Episode 2

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Srishti was scolding the three boy's for sleeping all the time.

Srishti (angrily): "Now get up from the bed".

Srishti was strict to them since childhood she never tolerated any mischief but loved them very much. She scolded them when they do any mischief.

During childhood the three boy's were fond of their mischiefs they loved playing pranks on other's. The family members especially Abhigya were extremely fed up with their mischievous antics, During that time srishti hasn't married Samir, she was an item dancer.

They need someone to discipline them.

That Samirs wedding with Srishti is fixed.

Despite knowing that Srishti has become an item number the Luthras plan to get Samir married to Shrishti.

On the otherhand.

LA families were fed with the Three boy's and their daily mischief.

They need someone who will make them discipline.

A saint told them that a nachaniya(item dancer) will make them discipline.

The family couldn't find an item dancer,

They finally wanted Srishti to discipline them.

Rakhi wants Srishti to get successful in proving that Srishti will able to be the daughter in law of Luthra family by disciplining the three boy's.

Srishti agreed.

20 year's ago

3 boy's at their school were talking these 3 boys were Manik, Vihaan and Devs younger selves.

Dev: "Bhai Iam fed up with lectures yaar

Vihaan: "Me to".

Manik: "Hmm".

Manik: "What shall we do now?"

Dev: "Let's ran away from the school".

Vihaan: "Yeah, no one will know that we ran away".

Manik: "We must secretly pack our bags".

Vihaan/Dev: "OK"

They packed their bags in no time and without anyone in the noticing.

They packed their bags in no time and without anyone in the noticing

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Maniks Bag

Vihaans bag

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Vihaans bag

Vihaans bag

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Devs bag

Manik: "Is everything packed?"

Vihaan: "Yes".

Dev: "Yes".

They secretly trying leave the school.

That's it for today thank you very much comment and vote it after reading.

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