Episode 4

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The boys quickly reached home. After sometimes the boys, just then A young looking woman she was Preeta.

 After sometimes the boys, just then A young looking woman she was Preeta

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Preeta: "You three arrived?"

Three of them: "Yes Maasi".

Manik: "Maasi, where is mummy and papa?".

Preeta: "They went to Haryana and took Prachi and Sahana also with them"

Vihaan: "Oh"

Vihaan: "Wait, what? Maasi how can they left for Harayana without us".

Preeta: "Arre they didn't go for a trip, they took Prachi and Sahana to the doctor".

Manik: "Oh".

Preeta: "After your sisters check up is done, getting vaccination and medicines they will return very soon".

Preeta: "You boys go and get fresh".

Vihaan/Dev/Manik: "OK".

After sometimes the feared that the teacher's will enter and punish them.

Just then the door bell 🔔 rings.

Dev opened the door 🚪 but when he saw the persons he was frightened.

Manik: "Dev who came?"

When Manik also saw the intruders he was  frightened too.

Vihaan: "Who is it?"

When Vihaan also saw the persons he was also frightened.

They were the angry teachers along with the principal.

Manik(stammering): "Sssss, ssss sir y y you".

The class teacher: "Yes it's us".

Vihaan: "Sir we're"

Before he could complete.

One of the other teacher's: "Shut up, you polluted the self respect of our school".

Dev: "But how".

One of the other teacher's: "How what you ran away from the school and asking how?"

Principal: "Manik, Vihaan and Dev, how dare you run away from the school, you know  very well that running away from the school  is against schools rules thats it we are suspending you three kids for one month for running away from the school".

Manik, Vihaan and Dev: "Sorry sir".

Class teacher: "No sorry".

Principal: "I need to talk to your parents call them"

Manik: "There are not in home".

The angry teacher: "Stop making excuses".

The principal asked the teacher to keep quiet.

Principal: "Are you sure that they are not in home".

Vihaan: "Yes Infact, the house is empty".

Principal: "Where are your parents and the other members of the family.

Dev: "Our parents were out of town, the others went for some work".

Vihaan: "The others went out, they will come late".

Principal: "OK"

Just then Preeta was coming to check whether they  went for bath or not.

Preeta: "Manik, Vihaan, Dev".

The teachers along with the principal heard her voice.

Class teacher: "Telling lies eh".

The 3 kids had nothing to say.

Manik(in mind): "Oh no we are gone".

Manik(stammering): "Sssss sir"

The angry teacher: " Shut your mouth Call your parents right now".

Manik: "Sir you can complain to are other guardians tomorrow".

Just Preeta came and greeted them.

Preeta: "Good afternoon sir".

The principal: "Good afternoon Mrs Luthra you came in right time".

Preeta: "What do you want to say sir".

The principal: "We have a complaint about your nephew's mrs Luthra"

Preeta: "Complaint?"

Class teacher: "Yes Mrs Luthra".

The boys secretly went away.

Preeta: "What they have done sir?"

The principal: "Your nephew's ran away from the school"

Preeta(shouts in shock): "What?"

The Principal: "Yes Mrs Luthra your nephew's ran away".

The angry teacher: "Mrs Luthra they everytime make a false promise so that we don't complain".

Class teacher: "We are suspending them".

Preeta felt extrmely embarrassed in front of the teacher when she heard  her nephew's deeds.

Preeta: "Iam extremely sorry on their behalf"

After sometimes the teacher's left and Preeta was a hell angry.

That's for now comment your opinions After reading. For now on Thank you.

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