. Severed all ties with his family and considers them as his enemies.

. Also wants Rhea to severe all ties with the MS.

. Has severe hatred for the MS family.

. Hates the MS family.


 Sister of Abhi

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. Sister of Abhi.

. Hardiks wife.

. As evil as in the show.

. Always after Abhi's property.

. Murdered Sunny as a revenge on Purab for breaking her heart.

. Loves Rhea the most.

. Spoilt Rhea a lot.

. Always protects her from getting scolded.

. Supports Rhea in good and bad thing both.

. Hates the KKLA for always condemning her and her family.

. Hates Pragya wants to separate her from Abhi.



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