Chapter 3

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The next day as Jungkook accompanied his mom to the shopping center, they ventured from store to store, exploring various items on their list, laden with shopping bags

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The next day as Jungkook accompanied his mom to the shopping center, they ventured from store to store, exploring various items on their list, laden with shopping bags. The day took an unexpected turn when his mom's eyes lit up upon seeing a newly opened beauty parlour. Jungkook's mom decided to treat herself to a visit to the parlour.

Mrs. Jeon: "Jungkook, dear, I've been wanting to check out this new parlour. I just need a quick haircut. Would you mind holding onto these bags for a moment?"

Jungkook, already juggling multiple bags, chuckled.

Jungkook: "Sure thing, Mom. I've got this."

Mrs. Jeon: "Listen, then you go home and get dinner ready, I'll be right back."

As Mrs. Jeon headed into the parlour, Jungkook found himself surrounded by an array of bags. Passersby couldn't help but smile at the sight of Jungkook, a diligent son taking on the role of a temporary shopping assistant.

Jungkook (muttering to himself): "Looks like I'm on bag duty now. At least it's a good workout."

He patiently waited for his mom, occasionally shifting the bags to find a more comfortable position. Little did he know that this shopping excursion would be filled with moments.

In the tranquil ambiance of the flower shop, Jungkook immersed himself in the vibrant colors and fragrances. Lost in the beauty around him, he failed to notice a man swiftly passing by. The collision sent all of Jungkook's bags scattering, and he stumbled, falling to the ground with a hiss of pain.

Jungkook (grunting): "Ouch! Watch where you're going!"

The man, realizing the mishap, hurriedly bent down to help Jungkook gather his belongings.

Man: "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Are you okay?"

Jungkook, still rubbing his side where he had landed, winced.

Jungkook: "Yeah, just a bit shaken. It's alright, accidents happen."

As they gathered the fallen items, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the man's genuine concern.

Man: "I really didn't mean to. Let me help you with those bags."

Jungkook, appreciating the apology, managed a smile.

Jungkook: "No harm done. Thanks for helping out. Just got lost in the flowers, I guess."

As Jungkook and the man exchanged apologies and gathered the scattered bags, a sense of familiarity struck Jungkook. There was something about the man's features that triggered a memory.

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