Episode 5

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Preeta  was hell angry 😠 😡.

Just then A man enters.

He was Karan.

Karan: "What happened Preeta why are you so angry".

Preeta: "Our nephews were the reason for my anger".

Karan: "What have they done".

Preeta narrated the incident.

Karan was shocked, he calls Manik, Vihaan and Dev.


They came.

Manik: "Yes Chachu".

Karan: "Your Maasi is saying that you Three had ran away from the school".

Manik: "Yes Chachu".

Karan: "Why".

Vihaan/Dev: "We have been tired of listening to lectures".

Preeta: "So you will run away from the school?"

Manik: "Those teacher's are shit".

Karan: "How dare you call your teacher's call your teacher's a shit?"

Karan: "Thats it You 3 are grounded for one week".

That's it for Now please comment your opinions about the punishment.

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